You might have Asperger's...


Active Member
How do you differentiate between those that can cope and those that can't? Or those than can over come and those that can't?

I've had people who are depressed tell me the same thing. I just don't "get it". I can't possibly understand how they feel. How the hell does anyone else know what I am feeling? Or how hard it is for me to navigate life?
Well, the person I'm living with I've been with for almost 6 years now-- he still suggests that I "calm down" when I'm having an episode. I think by now he should know to leave me alone, or simply ask me if he doesn't know where to put something. (I have an OCD with cleaning/where things have to be, on top of bipolar disorder)

Or friends that you've known for a while that you've sat down and tried to explain your condition to. Like, I've had friends get mad at me for having to pass at a concert or something when they know I can't be around that many people. They suggest things like, "oh, just stick by me and you'll be fine!" And get mad when you decline still.

i guess it's not much or complete strangers rather than people who know you, that's what gets frustrating. But I can see what you mean, you can't read anyone's mind and vice versa ^^


Pickle Queen
That's not true. With writing, I can have more time to think, and not have the distraction of trying and failing badly at filtering what's not needed. Most think like Silas and we do what we do because we are a real life Buck.Then we get on the defensive after seeing posts like Silas'es.
Ignore angry people they only want to spread their misery :) he needs to watch the movie Adam. And spend time getting to know someone with aspergers...I did :)
It seems most are super smart creative people who lack the ability to properly read body language..and sometime find it hard to understand casual banter that includes innuendos or word play.....then u have people like our resident bear who is a semantic genius...seems conditions affect people differently.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Well, the person I'm living with I've been with for almost 6 years now-- he still suggests that I "calm down" when I'm having an episode. I think by now he should know to leave me alone, or simply ask me if he doesn't know where to put something. (I have an OCD with cleaning/where things have to be, on top of bipolar disorder)

Or friends that you've known for a while that you've sat down and tried to explain your condition to. Like, I've had friends get mad at me for having to pass at a concert or something when they know I can't be around that many people. They suggest things like, "oh, just stick by me and you'll be fine!" And get mad when you decline still.

i guess it's not much or complete strangers rather than people who know you, that's what gets frustrating. But I can see what you mean, you can't read anyone's mind and vice versa ^^
Yes but people tend to exaggerate their own feelings and conditions to the extreme. I have known plenty of people that have self diagnosed aspergers and tell me I just don't "get it". Bitch please, we are all socially awkward. I have known plenty of people that are depressed too, and tell me that I just don't "get it". Bitch please, everyone gets depressed, some of us just man up and deal with it because sulking around and feeling sorry for myself isn't a legitimate option.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever see autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire's 18 foot drawing of NYC done from memory of a 20 minute helicpoter ride?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Ignore angry people they only want to spread their misery :) he needs to watch the movie Adam. And spend time getting to know someone with aspergers...I did :)
It seems most are super smart creative people who lack the ability to properly read body language..and sometime find it hard to understand casual banter that includes innuendos or word play.....then u have people like our resident bear who is a semantic genius...seems conditions affect people differently.
I'm good at logic and like to talk about many subjects by examing their motives. Then determine if it makes sense with logic rather than only emotion. I even have a hard time but most won't try. So how can they attempt to know that other?


Well-Known Member
I thought this was funny but in no way shape or form was I making fun of anyone who has the condition. Poking some fun at the condition itself because of the way it sounds. If I really got under the skin of anyone on this forum who actually has aspergers I sincerely apologize. If I offended anyone who just gets offended to be offended than you can fuck right off! lol

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I thought this was funny but in no way shape or form was I making fun of anyone who has the condition. Poking some fun at the condition itself because of the way it sounds. If I really got under the skin of anyone on this forum who actually has aspergers I sincerely apologize. If I offended anyone who just gets offended to be offended than you can fuck right off! lol
I just wish the condition had a better name and wasn't discovered by a Nazi. Also, "autism level 99 social experience 2" or however the new classification they now want to use. I'm not some World of Warcraft character. Also it doesn't help people think of Dustin Hoffman with autism. Besides, the character he played they now know never had autism.


Well-Known Member
I just wish the condition had a better name and wasn't discovered by a Nazi. Also, "autism level 99 social experience 2" or however the new classification they now want to use. I'm not some World of Warcraft character. Also it doesn't help people think of Dustin Hoffman with autism. Besides, the character he played they now know never had autism.
Hey CS, I'm going to drop a box of toothpicks on the tell me how many there are.bongsmilie

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Hey CS, I'm going to drop a box of toothpicks on the tell me how many there are.bongsmilie
Learning to count is a basic skill that all people should learn regardless of aspergers. Is the number on the box too big for you to count to?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You need to work on your reading comprehension skills too. I understand it and my point is that other peoples arrogance makes them think I don't understand it.

Rastafari InI

Active Member
Lots of anime looks like a pedophiles choice in movie watching. Once you get to a certain age as a man you gotta let that genre go.
Dude I gotta disagree here I think normal people of all ages watch anime, what your saying IMO is like not eating your favourite food because you've 'got a certain age as a man'. If you don't like Some foods you don't eat them anime isnt for everyone.

I think culture has a lot to do with it. I lived in England all but 2 years of my life and every English person I know has the same view if not much more extreme, and not any English person I know thinks anime is cool.

I really enjoy very well thought out and clever TV shows aswel as suspenseful tv shows any theres some ridulously smart and entertaining anime I don't see how anyone wouldn't enjoy anime, ( if it's a genre you like though ). If there is a good show it's a good show regardless of the style wether its real people or it's animated. One of my favourite shows is death note(anime) I have never watched a show that is as clever and it's insanely suspenseful I think which Is quite rare with very smart/clever shows.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Rastafari, I got the anime for the OP from a language pathologist, "asperger students need a sensory safe zone which I have found like anime and 'monga' calms them."


Well-Known Member
Hmm.... I've wondered if maybe I have Aspergers... but when I told my friend that she burst into laughter. Lol I don't know... maybe I do, maybe I don't... but sometimes I truly wonder why I say or think the things that I do. I do have bad ADD... used to have ADHD but I think the weed has leveled me out haha.

But, FWIW, I absolutely hate any and all anime with a fiery passion (always have, it really grinds my gears lol) and I don't think that has anything to do with aspergers...