1st cfl attempt, how's it looking? 1st day of flower


Eight 26W/1600L/6500K bulbs used for 69 days of veg. Used and will keep using promix BX soil, fed with espoma plant tone, and watered regularly with tap water. Never have tested pH and haven't been hurt from it yet I don't believe, I don't have town water though, so that might help.

Switching to ten, and eventually more, 26W/1650L/2700K bulbs. Started today, switching them over to 5 gal buckets as I found out their sex. Will be using calmag, anything else I should feed with? Have been and will be using mylar blankets and solar reflective panels to increase effectiveness of lights as much as I can. I know not to expect outdoor, or even an okay CFL yield, but i'm doing the best I can. I can't do anything too expensive, but any tips on what else I should do to help my ladies progress along? This is all for personal use, so i'm more concerned with quality than quantity but both are welcomed :dunce: thanks for any help, suggestions, constructive criticism, etc. The lights are adjusted daily also, i try to position them the best I can to cover the most area they can without being stretched thin and stripped of any use at all. I know they have to be very close, and I do the best i can! I'm honestly surprised they've gotten so big, they are all around a foot tall but the branching is absolutely ridiculous for their size, i'm excited to see the outcome of these little bushes. oh, and the strains are white widow, two unknown pure sativas, and 2 bob ross. The white widow is probably the most distinctive, and i didn't really post a good pic of the indicas, but the tops on the white widows are looking nice I think. The sativas are tall and kinda lanky but strong.:bigjoint:thanks again and have a nice day!



Well-Known Member
Dude, calmag is easily replaceable with epsom salt.... Save the money for more lights. Also, they look deficient of some kind. Can't put my finger on it. the clawing...


Dude, calmag is easily replaceable with epsom salt.... Save the money for more lights. Also, they look deficient of some kind. Can't put my finger on it. the clawing...
I think they might have a bit of a nitrogen deficiency, i overwatered&overfed and had a problem with mold so i haven't been able to feed for about two and a half weeks. I already had calmag anyway so may as well use it! And i already have more lights, i'm just waiting because i'm going to be reorganizing the entire setup after i switch to bigger buckets.

seth gibson

New Member
How many plants you got in there? Looks like more than 5. Some don't look 68 days old. I am on my first cfl grow and now must face cutting my smallest plant out to save the rest or you might as well read the new post from yesterday about more light. At 21 days into flower your set up will support 4 plants and all your leafs and i am under the impression even than you can expect minimal results. Truthfully at 5 gallon containers maybe you should go down to 2 plants. I say this cause my set up isn't too different than yours and i'm at 21 days but using gallon containers. My thought on small containers is small plants that i can control getting light on the bud equaling quality over quantity. As a complete noob i say kull your heard now or stay in small containers. I think I'm talking too myself frank cause i need to throw a plant out but am too much of a nerd to do it. However if this is trully just for personal and you smoke somewhat sparringly a small container helps with control. You can laugh or call it a waist of time but this picture is my two cfls auto's in 32 oz cups. Yes i know waist of electricity but the quality looks like it's gonna be there plus i didn't kill them which i thought would happen. I hope for an eighth and quarter from the two plants while i wait on the four regular flowering plants in gallon containers. Small but manageable.
I also think you should get some kind of bloom fertilizer.22 038.jpg22 038.jpg Good luck.


How many plants you got in there? Looks like more than 5. Some don't look 68 days old. I am on my first cfl grow and now must face cutting my smallest plant out to save the rest or you might as well read the new post from yesterday about more light. At 21 days into flower your set up will support 4 plants and all your leafs and i am under the impression even than you can expect minimal results. Truthfully at 5 gallon containers maybe you should go down to 2 plants. I say this cause my set up isn't too different than yours and i'm at 21 days but using gallon containers. My thought on small containers is small plants that i can control getting light on the bud equaling quality over quantity. As a complete noob i say kull your heard now or stay in small containers. I think I'm talking too myself frank cause i need to throw a plant out but am too much of a nerd to do it. However if this is trully just for personal and you smoke somewhat sparringly a small container helps with control. You can laugh or call it a waist of time but this picture is my two cfls auto's in 32 oz cups. Yes i know waist of electricity but the quality looks like it's gonna be there plus i didn't kill them which i thought would happen. I hope for an eighth and quarter from the two plants while i wait on the four regular flowering plants in gallon containers. Small but manageable.
I also think you should get some kind of bloom fertilizer.View attachment 2966698View attachment 2966698 Good luck.
I have nine plants going right now but will be taking out at least 3 within the next week. I know I can't grow that many and have no need to, i'd like to get maybe 5 or 6 ounces idealy, i would just like some bud that actually address my pain and other problems, and not give me headaches and make me feel like poo. Quality nug is like, 70-80$ and 1/8th here and that's bonkers. Since i'm using CFL's, i'm going to take my six ladies and split them into to groups and grow them separately. For each 3 plants i'd like to start with 8-10 lights and add from there, this would give me a much better yield&quality than trying to stretch the light of cfl's over 9 plants like that(assuming nothing else goes wrong). And your nugs look good man, i'd like to do that with some clones, switch them straight to flower and grow some nice, small quality plants. thanks for the well wishes and same to you!


They've gotten a lot bigger (bushier, damn) than I expected too, so i'm trying to work with that as well as I can. I don't wanna assume too much or really worry about yield, but some of the plants have 4-8 nice big branches that could definitely support a quarter and then some if I do proper pruning. I'm just worried i'm not going to be able to do them justice with cfl's :(

seth gibson

New Member
I too am starting to wish I had gone with something like this. http://www.vminnovations.com/Product_46498/Mini-Sun-Light-C-A-P-Valuline-SLHPS150-150W-HPS-Complete-Grow-Light-System-w-Lamp.html

Now tell me you haven’t already spent that much on your CFL’s or are about to. I saw that on this sight posted by a member a couple of days ago and have been staring at it ever since once a day. I think this system could do wonders for us.

Warning still doing first grow: You might want to consider tying some of your plants down. This opens them up to light and pushes lower flowers up to create more even canopy and supposedly helps with air flow. If you have not topped your plants just tie the top down. Don’t use fishing string as it will cut them as they grow. All you need is string and tape and you get to play with your plants. Yea!

The main benefit is that you can lower your lights to more of your flowers and again play with your plants.
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I too am starting to wish I had gone with something like this. http://www.vminnovations.com/Product_46498/Mini-Sun-Light-C-A-P-Valuline-SLHPS150-150W-HPS-Complete-Grow-Light-System-w-Lamp.html

Now tell me you haven’t already spent that much on your CFL’s or are about to. I saw that on this sight posted by a member a couple of days ago and have been staring at it ever since once a day. I think this system could do wonders for us.

Warning still doing first grow: You might want to consider tying some of your plants down. This opens them up to light and pushes lower flowers up to create more even canopy and supposedly helps with air flow. If you have not topped your plants just tie the top down. Don’t use fishing string as it will cut them as they grow. All you need is string and tape and you get to play with your plants. Yea!

The main benefit is that you can lower your lights to more of your flowers and again play with your plants.
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i've trained them to the max don't worry, i wanted them to be under 15 inches and bushy and i definitely got that. Any its about 14$ for 12, that isn't that expensive is it? All of them but one has been topped at least once and about 4 are tied down


Well-Known Member
Yours are looking good so far, but they wouldn't complain if you added more light.
Here's a link to my first CFL attempt last Winter.
It turned out good IMO, FIM'ed once, lots of LST, and 30 days veg gave me 2 3/4 oz. cured for 100 bucks worth of CFL's, 2/3 of which added just the last month or so of flowering.

I'm doing 5 plants under the same CFL's this Winter, but all but one are 12/12 from seed, and none have been LST'ed.

I didn't start a thread for my current plants, but here's a link for some pics from last week, post # 19145.


Yours are looking good so far, but they wouldn't complain if you added more light.
Here's a link to my first CFL attempt last Winter.
It turned out good IMO, FIM'ed once, lots of LST, and 30 days veg gave me 2 3/4 oz. cured for 100 bucks worth of CFL's, 2/3 of which added just the last month or so of flowering.

I'm doing 5 plants under the same CFL's this Winter, but all but one are 12/12 from seed, and none have been LST'ed.

I didn't start a thread for my current plants, but here's a link for some pics from last week, post # 19145.
looks beautiful man! i hope i can get so lucky with cfl's, what do you think i should expect when it comes to their increase in size when switched to flower from your experience?