Another State Of The Union, Who Will Obama Blame?

I'm not a prohibitionist. You distort my position. And still remain a failure in life

Uh, you advovate ILLEGAL TO SELL.

Derp Derp Derp that would be the government prohibiting the sale of, derp derp derp.

noun: prohibition; noun:

1. the action of forbidding something, esp. by law.

Go check the paint on your house before you get told by the gubermint to fix your shit again.
He's in his 5th year now canndo, where are they?

aren't you the guy who thinks the cause of unemployment is extended unemployment insurance? So it isn't Obama but congress, and extensions are over, the jobs should be along any time now.
Forcefully redistributing labor does not create a "good" in the total sense. By looking only at the result, rather than the METHOD and the result you blur the real view.

For instance slaves picking cotton, created a "good" if you were the one that benefitted from their labor, yet if you were the one being forced you may have had a different perspective. Any program that relies on force as a cornerstone does not create "good" as the force cannot be overlooked or rationalized away.

Damn near every law in every country relies on force.
Schuylarr, the Lilly Ledbetter Act has noting to do with women making less than men, absolutely nothing.

Jeeze, I guess Obama can thank God he appeals to low information voters.

What does it have to do with? oh, statutes of limitiations ----- on reporting pay inequalities. No, nothing to do with.... pay inequalities.
Equal pay for equal work. I look at productivity, dont give a shit what your sex organs are.

Man with a shovel in his hands tends to be more productive than a woman with the same tool. It isn't sexist, it's a fact based on the mans physical abilities compared to the womans. Isn't always the case, some women are built like trucks, but most are not.
"Equal pay for equal work" "I believe when women succeed, America succeeds"

Is the president insinuating that women make less than men do at the same job?

What does it have to do with? oh, statutes of limitiations ----- on reporting pay inequalities. No, nothing to do with.... pay inequalities.

Like I said canndo, absolutely nothing to do with women making less than men.
And FYI, the Lilly Ledbetter Act is not exclusive to women, either.
From the article - "The point here is not that there is no wage inequality" - so the figure is wrong and calculated wrong but the inequality exists.

Of course that is true as pointed out in the piece.
The larger point being that there are many variables to consider.
Anyway you slice it, the oft repeated 77 cents is hogwash which is used as a political bludgeon.
Of course that is true as pointed out in the piece.
The larger point being that there are many variables to consider.
Anyway you slice it, the oft repeated 77 cents is hogwash which is used as a political bludgeon.

It won't be long until the left complain that all women in construction should be paid the same as men, mark my words.
Like I said canndo, absolutely nothing to do with women making less than men.
And FYI, the Lilly Ledbetter Act is not exclusive to women, either.

Do you know the case Beenthere? it has to do with wage inequality and statutes. No, it it is not directly related to male/female wage inequality, but it was shown that she among all other men, was making less. Seem like perfect example. Now if you are incapable of making reasonble, logical leaps, just let me know and I will slow down for you. The fact remains, ledbetter aside, the exact figure aside, that women make less than men for doing the same job and that was your challenge (or question, or whatever it was). Now, do you agree they make less than men or not?
Do you know the case Beenthere? it has to do with wage inequality and statutes. No, it it is not directly related to male/female wage inequality, but it was shown that she among all other men, was making less. Seem like perfect example. Now if you are incapable of making reasonble, logical leaps, just let me know and I will slow down for you. The fact remains, ledbetter aside, the exact figure aside, that women make less than men for doing the same job and that was your challenge (or question, or whatever it was). Now, do you agree they make less than men or not?

Canndo, think about what you just said, No it is NOT related to male/female wage inequality.
Now, tell me the president was not insinuating it did in his quote below.
Tell me there is no deception in the context of his delivery.

"Equal pay for equal work" "I believe when women succeed, America succeeds"
I wish I new all the answers.
But my niece is a radiation therapist at Kaiser Permanente and makes near $100k, has a ton of paid vacation, sick leave, free healthcare ($5 co pay) and an excellent retirement plan and she's only a radiation therapist.
I believe medical assistants starts out around $24hr, god knows what nurses and doctors make.

The hospital she woks at employs about 3000 people so do the math.

And that's just labor.

Medical Assistants making 24 dollars an hour ??? Someone needs to tell the Dept of Labor so they can correct charts.
Canndo, think about what you just said, No it is NOT related to male/female wage inequality.
Now, tell me the president was not insinuating it did in his quote below.
Tell me there is no deception in the context of his delivery.

"Equal pay for equal work" "I believe when women succeed, America succeeds"

Answer the question, do men make more than women for the same job. I'll not be given run around while you move the goalposts.
The speech was rousing, warming, encouraging and moving. It was filled with platitudes, compact with expectations and near promises of things he is incapable of doing for any number of reasons. It was, in effect, the fast food of State of the Union presidential speeches. There were things he asked for congress's help on that he could do unilateraly (like reduce or end drone killings). He insisted that he would take on issues unilateraly who's legality is questionable and even if not, would be temporary as all presidential edicts are. He asked for help from congress which he knows and has known he will never get.
I was deeply ashamed that he had to mention that our movie theaters, malls, and kindergardens were not safe.

And finally, even though he knew that wounded soldier before and after the wounds - I was embarassed, deeply so that he was on his 10th deployment, that he was applauded for struggling to mend the harm that our country caused him to suffer for no apparent reason and that Obama used this fellow to gain a response from the totality of the gathering.

I am sorry I missed the responses but a notary arrived for me to sign morgage papers - that were it turns out, unsignable.
Medical Assistants making 24 dollars an hour ??? Someone needs to tell the Dept of Labor so they can correct charts.

Perhaps you should learn how to read before you try to discredit anyone on here.
Your snide remark about telling the dept of labor even makes you look more foolish.
Like I said, I believe a medical assistant starts out around $24hr, my niece is a radiation therapist at Vallejo Kaiser, looks like she's pretty damn close to right on the money.

Next time, try to pay attention to the details of peoples posts before you make another knee jerk reaction that makes you look like an idot picking a fight.
[h=1]Kaiser Permanente Hourly Pay[/h] 394 employee salaries (for 226 job titles) Back to all Kaiser Permanente salaries

Sort: Most Salaries Highest Paying Lowest Paying
Updated Jan 20, 2014

[TABLE="class: memberChart"]
[TR="class: header"]
[TD="class: occ"]Salaries in USD
[TD="class: mean"]Avg. Salary[/TD]
[TD="class: ticks"] $10

[TR="class: dataRow first"]
[TD="class: occ"]Intern
25 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$18.82[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $10

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Registered Nurse
18 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$51.84[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $39

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Pharmacy Technician
16 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$22.15[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $17

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Pharmacist
10 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$63.29[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $59

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Medical Assistant
8 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$22.46[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $19

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Staff Nurse II
6 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$47.00[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $28

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Administrative Assistant
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$21.13[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $14

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Pharmacy Assistant
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$17.17[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $14

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]LVN
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$24.98[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $18

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Summer Intern
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$19.80[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $10

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Consultant
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$55.23[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $36

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Senior Project Manager Contractor
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$53.13[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $45

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Desktop Support - Intermediate
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$27.24[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $25

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Senior Staff Assistant
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$25.30[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $22

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Inpatient Pharmacy Technician
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries
[TD="class: mean"]$27.60[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $21

Perhaps you should learn how to read before you try to discredit anyone on here.
Your snide remark about telling the dept of labor even makes you look more foolish.
Like I said, I believe a medical assistant starts out around $24hr, my niece is a radiation therapist at Vallejo Kaiser, looks like she's pretty damn close to right on the money.

Next time, try to pay attention to the details of peoples posts before you make another knee jerk reaction that makes you look like an idot picking a fight.
Kaiser Permanente Hourly Pay

394 employee salaries (for 226 job titles) Back to all Kaiser Permanente salaries

Sort: Most Salaries Highest Paying Lowest Paying
Updated Jan 20, 2014

[TABLE="class: memberChart"]
[TR="class: header"]
[TD="class: occ"]Salaries in USD
[TD="class: mean"]Avg. Salary[/TD]
[TD="class: ticks"] $10
[TR="class: dataRow first"]
[TD="class: occ"]Intern
25 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$18.82[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $10

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Registered Nurse
18 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$51.84[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $39

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Pharmacy Technician
16 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$22.15[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $17

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Pharmacist
10 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$63.29[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $59

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Medical Assistant
8 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$22.46[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $19

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Staff Nurse II
6 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$47.00[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $28

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Administrative Assistant
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$21.13[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $14

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Pharmacy Assistant
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$17.17[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $14

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]LVN
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$24.98[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $18

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Summer Intern
5 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$19.80[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $10

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Consultant
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$55.23[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $36

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Senior Project Manager Contractor
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$53.13[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $45

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Desktop Support - Intermediate
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$27.24[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $25

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Senior Staff Assistant
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$25.30[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $22

[TR="class: dataRow"]
[TD="class: occ"]Inpatient Pharmacy Technician
4 Kaiser Permanente Salaries[/TD]
[TD="class: mean"]$27.60[/TD]
[TD="class: salaryGraph"] $21


You make a general comment about medical assistant and only mention the salary of one hospital.What about the other medical assistant ??? I'm looking at the average USA wide...and it is not 24 an hour..more like 16
Answer the question, do men make more than women for the same job. I'll not be given run around while you move the goalposts.

My god, I swear, you are like arguing with a woman.

The only one that's moved the goalposts are you and Schuylarr, my original comment ( the one both of you quoted by the way) was about the president insinuating, that because of him, women are now getting equal pay for equal work.

You and Schuylarr moved the goalpost to the Lilly Ledbetter Act, which is all about the statute of limitations on lawsuits pertaining equal pay, not equal pay itself, you in fact admitted this.

I'll answer your question about men making more than women doing the same job, my answer is: No, legally men cannot make more than women doing the same job. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 made it the law.
Now, if you are asking if some employers break this law, I don't know but I'll take an educated guess and say yes.
People break laws all the time, and it's not exclusive to employers my friend, employees do it on a daily basis and this is why we have laws canddo.

Now, my turn. Was the president deceptive in making these statements about equal pay for equal work, did he insinuate that because of him, women are now getting paid equal?