"Someone has to clean the toilets"


Well-Known Member
Let us be clear here. Are you saying the quoted above is lee atwater? So why would you reference me as "you" in the same post.

Lets clear this up, I grow weary of your dull and boring and childish bullshit.

This is blatent stupidity and 1 1/2 year old(assuming you were not a late speaking child)logic.

I was not alive in 1954 and have never said those things. I don't even know who lee atwater is...even if he is a republican I am not one of those either.

A true fail on all fronts......how do you suppose you will save face on this one?
save face from what? i am sitting here laughing at you.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of cleaning toilets, that thread about Buck lasted about an hour. Or was it less?
Someone had to remove it, and they don't get paid.
Or do they...?


But let's be serious for a minute, ladies and gentlemen.
Is there a lower job than RIU Politics Forum mod?


Well-Known Member
@ twostrokenut - again, all you're offering is "run faster (work harder)". I told you it simply doesn't work like that. Working harder is only part of the equation to success, there are more variables at play than I feel you are taking into consideration. Ethnicity, gender, religion, location, education background, diet, stability, the list goes on.

So why do you focus on only one small aspect of the problem when you offer a solution?

Working hard is just one aspect. It's responsibility with the paycheck.

You might say, well, they are responsible with it, a single mom with two kids, her paycheck don't got far.

And you are right.

But somewhere along the line that single mom made a poor choice.

She was a slut.. Got knocked up, and is now economically hampered because of it.

Her husband left her. A bit more sympathy here. But, if she had tried to be an independent person fist, then a wife, she wouldn't be in a mess. Here I wouldn't say she made a bad choice, but could have made better ones.

Her husband died. Makes that $30/month term life policy look more attractive doesn't it?

My point, we make a buch of choices in our life, and many have consequences down steam. Many aren't wrong, but sometimes that is just how the cookie crumbles.

So essentially what you're saying is that in life sometimes people make poor decisions that lead to lasting consequences and they should live with those lasting consequences because it was their fault?

Correct me if I'm wrong about that before I go on, please


Ursus marijanus
Speaking of cleaning toilets, that thread about Buck lasted about an hour. Or was it less?
Someone had to remove it, and they don't get paid.
Or do they...?


But let's be serious for a minute, ladies and gentlemen.
Is there a lower job than RIU Politics Forum mod?
It's a volunteer position, but it has its highlights.



Well-Known Member

It may seem all I offered is "run faster". But I also offered actual examples as to why it does work like that. You simply type it doesn't. Have you any experience with this? Have you been oppressed? I can agree the bank oppressed us all equally over the last century but offer that we opressed ourselves with ignorance of banking.....still a "run faster" scenario I am afraid.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of cleaning toilets, that thread about Buck lasted about an hour. Or was it less?
Someone had to remove it, and they don't get paid.
Or do they...?


But let's be serious for a minute, ladies and gentlemen.
Is there a lower job than RIU Politics Forum mod?
it's not that low, you get access to the mod forum (fun as hell), see deleted posts (lulzy as hell), and always get first word about forum squabbles that might otherwise be missed.

downside: ya gotta behave and not really take sides. everyone blames you for everything.


Well-Known Member

So essentially what you're saying is that in life sometimes people make poor decisions that lead to lasting consequences and they should live with those lasting consequences because it was their fault?

Correct me if I'm wrong about that before I go on, please
I'm not saying that they should or shouldn't have to, I'm simply saying they do. They always will.

Let's just use me as an example, as I'm very familiar with that subject, and am open to discussing the topic to any extent you deem necessary.

The day after I used for the last time I went to "the mission," which is a charity for homeless folks in Knoxville, TN. It's called Knoxville area rescue mission (karm.) They have a homeless shelter, a rehab, and all kinds of other services that local churches fund, and I'm sure they get grants too.

I went there because the offered free HIV and hepatitis testing. Luckily, the tests came back good.

But while there they asked me if I would meet with the social services director. So I did.

She basically presented me a "sign here" form whereby I would be given a decent place to live for $20 a month, utilities unclouded, a disability check, state funded health care, and probably some cash benefits from the state. I was appalled. I knew plenty of my addict friends who were on that program, the twenty dollar double wides is what we call them.

It really is a decent deal for the recipient. Basically I was going to get a $900 check each month, and combined with my food stamps, they were offering me a living, only catch was I couldn't work. I'm fully capable of working, capable of doing very meaningful work, I just needed to get off dope.

So the day after that I went to rehab, and have been clean since, except for a few drinks, and weed; not much of either, really. This was in febuary of 2013, I'm coming up on a year, woohoo!!!

I've rambled a little longer than I intended, so I'll get to my point.

I've no problem with helping folks when they're down. But what I just described isn't that. It's keeping people down. If I didn't have middle class, maybe even upper middle class parents to fall back on, I might have taken their offer. My other option would have been homelessness. But I likely wouldn't be clean because my "neighbors" would have been users. I attribute a lot of my success to this point to the relative ease I have had in staying away from those people.

I realize not everyone out there needing help is an addict.

But wtf kind of assistance program is it that says you can't work? The job I got at subway would have disqualified me. Te $8/hr at +\- 30hrs a week. That is roughly the same money I would make on the disability check.

Most people who turn their nose up at a job like that don't understand that it is not a permanent job. Someone who is worthy will show up to that job everyday, on time, put forth a little effort, don't steal from company, and act in a reasonable manner, and they will be given a raise. They will also eventually be promoted.

I was, not at subway, but my franchise owner sought me out due to my previous work experience. I ended up getting some money from my dad and this guy and I came to a partnership agreement whereby I bought 20% of the business with money my parents gave me. But he was offering me a very livable wage before I bought into the company.

I'm not saying I favor a "tough shit" approach in dealing with those on the government teat. But for christs sake, don't make it counter-productive for them to work!

If given a choice between $900 monthly through a free check, and about the same through working at subway, most folks will take the free check.

While the subway gig is the only option that offers more at the end of the road.

I often wonder what I would be doing right now if I had chose the twenty dollar double wide, probably looking for a way to score some dope.


Well-Known Member
not at subway, but my franchise owner sought me out due to my previous work experience. I ended up getting some money from my dad and this guy and I came to a partnership agreement whereby I bought 20% of the business with money my parents gave me. But he was offering me a very livable wage before I bought into the company.
why do i suspect you bought into a pyramid scheme with money stolen from your parents?


Well-Known Member
why do i suspect you bought into a pyramid scheme with money stolen from your parents?
Haha, I've done the multi level marketing thing before also, you're right, it's a scheme.

Considering my parents don't leve tens of thousands of dollars laying around, I couldn't of stole it.

My job in no way involves seeking out other people to "buy into" the company. The idea of a capital investment was mine. I also brought a client list from my dads business that closed down about the same time.

Security companies make money off of the monitoring. I brought in about 200 active accounts paying anywhere between 15 and 60 bucks a month to keep their security system active. I also brought a hunk of cash, which enabled the company I work for to buy a free standing structure, instead of working out of a strip mall, and also leasing warehouse space a few miles down the road.

I'm more fortunate than most who have to get back on their feet. I'll freely admit that. I got lucky with many aspects of how this panned out. But it did.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't of stole it.
*couldn't have

that's basic grammar, and i doubt there is anyone in any law school anywhere in the nation who also makes that basic mistake. most 5th graders don't make that mistake.

and you talked about how you stole certain things from your parents, while leaving much more valuable items behind.

so excuse me if i remain unconvinced of your totally cool story, sistah.


Well-Known Member
*couldn't have

that's basic grammar, and i doubt there is anyone in any law school anywhere in the nation who also makes that basic mistake. most 5th graders don't make that mistake.
the faith you place in the intellect of law school students is laughable.

My ex-wife was in pharmacy school, plenty of dumbasses there.

My brothers wife is a doctor, plenty of dipshits were in her class.

There were people I was in law school with, who are practicing lawyers today, who are complete and total idiots.

Either way, I didn't type that, or this. I hit the microphone button and speak. I guess it sounds more like of rather than have.


Well-Known Member

It may seem all I offered is "run faster". But I also offered actual examples as to why it does work like that. You simply type it doesn't. Have you any experience with this? Have you been oppressed? I can agree the bank oppressed us all equally over the last century but offer that we opressed ourselves with ignorance of banking.....still a "run faster" scenario I am afraid.

"..it does work like that.." Are you saying that all it takes to succeed in life is work ethic?

I certainly feel like I've been oppressed by the national minimum wage, especially when you consider economic gains since the 1970's. 97% of them went to the top 1% of earners. That would seem like pretty blatant economic oppression to me.. What suddenly made the top 1% more worthy of profits than everybody else around 1978?

I'm not saying that they should or shouldn't have to, I'm simply saying they do. They always will.

Let's just use me as an example, as I'm very familiar with that subject, and am open to discussing the topic to any extent you deem necessary.

The day after I used for the last time I went to "the mission," which is a charity for homeless folks in Knoxville, TN. It's called Knoxville area rescue mission (karm.) They have a homeless shelter, a rehab, and all kinds of other services that local churches fund, and I'm sure they get grants too.

I went there because the offered free HIV and hepatitis testing. Luckily, the tests came back good.

But while there they asked me if I would meet with the social services director. So I did.

She basically presented me a "sign here" form whereby I would be given a decent place to live for $20 a month, utilities unclouded, a disability check, state funded health care, and probably some cash benefits from the state. I was appalled. I knew plenty of my addict friends who were on that program, the twenty dollar double wides is what we call them.

It really is a decent deal for the recipient. Basically I was going to get a $900 check each month, and combined with my food stamps, they were offering me a living, only catch was I couldn't work. I'm fully capable of working, capable of doing very meaningful work, I just needed to get off dope.

So the day after that I went to rehab, and have been clean since, except for a few drinks, and weed; not much of either, really. This was in febuary of 2013, I'm coming up on a year, woohoo!!!

I've rambled a little longer than I intended, so I'll get to my point.

I've no problem with helping folks when they're down. But what I just described isn't that. It's keeping people down. If I didn't have middle class, maybe even upper middle class parents to fall back on, I might have taken their offer. My other option would have been homelessness. But I likely wouldn't be clean because my "neighbors" would have been users. I attribute a lot of my success to this point to the relative ease I have had in staying away from those people.

I realize not everyone out there needing help is an addict.

But wtf kind of assistance program is it that says you can't work? The job I got at subway would have disqualified me. Te $8/hr at +\- 30hrs a week. That is roughly the same money I would make on the disability check.

Most people who turn their nose up at a job like that don't understand that it is not a permanent job. Someone who is worthy will show up to that job everyday, on time, put forth a little effort, don't steal from company, and act in a reasonable manner, and they will be given a raise. They will also eventually be promoted.

I was, not at subway, but my franchise owner sought me out due to my previous work experience. I ended up getting some money from my dad and this guy and I came to a partnership agreement whereby I bought 20% of the business with money my parents gave me. But he was offering me a very livable wage before I bought into the company.

I'm not saying I favor a "tough shit" approach in dealing with those on the government teat. But for christs sake, don't make it counter-productive for them to work!

If given a choice between $900 monthly through a free check, and about the same through working at subway, most folks will take the free check.

While the subway gig is the only option that offers more at the end of the road.

I often wonder what I would be doing right now if I had chose the twenty dollar double wide, probably looking for a way to score some dope.

The only thing in your post I disagree with is bolded, as I myself have personal experience with this. I worked at an establishment for almost 4 years before I quit. I put in an application for supervisor after having zero late or absent days after about 2 years of being there. I was stepped over for a younger female employee and was left stuck in the same position for 4 years. I started at $8.25/hour and when I quit I was making $9.00/hour. $.75 in 4 years.. Such improvement is unacceptable. How can someone say that's at all consistent with economic advancement? With growth? Keep in mind, this was a top 10 company to work for during my time there according to Forbes and multiple other publications.. Top 10 in the US, and this is what we get? $.75 cents in almost 4 loyal years with the company...? That's fair? That's equal? That's "top 10"? If that's top 10 in the country, we're in big fuckin' trouble!

This is the face of poverty. This is unacceptable. Full time Americans should not be subject to poverty. Working wages for full time employees should, at the bare fucking minimum, pay for their bills. I'm not even asking for food for fucks sake! Just bills! Basic shit to survive, shelter. I have a friend who rented an "apartment" in the bay area, I visited him and I could literally touch wall to wall north to south, east to west, barely enough room for this 6'2" guy to fucking sleep in for $700/month! How is this shit fucking legal?

To anyone reading this thinking it is, let me tell you what this will lead to, because I've considered it myself, as a relatively stable middle class suburbanite. It leads to crime. It leads to theft. It leads to assault, robbery, murder. Meanwhile Utah is taking a stance on eliminating the homeless and simply letting them live in vacant houses to get them off the streets with vast success. We have empty houses that nobody is buying, more in fact than the number of fucking homeless themselves, yet they remain without any shelter..

Forgive the rant B&B, like I said, I agree with 99% of this post, it just seriously bothers me that this problem can't be solved because of greedy people.. That conservatives think it's some simple solution, "just work harder".. when working harder is only a small aspect of solving the problem as a whole..


Well-Known Member
Idk...seems like who is "worthy" of profits is a consumer vote...would you disagree?

All it takes is work ethic....this is a right to work perspective....obviously that wouldn't fly in some places.
I consider voting with your feet work ethic.

You feel opressed by the min wage? Me too. It rises, my pay does not....soon I may be cut back to part time.
In which case I might work 2 jobs while I am able bodied to do so.
But I always have anyway.....home repairs, grounds keeping and gardening is all work. I went to school full time and worked full time.
When not in school I often worked another part time job in addition to the full time job.
My first tax paying job was at 14 on a work permit.
You speak of opression, I wonder....when the population crosses the threshold....soon...where the taxpayer is literally in the minority....and its real close now....
...will you consider this new minority opressed?


Well-Known Member

"..it does work like that.." Are you saying that all it takes to succeed in life is work ethic?

I certainly feel like I've been oppressed by the national minimum wage, especially when you consider economic gains since the 1970's. 97% of them went to the top 1% of earners. That would seem like pretty blatant economic oppression to me.. What suddenly made the top 1% more worthy of profits than everybody else around 1978?

The only thing in your post I disagree with is bolded, as I myself have personal experience with this. I worked at an establishment for almost 4 years before I quit. I put in an application for supervisor after having zero late or absent days after about 2 years of being there. I was stepped over for a younger female employee and was left stuck in the same position for 4 years. I started at $8.25/hour and when I quit I was making $9.00/hour. $.75 in 4 years.. Such improvement is unacceptable. How can someone say that's at all consistent with economic advancement? With growth? Keep in mind, this was a top 10 company to work for during my time there according to Forbes and multiple other publications.. Top 10 in the US, and this is what we get? $.75 cents in almost 4 loyal years with the company...? That's fair? That's equal? That's "top 10"? If that's top 10 in the country, we're in big fuckin' trouble!

This is the face of poverty. This is unacceptable. Full time Americans should not be subject to poverty. Working wages for full time employees should, at the bare fucking minimum, pay for their bills. I'm not even asking for food for fucks sake! Just bills! Basic shit to survive, shelter. I have a friend who rented an "apartment" in the bay area, I visited him and I could literally touch wall to wall north to south, east to west, barely enough room for this 6'2" guy to fucking sleep in for $700/month! How is this shit fucking legal?

To anyone reading this thinking it is, let me tell you what this will lead to, because I've considered it myself, as a relatively stable middle class suburbanite. It leads to crime. It leads to theft. It leads to assault, robbery, murder. Meanwhile Utah is taking a stance on eliminating the homeless and simply letting them live in vacant houses to get them off the streets with vast success. We have empty houses that nobody is buying, more in fact than the number of fucking homeless themselves, yet they remain without any shelter..

Forgive the rant B&B, like I said, I agree with 99% of this post, it just seriously bothers me that this problem can't be solved because of greedy people.. That conservatives think it's some simple solution, "just work harder".. when working harder is only a small aspect of solving the problem as a whole..
I would guess that for one reason or another, someone above you didn't like you.

Does that make it right, or fair, nope not at all. But it makes it predictable.

I like to come here because I can say what I think, what I feel, and there are no real repercussions. Maybe one day my account will be banned. Big fucking deal, right?

A lot of people say they dont do the kiss ass office politics thing. Those are stupid people. You don't have to be a suck up or a yes man.

I might be off base, i might be dead on. Having a perfect attendance record, you didn't speak to it, but you seem intelligent and I assume you discharged your duties with competence. I would be willing to bet that the person in charge didn't like you.

Which leads me to point 2: If you don't like your boss, chances are he don't like you, keep your job until you find another one. At the end of the day many people are petty and will pass you over because they don't like the way you wear your hair, or some other equally asinine reason.

I must admit, I once didn't hire a guy because his name was Noah, like the guy that built a boat in the Bible. It was a coin flip between him and another candidate, and I went with the other candidate, I think his name was Jeff. I remember playing youth soccer and another kid on the team was named Noah and I couldn't stand that little fuck. And that is why someone else named Noah didn't get a job 20 years later. Also, I think going out of the way to give your kid a strange Biblical name is just silly. My first name is a biblical name, Dan. It is a Jewish tribe. But it doesn't sound like a Biblical name. If you name your kid Ezekiel, you're a dumb fuck. Apologies to anyone named Noah or Ezekiel.

But playing office politics, and being adept at office politics is very key in this world. Those who refuse to participate, or who are bad at it, are at an extreme disadvantage. Part of being good at office politics is being able to tell when the person above you doesn't like you. If they don't like you, they will poison your well, and you are screwed there.


Well-Known Member
Idk...seems like who is "worthy" of profits is a consumer vote...would you disagree?

All it takes is work ethic....this is a right to work perspective....obviously that wouldn't fly in some places.
I consider voting with your feet work ethic.

You feel opressed by the min wage? Me too. It rises, my pay does not....soon I may be cut back to part time.
In which case I might work 2 jobs while I am able bodied to do so.
But I always have anyway.....home repairs, grounds keeping and gardening is all work. I went to school full time and worked full time.
When not in school I often worked another part time job in addition to the full time job.
My first tax paying job was at 14 on a work permit.
You speak of opression, I wonder....when the population crosses the threshold....soon...where the taxpayer is literally in the minority....and its real close now....
...will you consider this new minority opressed?
hear that, pada?

just work harder.

and have some sympathy for those oppressed minorities, the taxpayer.

thus spake a crazy right winger.