Mohican's 2014 Season

Super Soil and PromixBT. I am going to move to 100% compost and worm castings as soon as I get good enough to make it well :)
Super Soil and PromixBT. I am going to move to 100% compost and worm castings as soon as I get good enough to make it well :)

Hey man, You should look into Blue Mountain Organics. BMO. I used them for a while whith hempy and I think I am going to go back to some of it. really good products. I think they only have an ebay store. Its nice supplement to making your own stuff.

I am sad the jesus og didnt make it into our line up. :-(
Hyroot found a place near me that has the worm castings for less than the Farm store. I need to go check it out!

Tomorrow is St Valentine's day - don't forget!!!
I am not a huge fan of the valentine holiday... However, I am a huge fan of my wife. :-) Hopefully you guys will get to meet her. She is hella cool.
Waitin for the BBQ! Of course after seeing how fat I look on the Weed Nerd vid I think I may need to forgo BBQ treats for a while :P
OMG I'm loving that Hawaiian to the Left the bacon the cheese I am so hungry!

Damm, go find some find water to drink screw those sit ups MO! Good job, but that is only half a slice worth! :lol:

Super Soil and PromixBT. I am going to move to 100% compost and worm castings as soon as I get good enough to make it well :)

Have you checked up my worm bin MO? I just added some black gold to my ladies and they prayed and gave thanks in their service to mankind!


I am trying to get back on my 500 a day schedule. The worst part is that my workout room is filled with construction tools, and my saw bench, used for screen-house construction. I need my workouts back. Hash plus exercise equals skinny me :) I think that is why Awnold smoked in "Pumping Iron" and why I lost thirty pounds last time I got on that schedule. I actually eat less when I smoke daily. I guess it is the sativa influence.
Good Question, it is mostly water like 72 percent that is the worm and most their waste is bacterial, soil and plant waste.

So I would say ya.

Now I need to do some research and see what Kyle Kushman says about it :)

Hi Mo,

Note the bottom of this link

Remember you can control their diet, that nice leaf pile outside their and that compost you made if it is vegan you shouldn't have any issue.
Ya worms die in they soil but again 72 percent water and they are what they eat ya know!

What happens to food once it leaves the gizzard?
The ground up food is mixed with enzymes in the worm’s intestine. This mixture breaks down the food, molecules pass through the intestine wall into the bloodstream for use where needed. Undigested material, including sand soil, bacterial and plant residues passes out of the worm as a worm casting.

So what goes in is what comes out.

Mo surprised you dont have a compost pile with worms. I thought you grew the Manjule in your compost pile? After I make some of my modified super soil I will give you some if you want to try it out. Worked excellent!Also bring a bag and you can have worm castings too. GT