do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
common practice where i live. they set them up. they print it afterwards in the paper and call it a "sting" operation. true story. :peace:

Thats Fuckin tragic, well I live in the "boy" capitol of America (Boy = heroin to all you that dont know) so the boyz in blue have a whole lot better things to do with their time than worry about a weed smoker maybe a guy who's moving a couple dozen or a couple hundred pounds maybe be a smoker naaaahhhh case in point cut and paste this in your address box cause I don't know how to create a hyper link

Anyone who feels this way has a loooonnnngggg way to go to understanding the way cops work. Your vehicle can be searched without a search warrant if they have "probable cause." And from personal experience, the officers will make up their probable cause.

I was followed and pulled over in a similar fashion to this thread years ago when I used to sell Mary J. The officers asked if they could search the vehicle and I said "I am not the only person who drives this vehicle, so I am unaware of what could be in it- so no, you cannot search this vehicle." The arresting officer told me to "get the f#@ out" and then handcuffed me- put me in the back of his cruiser and searched my car anyways. After they found a small amount of weed in the car (less than an 1/8) he told me he had probable cause because he smelt the pot- which was bullshit because I hadn't smoked all day.

The truth is simple: if they have probable cause they will search the vechilce. If they don't have probably cause, they can make it up on the spot and search the vehicle. The solution is to not drive around with any.

2 reasons why the relevance in this as far as you protecting your rights goes is nil in this situation;

1) "I am not the only person who drives this vehicle, so I am unaware of what could be in it- so no, you cannot search this vehicle."

Which give them "PC" because you were "acting suspicious"

2) "
After they found a small amount of weed in the car"

which validates what they did, now had it not been anything there you could have and should have gotten their names, badge #'s, and cop car #, called the local district speak with the commander on duty and filed a complaint! I'm black so all I could hope for is its a white cop so I could cream bloody raceism blah blah blah can anyone say CHA CHING

officer: can i search your car?
you: no

if he asks you step out, take the keys, roll up the window and lock the door before you step out, if he asks why, just say its habbit. Make sure to tell any friends you have in the car to shut there big fuckin mouths to.

Now theres a guy who knows his rights...

Thats where you fucked up, saying It want all your car, and you dont know whats in it...

All you say is no I do not consent.

"We do only what we are meant too" (The Keymaker Matrix Reloaded)
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Active Member
1) "I am not the only person who drives this vehicle, so I am unaware of what could be in it- so no, you cannot search this vehicle."

Which give them "PC" because you were "acting suspicious"

I'm sorry to say you're wrong, another misconception you've earned thanks to the U.S. government of ours. That's called reasonable suspicion, which does not give them permission to search your car. Only 3 things allow them to do that.

1. A warrant
2. Probable cause
3. The owner's consent.

A police officer can have 100 reasonable suspicions, but that will not gain him entry into your car. Reasonable suspicions are things like High Times magazines in the car, marijuana leaf keychains, a pack of rolling papers, noticeable nervousness in your behavior, things of that sort.

Probable cause would be visible seeds on your seats, the smell of smoke, a roach in your ashtray, mostly things that are illegal in themselves.
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should be in class

Active Member
yes there is probable cause...
yes pigs can smell ur weed
yes a cop can pul u over for bullshit reasons and investigate...

its the court that determines whether the evidence is valid or should be thrown out (ie:illegal search etc)
its the court that determines whether your guilty or if or rights were violated

should be in class

Active Member
oh yea not to mention... what i said earlier is IF the cop did anything illegal in his investigation

my statement was a reflection of EMDrummer's post of:
I'm sorry to say you're wrong, another misconception you've earned thanks to the U.S. government of ours. That's called reasonable suspicion, which does not give them permission to search your car. Only 3 things allow them to do that.

1. A warrant
2. Probable cause
3. The owner's consent.

A police officer can have 100 reasonable suspicions, but that will not gain him entry into your car. Reasonable suspicions are things like High Times magazines in the car, marijuana leaf keychains, a pack of rolling papers, noticeable nervousness in your behavior, things of that sort.

Probable cause would be visible seeds on your seats, the smell of smoke, a roach in your ashtray, mostly things that are illegal in themselves.
.... ADIOS :peace:


Well-Known Member
you cant be held more than 24hrs for questioning on anything without being booked for something.......seeing how you were not carrying anything illegal....i call bullshit.....yes cops will do outlandish shit but if they cant pin anything on you they cant hold fucked up with the 3 days part of your fabricated story.....but thanks for playing


Well-Known Member

Ummmm Fade 2 Black I'm not really sure what the problem was but I'll say it again: If a white cop stops my black ass and fucks with me he'd better come up with something because otherwise Imma make sure I make a nuisance of myself getting him disciplined for it...


Well-Known Member
Ummmm Fade 2 Black I'm not really sure what the problem was but I'll say it again: If a white cop stops my black ass and fucks with me he'd better come up with something because otherwise Imma make sure I make a nuisance of myself getting him disciplined for it...
Are you kidding?? You think just cause your black you can fuck with the police??

File a report and watch yourself lose in court and him countersue your ass for court fees.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding?? You think just cause your black you can fuck with the police??

File a report and watch yourself lose in court and him countersue your ass for court fees.

NO Not fuck wit em' "what is wrong wit cha'll" I didn't say fuck wit them but I do know my rights for the most part and they can't just arbitrarily fuck wit me was the point... Thiat is hilarious them countersuein, who gives a shit?!?!? Who doesn't have have the 46 dollar court fees? its sad that the cops got ya'll head all fucked up like they are better than you are. You probably think that because you've never been in the military (if you haven't) then a marine or army man would bust your ass too huh? Wait I got one better You believe that who ever is the biggest guy in a fight is always the one who wins right unbelievable where are you jokers from? I got the best one of all; take myself, you, and say NickFury now if me and Nick fight and he beats me up, 2 weeks later U and Nick fight and you bust him up, There's no way that anything but you rag dollin me could possibly happen right, cause Nick beat me and you beat Nick so no way I could beat you huh

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Well-Known Member
Im not even gonna read the rest of your post, I started to then it just got dumb.

Court cost restituiton includes awyer fees. Put a fee G's in his lawyers pocket while your at it.


Well-Known Member
NO Not fuck wit em' "what is wrong wit cha'll" I didn't say fuck wit them but I do know my rights for the most part and they can't just arbitrarily fuck wit me was the point... Thiat is hilarious them countersuein, who gives a shit?!?!? Who doesn't have have the 46 dollar court fees? its sad that the cops got ya'll head all fucked up like they are better than you are. You probably think that because you've never been in the military (if you haven't) then a marine or army man would bust your ass too huh? Wait I got one better You believe that who ever is the biggest guy in a fight is always the one who wins right unbelievable where are you jokers from? I got the best one of all; take myself, you, and say NickFury now if me and Nick fight and he beats me up, 2 weeks later U and Nick fight and you bust him up, There's no way that anything but you rag dollin me could possibly happen right, cause Nick beat me and you beat Nick so no way I could beat you huh


your language and spelling show you as less intelligent. just so you know. :peace:


New Member
NO Not fuck wit em' "what is wrong wit cha'll" I didn't say fuck wit them but I do know my rights for the most part and they can't just arbitrarily fuck wit me was the point... Thiat is hilarious them countersuein, who gives a shit?!?!? Who doesn't have have the 46 dollar court fees? its sad that the cops got ya'll head all fucked up like they are better than you are. You probably think that because you've never been in the military (if you haven't) then a marine or army man would bust your ass too huh? Wait I got one better You believe that who ever is the biggest guy in a fight is always the one who wins right unbelievable where are you jokers from? I got the best one of all; take myself, you, and say NickFury now if me and Nick fight and he beats me up, 2 weeks later U and Nick fight and you bust him up, There's no way that anything but you rag dollin me could possibly happen right, cause Nick beat me and you beat Nick so no way I could beat you huh

Did you see L.A. has over 100 reports of racial abuse by the police every year, and the police departments hasnt found one in the last three years with enough "merit" to look into.