Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
When you claim a piece of land and defend it, you are doing what states do.

Almost. If the land is property you have improved and mixed your labor with you have a claim as "owner" as long as the land was not taken from another that was there first mixing their labor with the natural resources. Therein lies the rub eh?

The state does not defend property rights, they abridge them and dictate how property may be used. Defensive acts are not part of their business model...but you already know that.


Well-Known Member
Almost. If the land is property you have improved and mixed your labor with you have a claim as "owner" as long as the land was not taken from another that was there first mixing their labor with the natural resources. Therein lies the rub eh?

Also, the state does indeed protect private property.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
robroy and the other racists would almost have a point if they were not completely blind to american history and their own white privilege.
Pacific Islander.

I'm not blind to American history Mr. Prussian School cheerleader.

I believe that all people deserve to control their own body, their own justly acquired property but not the property of others.

You do not.

I don't care if your best friend was Lionel Jefferson growing up Meathead.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Anyway getting back on topic here since the thread has been derailed, here are the peer reviewed scientific research papers which confirm that racism and conservatism are negatively correlated with cognitive function.

Lazar Stankov 2009

Hodson, Busseri 2012
both those fail ass discredited publications are discussing persons who voluntarily submit to the domination of others, that is to say "Authoritarians" not conservatives.

some people (mostly STUPID PEOPLE) prefer to have their thoughts words and actions dictated by another agency, those people are NOT conservatives.

it doesnt matter if you submit to the dictates of a crusty old book written by stone age desert dwellers:

the fail ass sequel:

the weak ass Fanfiction:

some bullshit written in the 1800's by wealthy coffeehouse fops and mentally disturbed beard aficionados:

the New Hotness from the leftist crazyhouse:

some wacky bullshit from the crazies on the far right:

or even just some plain old crazy:

anyone who willingly submits to the will of another, suspending all rational thought, and simply accep[ting everything their chosen master says as truth is RETARDED, and yes, being a willing stooge for some crazy senseless bullshit is strongly correlated with stupidity.

and it has ZERO to do with freedom of thought and expression, personal liberty, free market economics, the US constitution, or any other part of "Conservatism"

your agenda is a failure.


Well-Known Member
have you noticed how he calls the president a "mulatto" and calls things like civil rights "special rights"?

I think use of the term mulatto is forgivable if not acceptable. The civil rights thing is offensive though. Liberty with out equality is tyranny.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You lost bro. Atmosphere wrote a song about you in his new album.

Peer reviewed scientific study has confirmed.

by that logic "Peer Reviewed Scientific Study" proves eugenics theories are factual, neutrinos move faster than light, pluto both IS and IS NOT a planet, and Mars has canals.

fail logic is always fail.


Well-Known Member
When a peer reviewed scientific study contradicts the studies which confirm that racism and conservatism are negatively correlated with cognitive function, please share a link.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
When a peer reviewed scientific study contradicts the studies which confirm that racism and conservatism are negatively correlated with cognitive function, please share a link.
when the "study" you have been flogging doesnt even make the argument you purport it to?

READ the "studies" you keep blathering on about!

they do not assert the conclusion you have stated.

their methodology had nothing to do with free markets, personal liberty, the US constitution, the republic as a form, limited government, or any other "Conservative" ideal

one only examined authoritarianism, which included religious authoritarianism, political authoritarianism (like the various marxist socialist regimes around the world) and blind submission to any other authority. it had NOTHING to do with "conservatism" or "right wing ideology"

the other was SOLELY about "Racism" (actually, it was about PREJUDICE, not just racism) and anyone who ever talked to a bigot will agree, they are usually either very dumb, or very ignorant, sometimes both (see below)

and this fuckwit plays on YOUR side, not mine.

but i'm sure youll pretend this is all lies, and continue harping on about your fail ass interpretation of two fail ass idiotic "studies" while continuing to pretend "Peer Reviewed Science" is infallible when it agrees with your agenda, and doesnt exist when it opposes your opinion (or, to be more accurate, Noam "Chomp Chomp" Chompsky's opinion).


Well-Known Member
their methodology had nothing to do with free markets, personal liberty, the US constitution, the republic as a form, limited government, or any other "Conservative" ideal.
in other words, the study is valid and kynes can't debunk it so he is going to pretend that his brand of conservatism differs so very greatly from all the other conservatives in the world.

that, and look at this black man. just look at him! would you just look at him?