Club 600


Well-Known Member
It was good to meet you Chaka! The Cherry Pie was really nice. Good to know what to expect. Thanks for the Shark Shock. I am looking forward to giving it a shot.

Jig took one of those and 3 mk ultra and the rest of what I had in extras. :-)

Was really great to get people together for a little while. I am grateful we have that freedom in this state. :-)


Well-Known Member
Need help?running 2 600 hps on week 3of flowering temps are 78,79 degrees using ac in a closet but closet is pretty big in height and in lenght using roots organic for soil and general hydroponic organic nutes.need to know what the hell is this problem poping up leaves have brown spots!please help!tried adding cal. Mag. On a foliar feed,3 days ago.




Well-Known Member
Ok 6 I need some help planning something here. In September I'm gonna be getting hitched and I'm going to be gone for 10 days as the honey moon is afterwards so I'm trying to figure out the best way to keep my girls watered. I was thinking a mini irrigation system but I'm not even sure on all what I would need or what the best heads are or anything.

If any of ya got any ideas I'm open to all ideas cuz I'm not sure what to do lol.

edit- I found this and the reviews seem ok. I'm wondering if it would work...


Well-Known Member
i am having a guy i do my outdoor with coming over to water in july. i will be gone for 10 days myself, so i would like to know more too.


Well-Known Member
Yea I don't think that system I found will work cuz it only does 4oz a day to the plants, hmm I'd need to put like 10 to each plant lol.


Well-Known Member
there was something on the rols thread they where like bimat or some such. it was a watering head that would water when needed.


Well-Known Member
put it on a different timer or make it cycle more than once per day.

That would work if it ran off electricity lol, it runs off a 9v battery, it's all self-contained. So that's why I would have to put multiple sprinklers in each one.

I'm looking at making my own and buying the heads, do you think 2GPH is to much?


Well-Known Member
Is it that dangerous up there in Oregon that u need sidearm?
Well, there are black bear & cougars living in the park where we hiked.
The odds of running into one are probably 1,000,000 to 1.
I'm more worried about the two-legged animals on the trails.
Whenever I go out hiking, I'm strapped for whatever comes my way.
Down here in Oregon, I feel comfortable with just a sidearm (pistol), but when hiking back home in Alaska, I'd carry one of the following: a 12-ga. pump, a .303 rifle with military rounds, a .44-40 Marlin lever action, .44-mag Redhawk, etc..

I'm sure nothing will ever happen while hiking, but'd rather carry a few pounds of insurance against getting eaten by a bear, stomped by a moose, or killed by human animals than risk becoming a fatal statistic.
Another of my BS credos: you don't have to GET ready if you ARE ready.