lefties created the economic landscape that drives industry overseas, then bitch and make up conspiracies for those who, predictably, move their industries overseas.
I agree with that, however, the limp-wristed socialist nanny state twats can't do shit without the approval of the so called "conservative" segment of our government. Nor can the "conservatives" do shit without the approval of the pole smokers.
It's not about lib vs. conservative, though that's what THEY want people to think, it's about the everyday citizen trying to live their life in peace vs. the corrupt political party system selling us out to the highest bidder...be they conservative, liberal, corporate, Saudi, or Chinese.
As long as idiots keep believing "their" team is "right", this nation will continue to get fucked until there are no more resources to exploit and we look like any other third world shithole.
The party system needs to GO.