Alternatives to Fossil Fuels....?

lol. I hope someone here beside you is enjoying the droll sarcasm. wow
when the sierra club blocks solar and wind power projects with specious and contradictory claims of "environmental hazards" from "shadow flicker" and SHADE in the desert, then somebody must be using some kind of jedi mind trick on them, or their agenda is not what you think it is.
Whatev - Comfortable lifestyle has yet to be determined. Anyway, you're off topic. If you want to burn coal, consider starting a thread rather than troll, eh?
Whatev - Comfortable lifestyle has yet to be determined. Anyway, you're off topic. If you want to burn coal, consider starting a thread rather than troll, eh?
ORLY? i proposed burning coal?

i like wind and solar, and would like to see more of it, too bad the sierra club doesnt agree
i also like nuclear, but all you lefties got a problem with that.
geothermal? yeah thats great too, where feasible (and no, a 6 mile bore hole through bedrock is NOT feasible)
I was and am still referring to solar panels for the electricity generation...

Seems weird that such a wonderful topic is so full of animus.
You can't get enough power from PVs on your roof to power a car. Seems weird that people have no idea of the shortcomings of the technology they want (and have) to make mandatory.
I was and am still referring to solar panels for the electricity generation...

Seems weird that such a wonderful topic is so full of animus.
You can't get enough power from PVs on your roof to power a car. Seems weird that people have no idea of the shortcomings of the technology they want (and have) to make mandatory.
I'm not talking about solar cells on the top of my car. Why is it that you construe everything in the worst possible way?

For the larger audience that may still be lurking, I'm installing a 5 ton geothermal unit and a 4.6 KV ground array of PV panels. Phase I

That was my original point way back when when I was first misconstrued in this thread. These are simple reliable and currently relatively inexpensive Technologies that can be deployed by most people
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BTW, in my last place I spent nearly $100k in utilities in 20 years. Upfront costs of solar and geo are nothing in comparison. This is great tech right now.
Also, as many others already do, I'll be adding more solar panels that I might otherwise need so I sell surplus energy back to the power company and receive a check monthly. Solar panels are cheap as shit now.
I'm not talking about solar cells on the top of my car. Why is it that you construe everything in the worst possible way?

For the larger audience that may still be lurking, I'm installing a 5 ton geothermal unit and a 4.6 KV ground array of PV panels. Phase I

That was my original point way back when when I was first misconstrued in this thread. These are simple reliable and currently relatively inexpensive Technologies that can be deployed by most people
You can't get enough power from the roof of your HUOSE, or even from your whole yard, unless you have about 20 acres. I don't understand how putting in an over-sized A/C in is supporting your case. How much does your 4.6kV array cost, including the portion others are forced at gunpoint to subsidize?
Also, as many others already do, I'll be adding more solar panels that I might otherwise need so I sell surplus energy back to the power company and receive a check monthly. Solar panels are cheap as shit now.
Cheaper than they were, but still not cheap. Everyone I've heard brag about how much they made selling power to the electric company neither owned a house, land, or a single solar cell.
HEMP! end of story

Yep, studies have indicated it's quite capable. Also, if we stopped wasting water on our lawns and planted hemp in place it'd be even more doable. Also diesel engines reusing cooking grease etc. And algae farms aren't such a bad idea either. Geothermal too in some areas.
I said they weren't hiding it... I put it in quotes...they buy the technology and slow the's not hard to understand.

Well, in the case of solar - it's not very efficient and there wouldn't even be a big market for them if it weren't for subsidization. So I don't think this is true.
Well, in the case of solar - it's not very efficient and there wouldn't even be a big market for them if it weren't for subsidization. So I don't think this is true.
Well, it is true. That's not an opinion. It's inefficient because they have kept it that way by design. Solar is the future of energy of the planet, that's a pretty large market.
Objectively you're wrong.
Lol. Again, not my opinion, just a collective group of facts that lead to a conclusion... realistically. This has been proven many times over and is a well-known corporate practice. Feel free to deny the truth or believe what ever you'd like.
I've looked into solar. To this day they have no recovered the energy it took to build them. And you think it's oil companies holding it back? If solar is successful they own all the patents anyway.

There are many alternatives which have been shown to have actual potential to solve this problem, they use the sun as the main source of energy and don't require external sources of energy for creation. I already listed them in my first post. Only humans would think they could do something better than nature (convert solar energy into something useable).
These are ancient patents. Irrelevant today. And China, the worlds largest manufacturing whore, makes the whatever it wants