do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
And I've decided not to dignify either one of you with a response just to go in the direction my lifes pattern is on now-a-days and say " GOD bless you both" and have a wonderful weekend
I wasn't talking about you lol I was talking about the black guy in the "fakin-it" video. :peace:


Well-Known Member
officer: can i search your car?
you: no

if he asks you step out, take the keys, roll up the window and lock the door before you step out, if he asks why, just say its habbit. Make sure to tell any friends you have in the car to shut there big fuckin mouths to.
... right, because that would be any less suspicious.


Well-Known Member
10 high times a grow book and a bunch of hydro gear all probalbly visible from outside when you a walk up is probably probable cause


New Member
The only time I had to use my rights was when I was in my college dorm a year ago smoking a volcanoe I just bought and some 1 pulled a fire alarm for the dorm... fucking idiot. The cop came and shut it off but was poking around the outside of the door. stupid campus cop.. any ways she nocks on the door walks half way in the room and says it smells like pot. keeps asking us where the pot was. We actually just smoked the last bowl in the vape that was sitting plane sight on the coach but the way I was standing blocked her view... Im tricky =) She asked If she could search the dorm to my roomate who looks at me and I yell No! she ask why and I say I dont like cops going through my stuff and had a bad experience 1s. she ask if i trust her and I say no. So she leaves and goes to get the people who are in charge of the dorm who can search but by the time they got there we got the volcanoe out of the room and cleaned everything up. I was more worried about loosing my brand new 600 vap. Always wanted to tell this story 1st time i could.
I lost a phx and 1/2oz in the dorms. Cops knocked on the door @ 3am and a cloud of smoke hit them in the face. They came in and took everything!


Active Member
the hydro store was raided sat. the owner was under a three month investigation and sold the narcs 8lbs during that time frame.


Well-Known Member
Peerow the very idea that anyone in the hydro business would be selling out of the store is nucking futs. Go away and grow the fuck up!!


New Member
Peerow the very idea that anyone in the hydro business would be selling out of the store is nucking futs. Go away and grow the fuck up!!
Hydro store down south was informing on their customers to the cops. What makes that story so unbelievable? And whta makes you the person to tell someone to go away and grow the fuck up?


Well-Known Member
Hydro store down south was informing on their customers to the cops. What makes that story so unbelievable? And whta makes you the person to tell someone to go away and grow the fuck up?
Because if you follow his sory, it is evident he is full of horsecrap and now he is trying to embelish it even further.


Well-Known Member
the hydro store was raided sat. the owner was under a three month investigation and sold the narcs 8lbs during that time frame.
Hydro store down south was informing on their customers to the cops. What makes that story so unbelievable? And whta makes you the person to tell someone to go away and grow the fuck up?

O.K. so where's the link or at least the site you got it from, hell I'll even just take the state or county and I'll look it up myself... Not saying he's lying but the lack of these things makes it a lil "How should I say this?:confused: Ahhhh I got it underbelievable :roll:yeah thats it underbelievable" :roll:


New Member
O.K. so where's the link or at least the site you got it from, hell I'll even just take the state or county and I'll look it up myself... Not saying he's lying but the lack of these things makes it a lil "How should I say this?:confused: Ahhhh I got it underbelievable :roll:yeah thats it underbelievable" :roll:
Laughing Buddha Nursery of Metarie,louisiana

Maybe he is lying, but why be nasty about it?


Well-Known Member
Lickily I haven't had any run ins with the cops with things like that. But I did get busted once for shop lifting when i was like 13.. Damn I was stupid..


New Member
O.K. so where's the link or at least the site you got it from, hell I'll even just take the state or county and I'll look it up myself... Not saying he's lying but the lack of these things makes it a lil "How should I say this?:confused: Ahhhh I got it underbelievable :roll:yeah thats it underbelievable" :roll:
What happened there bro bro? Did you see the name, city and state? Or did i make that up?So if you were somehow challenging what i say,, what happened? Just some link about crack dealers in baltimore.