Eric Cantor... ousted


Well-Known Member
Hey UB,

Is the ability to take work when you want to code speak for *in between benders*???

Your dad is impressed because you can grow a weed. What a fucking high bar to set for his kids...
no, it means unlike you, we make more than $25k a year cleaning pools and "servicing" a dozen dudes a day because our work is worth more than that.


Well-Known Member
Well, at least we know where you got your shitty entitlement attitude. Rotten fruit doesnt fall far from the tree...
so you're saying your dad was a nearly-retarded alcoholic racist with a propensity for living in a fantasy world?


Well-Known Member

pronoun: us
  1. 1.
    used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition.
    "let us know"
    • used after the verb “to be” and after “than” or “as”
      "it's us or them"
    • North Americaninformal
      to or for ourselves.
      "we got us some good hunting"
  2. 2.
    "give us a kiss"


Well-Known Member
pronoun: us
  1. 1.
    used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition.
    "let us know"
    • used after the verb “to be” and after “than” or “as”
      "it's us or them"
    • North Americaninformal
      to or for ourselves.
      "we got us some good hunting"
  2. 2.
    "give us a kiss"
you and who else?

karma dude..but you know all about that:wink:


Well-Known Member
reported as stalker.

i can play this way better than you.

How does it feel being a DUMB bitch? You quoted the definition of the word and then made a dumbass comment about it's meaning. The meaning that was in the quote you quoted. Do whatever the fuck you want. You have still proven yourself to be a dumbass bitch.
Nothing you say or do can hide that fact. At least I'm just pretending.


Well-Known Member
How does it feel being a DUMB bitch? You quoted the definition of the word and then made a dumbass comment about it's meaning. The meaning that was in the quote you quoted. Do whatever the fuck you want. You have still proven yourself to be a dumbass bitch.
Nothing you say or do can hide that fact. At least I'm just pretending.
so you're the only genius who knows how to pretend?