what game or game series can you not go on without

super smash brothers, legend of zelda, fallout, elder scrolls. gears of war and call of duty are also good, however they get old pretty quick to me, they're more like mindless shooting, the others require more strategy than shooting skills.
Halo 1 and 2

play them a bunch every week since they came out for xbox, but now i play them for pc

I have never seen less then 100 players and I have seen up to 600 dedicated servers with people playing in them for halo custom edition. That shit is never going to die, it was just updated this year too.
Halo 1 and 2

play them a bunch every week since they came out for xbox, but now i play them for pc

I have never seen less then 100 players and I have seen up to 600 dedicated servers with people playing in them for halo custom edition. That shit is never going to die, it was just updated this year too.

had big hopes for that series but the games got so damn repetitive. the first couple were pretty fun though.
If im feeling nostalgic i throw on goldeneye for the 64, then i thank the tech gods for how much better they have made games lol. Halo is probably the first game i just wanted to play forever, up until 3 that is. Got a ps3 after my xbox junked out and have loved it other than the no halo or gears...

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world of warcraft LOL

alright --- you must have liked the pandas? i quite just before that release. i just couldn't stand what they did to the game. all those hard mounts, gold, etc. you worked so hard for, spread across a whole acct.. just frosted me.
alright --- you must have liked the pandas? i quite just before that release. i just couldn't stand what they did to the game. all those hard mounts, gold, etc. you worked so hard for, spread across a whole acct.. just frosted me.
hmm i didnt like the panda theme, as i got used to it .....new xpac should be good though
hmm i didnt like the panda theme, as i got used to it .....new xpac should be good though[/QUOT
hmm i didnt like the panda theme, as i got used to it .....new xpac should be good though

My thing was soloing old content.

Occasionally I think about going back just to get Ashes of Al’ar and Onyxian Drake, I soloed those damn raids for over 6 mo’s every week and never got the drops.

A few weeks before I left, the Time Lost Proto popped up in front of one of my gathering toons. The sad part about that it, I was on my second account. But still cool. Especially when I think about all the time I put in looking for that thing years before! I liked the older Proto Drakes.

I also had the fortune of having the Reins of Poseidus drop twice. The first one I sold for almost 150K and the second for about 65K. Big gold back then.

I got the Drake of the North and the one that dropped from Slab Hide.

I loved soloing those 85 instances, then the bastards really nerfed the DK’s just before the Panda release --- that did it for me.

Excuse me for walking down memory lane.
Unreal Tournament, Ghost Recon, KOTOR, and Elder Scrolls if I had to pick one... Unreal Tournament(the original) has wasted more of my time than any other game ever . Elder Scrolls is catching up though...
Quake for real.
I stopped playing probably around 2001, went on to CS for like a year and then mostly stopped playing video games very seriously until around 2006/2007 when I started with WoW. Had the gaming itch again after playing wow for a while with real life friends, but got tired of the pace lack of competitiveness, repetitiveness and a bunch of other things (balance issues etc) so I jumped into Quakelive a couple years after it came out and my skills have eventually returned. I used to be a lot better (I played for a really well known pro organization these days but it wasn't so well organized back then and it didn't start that way) relative to other people but that's ok I still feel it coming back.

I have taken a bit of a break from it this summer though to focus on stuff around the house and garden.

Game is addictive and so well balanced and paced. Only gripe is that more people don't play it - instead are interested in the newest thing (which typically ends up being a pile of shit) and that id software doesn't support it well enough.

Weapon for every situation but it doesn't give you a stupid number of choices and there is variety in them and how to use them... I really hate modern shooters. Sorry little rant there.
Fallout 1,2, BoS,3 and new Vegas

Far cry 2,3
And arma 1,2,3

If I had to pick one

completely agree, however i found fallout 3(including all dlc) was more epic than new vegas, chinese stealth armor, everything about anchorage, the pitt and mothership zeta was fuckin awesome, not to mention the main mission was more interesting than finding a way to take over vegas or helping whoever you want to take over, being in DC they were able to incorporate so many history references, there were more vaults in 3 if im not mistaken, and i missed all the raiders and super mutants everywhere you went, but honestly pointe lookout wasnt too great imo(all the guns, enemies were kind of unoriginal, overall missions and atmosphere just werent interesting to me). i never bought all the dlc for new vegas though so im not sure it was that much better, i did however like modifications, the nightkin follower, the anti material rifle, and taking out the big guns skill helped out.

and far cry is awesome, i recently bought blood dragon, an 80s spin off of far cry 3 where your main characters the epitome of a badass, says some cheesy ass catch phrases too, shits hysterical. man those guys gotta do a lot of somethin, im guessing a lot of shrooms or acid, because the cut scenes and some of the missions get ridiculous.