Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member
Does the area have drainage if it rains heavily? The whole plot kinda looks like it's in a pool, do you suspect any proplems?

i was originally going to install a 24x48 greenhouse on the plot and dug the "pool" to have more head room for my plants, but I didn't get it up in time for the season. once summer harvest is finished I will let the rain compact the dirt more and ill be adding concrete. what you see in the picture is a cut pad that was originally a hill so I have to give it time to settle better. I have plans to add in a retaining wall and a rain collection pool as well as drainage by the time next season comes around.


Well-Known Member
Another one of my spots. 5 gallon watering bucket for scale. I'm making the BIG PUSH this week in regards to vegging. This is the week that all my young girls become Spirited and Beautiful Women. Been 9 years since I got to enjoy this hobby. All I can say is WOW...I forgot just how much fun and fulfilling it truly is. What an imagination the ONE energy (from which all things have their existence) truly has. Been enjoying life again for a multitude of reasons and gardening is high on that list. Been hard at it all day making the necessary effort to make the big final push count. Weather forecast here in the Land of Lincoln is magnificent this coming week. High 80s low 90s and high humidity. WOOP WOOP DOG DIGGITY DOOP :bigjoint::peace:



Well-Known Member
So the skunker I was so sure was male turned out girlie and she earned her spot in the ground and a good supercropping.


The non-Bubba dom pheno CCK girl is in the ground and has been topped and supercropped.


Jackberry F5 showing what a good topping and cropping will do to a plant that responds. Think she wants you know her sex?


Bubba dom pheno CCKs. One on right is barely showing stigmas. Looks like a few more days on left plant.

Another Jackberry showing her stuff.



Well-Known Member
Hey 420 Dabber I've been dry for quite a while. Last time I smoked was around the time I was putting my ladies to pasture. I can see me denying myself now until I get the first fruit from my own labor. Oh how sweet it's gonna be :weed: