Interesting high yield idea?


New Member
So I want to start by saying I am new to growing (obviously), and I have been thinking of ways to maximize yield, without having a seedy batch and staying under my Colorado legal plant count.. I have been doing extensive research for a while now, and think that I have found a combination, but am worried the amount of stress may result in a hermaphrodite plant. So here it goes, please give me pros and cons, and any useful feedback that you think could make this truly work:

I would like to start with the medium, I have found a DIY Aero system setup in which there are two layers of spray heads with nets in between to prevent root growth into my pump that lays in the res below. So I would have the net pots in the lid, with a net below, then the same thing repeated once below that (lid, net, spray, net, spray, res with pump). I would use a simple PVC pipe with holes drilled in it, and spray nozzles stuck in the holes then maybe some sort of string/volleyball net system right below. I have read a lot online about aeroponics increasing yield and decreasing grow time by a lot.

I thought maybe instead of topping a plant, I could super-crop it, that way I get that topping effect while not losing that main cola. After topping it and having all of those branches race to the top to become a new cola, I figured I could low stress train my plant and SCROG it, that way all those smaller buds become much bigger than they would have without it. These are said to greatly increase yields as well. I just need to find a good liquid nutrient to put in it, because I have read using the dissolve-able salt nutrients can lead to clogging and messing up my spray heads.

All I am torn about is the lighting, I want to use either a full spectrum LED, such as the Spectrum King SK450 from Super Grow LED (I've been eyeing these for quite some time now, but not sure about LED lighting due to mixed reviews from people) or using a Full Spectrum Ceramic Metal Halide light mixed in with an HPS (not sure on what wattage to use when combining the two yet, perhaps some people could recommend something?). I hear full spectrum lighting almost mimics the sun and can be excellent for indoor grows. The LED would be good for my electric bill and would keep me from having to use fan systems since these ones run almost cold to touch. Plus the lenses disperse lighting evenly due to the 90 degree angle on the lenses allowing for a nice smooth lighting effect. I hear that full spectrum lighting can help increase yields, as with all the other methods I want to incorporate.

On paper this seems to be a great way to increase yield and produce good quality bud. I am no expert, that is why I want to pick the communities brain. I am afraid the super-crop + SCROG may be too much stress for the plants to handle and may end up with hermaphrodites, but if done correctly I think the yield could be massive for just a single plant. Keep in mind this is indoors, so I have limited space to work with, but that's beside the point. If anyone can tell me what is good, bad, or whatever about this idea I would appreciate it. At this point, any criticism is constructive for me. This is not my first grow, but I am still very new to growing in general and I just wanted to see if there were any excellent experienced growers out there that could tell me what they think about this idea. If it is ludicrous or stupid, please don't be afraid to tell me so. It is all just theory anyway.

Thanks Rollitup community, for any input, good and bad.


Well-Known Member
Your ideas have all been done before. Nothing new or earth shattering here.

In regards to lighting, you never specified the size space that you will be growing in. I wont get into the debate of LEDs vs HIDs as there are over 1000 threads already on the subject. (I prefer HIDs) as for going LED to avoid using fans? Regardless of what lighting that you use, your grow cab MUST be ventilated. You will still need an intake and an exhaust. Most use a passive intake, where it is just a hole drawing fresh air, and the preassure from your exhaust fan pulls air through your intake.

In order to scrog, a plant almost always have to be either topped or supercropped. So no worries there in regards to hermis. Again, i wont get into the Hermi debate, but in my experience, you have to really stress the hell out of a plant. I would say 90% of the time it is just the genetics.


What yields do you think are possible with the following System:

2x2 tent
600 watt Vipar LED 5w FULL SPECTRUM
3x 5 gallon Airpots
Medium: Canna Cocco
Nutes: Cana A and B and entire canna additives line with Canna Boost
Strains: White Widow and Northern lights
If all conditions are measured at correct PH and EC levels

What do you think the potential yeild would be?


Well-Known Member
First few days on here...Thanks, are you the welcoming comity?
No, that "comity" is in the politics section. Stop by sometime and visit. Oh, your first post there needs to contain your party affiliation ( if you have one ) and any experience you might have with racists, rapists and generally shady characters. See you soon !!!!!


Well-Known Member
If you have to ask about your potential yield, you probably aren't capable of achieving it.
@ledzepplin ...this is what I meant in the other thread, about the friendly advice about asking about yields ;)

It's a common response to that question, and @Bugeye surely doesn't mean any disrespect.

Hang around... you'll learn the ropes.



Well-Known Member
What yields do you think are possible with the following System:

2x2 tent
600 watt Vipar LED 5w FULL SPECTRUM
3x 5 gallon Airpots
Medium: Canna Cocco
Nutes: Cana A and B and entire canna additives line with Canna Boost
Strains: White Widow and Northern lights
If all conditions are measured at correct PH and EC levels

What do you think the potential yeild would be?
Way to many variables... But i will play along....

When u say 2x2, is that meters or feet?


Well-Known Member
Where's he gone,,you've scared him off,, man it was just about to kick off,,,,

i think its totally unfair to slate someone for a question on yeild, there's nothing wrong with being curious and having a goal,,,you bastard people you all deserve to die!!! Die i tell you !! Die


Well-Known Member
What yields do you think are possible with the following System:

2x2 tent
600 watt Vipar LED 5w FULL SPECTRUM
3x 5 gallon Airpots
Medium: Canna Cocco
Nutes: Cana A and B and entire canna additives line with Canna Boost
Strains: White Widow and Northern lights
If all conditions are measured at correct PH and EC levels

What do you think the potential yeild would be?
About a pound