Help needed


Well-Known Member
OK i got a small plant about 3" tall with the first two leaves.
The other day i watered it and could see loads of little things jumping up in the air.
After watering i took the plant pot out of the dish to get rid of excess water.
Floating around in the water was hundreds of these little bastards.
Their very tiny and pure white. What are they. spidermites ?
What can i use to get rid of these fuckers ?
I tried to take a pic of them but couldn"t get a good one (camera phone)
Any help would be good.
I got a get rid of these little bastards as soon as poss.

By the way the plant i"m growing i don"t know what it is.
I was working in this empty house a couple of weeks ago and found a small glass jar in one of the bedrooms with three seeds in it.
The house i was doing up is a student house so it could be anything.
By that i mean any sort of ganja. They are ganja seeds i know a ganja seed when i see one.
I got two other plants growing but i know what they are.
This one"s a surprise :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like asphids or whatever those little assholes are called Neeham oil and some yellow sticky always work for me... With the neeham oil, its strong, i think you mix about a tablespoon or less with a gallon of water and saturate the leaves, top and bottom and just a bit on the top soil you apply every 3 weeks till they go away, about 3-6 application, some treat their plant through out to keep them healthy, the stickies are for your immediate action, stick 2-3 strips right in the soil away from leaves, shake your plants a bit and watch em stick..... Hope this helps, let us know how it works out, you can get all this stuff at lowes and home depot, if you are in the states!!

good luck !!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
hi dave sorry i have never had a pest problem with my indoor plants, saying that i have see a lot of problems with pests on here neem oil seems to be the choise of most growers, but there is a product called eradicoat this claims to rid all pests, holland hydroponics sell both these neem oil is sold as Genius oil @ £11 and eradicoat @ £12.50

and yellow sticky in england is fly paper

hope this helps and you get rid of the little bastards.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kulan Hunter thats what i needed to know cheers :blsmoke:
These little bastards have been pissing me off.
I need to get rid of them before i re pot otherwise i think imight just be pissing in the wind with my surprise seed

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
yer i think spider mites are red in colour, do they look like this?

i hope you get rid of them soon what ever they are
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Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
when they're in the water, do they like jerk/swim around? i'll bet you've got spring tails. i had them once, i didn't like them either. they don't hurt anything and in fact are beneficial. they eat dead root/plant matter. the cure is a dose of h2o2. only drawback is this will kill "all" beneficials in your medium. you can just re-apply the bennies later.


Well-Known Member
if it`s spider mites watch for white spots on the leaves they suck the moisture out causing it to go white. babies are white and get darker as they age. look for webs on plant.


Well-Known Member
A slice of raw potato placed on infested soil for a few hours will draw fungus gnat larva up to and into it. IF it's fungus gnat's, then you'll know for certain.
To be rid of them in the soil, keep replacing potato slices w/fresh ones until they come up clean.


Well-Known Member
Geez!! Can 1Puff get some love?!?!

Thanks Kulan Hunter thats what i needed to know cheers :blsmoke:
These little bastards have been pissing me off.
I need to get rid of them before i re pot otherwise i think imight just be pissing in the wind with my surprise seed


Well-Known Member
when they're in the water, do they like jerk/swim around? i'll bet you've got spring tails. i had them once, i didn't like them either. they don't hurt anything and in fact are beneficial. they eat dead root/plant matter. the cure is a dose of h2o2. only drawback is this will kill "all" beneficials in your medium. you can just re-apply the bennies later

Watered my plant tonight and poured the excess water through a piece of old black t shirt when all the water had gone my son checked them out and said they were springtails. once the water had gone they started springing all over the place.
My son did some thing about them at school last year.

Thanks for the help :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
A slice of raw potato placed on infested soil for a few hours will draw fungus gnat larva up to and into it. IF it's fungus gnat's, then you'll know for certain.
To be rid of them in the soil, keep replacing potato slices w/fresh ones until they come up clean.
Thanks MR Fishy
I"ve spotted a few black flies so i put up some of them fly papers.

Also i found a big blue bottle in there yesterday morning so i killed it.
Then last night when i got home from work there was three of the bastards so i killed them thats when i put up the fly papers.

Anyone else get blue bottle"s fucking about with there plants ? :blsmoke:

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i can list the bugs i have had on one hand, i have had 2 flies and 1 spider that it.

what did you do satman to get rid of yours?


Active Member
Take the pot & plant & submerse in to slightly warm water leave some green above water, for 2 hours. then carefully remove the plant&root from the lot under running water. wash the leaves, check for nasty eggs. Replant in prepepared clean root base. Grow in peace & good luck :-)

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
treated mine with tobacco juice with a touch of safer's soap....dang cheap soil had the larvae....thats the only bugs I have had...the sticky strips help a lot too.