Well-Known Member
Perhaps your right its just a stoner fantasy.
We'll see
Its been done before. Its just spendy with a buried grow.
Perhaps your right its just a stoner fantasy.
We'll see
Water (unless you have a well)
I have faith
Considering im the metal guy
My buddy is a lic'd plumber
His buddy is a lic'd electrician.
All the expensive things are basically just going to be parts.
Labour is free when enough bud is shared
Nah people round here do that type of shit lol ive heard on 3 accounts of buried conexs and school buses
there was one on anchorage Craigslist for sale the title was insulated grow connex lol
search it might still be for sale
or just get a water container. there decently priced. I've also seen huge water bladders that are cool but i think pricy not really sure on them.The land is the biggest obstacle
We have looked at thousands ranging from 10-250k
Some have water some dont.
I would buy huge septic tanks and collect rain and or dig a well.
We are still in the planning stages but im glad to have gotten this much feedback and no one has said ur crazy forget about it
Lol its was in wasilla for 6000 looked pretty nice but since we are legal my woman can have 12 (that they know about ) im gona make those 12 into monsters lolDibs!.... j/k
Yeah, no, I get that, I wasn't referring to your above ground scheme that presumably takes place on property you already posses, I was referring to the OP's entire idea of purchasing land, excavating the land and burying a unit, building a building out of units around it, making sure everything is structurally sound and wired correctly, not to mention finding some sort of water source for your off the grid, middle of nowhere buried grow op and not-open-to-the-public mechanic shop.So Depending on where you are. Container should cost about 3k (Delivered)
Insulation should cost about 1-2k
Drywall or cheap OSB boards go for CHEAP to seperate rooms. I'm thinking Framing a wall and an energy saver door, would prolly run you about 200 FOR A DOOR AND FRAME SETUP USING OSB Board to separate the rooms.
Now electricity, Running the wires and having the MLC (mother light control panel) I have an electrician friend who would charge me on material only. Should only run about 1-2k
Solar, You can pay monthly and finance that. (no problem)
Considering YOU ALREADY HAVE THE EQUIPMENT. it shouldnt cost THAT much.
8k to outfit a shipping container, ONE TIME.
Monthly Solar Payments
Water (unless you have a well)
You're good to go. Throw in all your equipment.
Flip that bitch on!