Senators will introduce a federal medical marijuana bill tomorrow


Well-Known Member
You are misinformed and bias. If Hillary and Obama were left of Rand on social issues, why haven't they done what Paul has done? Paul is also against a lot of our foreign intervention while Obama keeps drone bombing people.

You are aware that our president assassinated citizens without due process aren't you? Is that the "new left" way of thinking?

Stomp your feet and call me names, or prove me wrong. Either way works for me.
seriously though, shut the fuck up.

rend pawl says he does not care if we drone bomb US citizens without a trial.

rend pawl hasn't done shit. this is cory booker's and kirsten gillibrand's bill. rend pawl has stated that he he is deadset against legalization.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about a few things concerning the half assed bill. to fix the Fed.and MJ. How will the resched. affect guns? How will the resched affect the IRS.shakedown on not allowing standard tax deductions? How will it affect interstate transport? Shipping US mail or UPS.? Will it change asset forfiet. Will the cops still be able to set up a $10. buy, then kill the customer?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I really don't know and this is only a guess, but whatcha wanna bet there is a law against consuming bleach? Don't really care enough to look it up because I don't need a law telling me not to, but my suspicion says there is.

I also know of a few here who would applaud such a law and argue for it's a necessity.
There could be, it would just point out the contradiction of public pools maintained by coercive authority using chlorine in the pool.

Some people pee in pools. *

* No mention of Wendys in this post.


Well-Known Member
Here's a trip down memory lane for those who refuse to believe Paul is left of dems on a lot of things and that our present Dem leadership isn't chock full of warmongers.

Backstory, this is back when horse face Kerry was pleading to bomb Assad, but just a little bit. Notice the total lack of respect and humility.

This thread is still pretty funny to read, the partisan on full display. The story changed daily and the support changed right along with it. Those same people are now supporting fighting FOR Assad.

Why the long face John?

Rand is so dreamy. Wonder how his jump shot is?

With hindsight, who was right here?


Well-Known Member
Paul is left of dems on a lot of things
"The main thing I've said is not to legalize" - rend pawl

"I'm a dreamer"

"I would draw new lines for Kurdistan and I would promise them a country" - rend pawl

" I envision an America with a national defense unparalleled, undefeatable and unencumbered by nation building." - rend pawl

unprincipled spineless flip-flopping hypocrite racist. both of you.


Well-Known Member
If Rand Paul were really leading, he'd point out the idiocy of ANY controlled drugs.

There shouldn't be a "controlled drug schedule". It assumes that other people can determine what you can ingest, rather than you making that determination. The whole premise that others can jail you for doing something you like, but they don't and which is confined to your body is clear evidence that freedom is dead.

Bleach isn't on the silly controlled drug schedule, I bet most of us here, have decided on our own not to consume it though.
It's in the water you drink,

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It's in the water you drink,
I'll agree it may be in the water many drink. Not in the water I drink though.

My point was telling people what they can and cannot ingest under threat of force and then telling those same people they are free, is a bit much. Very very few people are free in the real sense of the word.


Well-Known Member
I'll agree it may be in the water many drink. Not in the water I drink though.

My point was telling people what they can and cannot ingest under threat of force and then telling those same people they are free, is a bit much. Very very few people are free in the real sense of the word.
good point, rape slave.


Well-Known Member
seriously though, shut the fuck up.

rend pawl says he does not care if we drone bomb US citizens without a trial.

rend pawl hasn't done shit. this is cory booker's and kirsten gillibrand's bill. rend pawl has stated that he he is deadset against legalization.

How do you drone somebody after a Trail ? Couldn`t ya just look over at them and shoot ?


Well-Known Member
Who cares what he said before this. Politicians do this shit all the time. When the minority carry a topic they are against it, when the minority becomes the majority, they are now for it. I don't care his reasons, and neither should anyone else, fact is he is now doing something that is moving the ball in most of our favor. Getting MJ rescheduled and banks involved is a huge step.

You guys say Reps need to wake up and listen to the people but if they do they are hypocrits.

Just so you know, all politicans are hypocrits.