hairs stopped growing on the top. what should i do?!

Pound the protein powders

creatine is what he needs

@Will Ferrell take some creatine before you lift and protein powder after wards and in the morning then for buffing up just get some dumb bells its okay to start out small but something you can only lift 8 to 12 times (low rep high weight is best for bulk) but try do get atleast 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps (a set = completing your reps) if you can do 5 then you'll see a bigger difference but you'll be sore alot

and military presses are good for your shoulders as well

thats how i did it back in high school

then after a while join a gym and start doing different lifting exercises your really lucky your not fat like i am lol i have to lose more weight before i start hardcore lifting again

im no trainer but im just giving my suggestion

good luck!
Wearing a beret will get your ass beat.


keep talking fool!!!
Ok ferrel, i got ya covered my man. Heres some good options for you if ya wanna keep the dome furry. You can get a perscription for a drug called propecia. Thats the trade name, its actually finesteride, 1mg per day.
Another one is herbal but its still a DHT inhibitor and its called oatgrass. Its also in green vibrance which is good for you anyway.
Or theres also a non perscription but FDA approved one called minoxidil and its made by rogain.
Good luck man, i still have all my hair but i think being bald would be cool. Less work to do. Just get a tan and beef up a bit. Then you wont look like an aids patient.
Ok ferrel, i got ya covered my man. Heres some good options for you if ya wanna keep the dome furry. You can get a perscription for a drug called propecia. Thats the trade name, its actually finesteride, 1mg per day.
Another one is herbal but its still a DHT inhibitor and its called oatgrass. Its also in green vibrance which is good for you anyway.
Or theres also a non perscription but FDA approved one called minoxidil and its made by rogain.
Good luck man, i still have all my hair but i think being bald would be cool. Less work to do. Just get a tan and beef up a bit. Then you wont look like an aids patient.
thanks man im gonna look into that stuff. im to the point where ill try anything. You would think its less maintence, but its actually more, unless you dont mind looking like bozo the clown, with all the side hair thick and frowed out and nothing much on top. it sucks lol!
thanks man im gonna look into that stuff. im to the point where ill try anything. You would think its less maintence, but its actually more, unless you dont mind looking like bozo the clown, with all the side hair thick and frowed out and nothing much on top. it sucks lol!
Ya, i didnt think of that. :/
thanks man im gonna look into that stuff. im to the point where ill try anything. You would think its less maintence, but its actually more, unless you dont mind looking like bozo the clown, with all the side hair thick and frowed out and nothing much on top. it sucks lol!

deal with it man. keep doing your push ups, slap yourself in the face a few times here and there when you feel like your confidence is waning.

if you think today is bad, consider how shitty you'll look down the road. fuck those products, take some testosterone or start doing blow, until you're completely happy with the new you. cheers
Youre too young to be looking like fester, luckily Ive got a solution for ya... im an older guy who HAD the thickest hair ever, a few yrs back it started falling out like crazy and I did a ton of research to keep as much as possible. You dont want to take propecia, its an oral pill that has lots of bad sexual side effects...what you want is Rogaine as one poster mentioned...only problem is its pretty expensive, I used to use the kirkland brand a few yrs back but they changed production to some shady outfit in Israel...after that it didnt work anymore, just snakeoil in a bottle basically...youre gonna want to use equate brand (walmart) minoxidil, get it in the three pack.. 5% good for three months...18bucks for 3 mos the morning when you comb your hair etc just use the dropper and apply a small amount and work it in a little on the top of your noggin...before you go to bed the same thing, takes 10 seconds and dries quickly...your hair will grow like one of those gia pets ;) seriously, it will start to fill in quickly and look good after a few wks...only downside is you have to keep using it, otherwise youll lose said hair... but for me its part of my reg daily routine like shaving or brushing your teeth, I dont think twice about it..quick and easy! Its pretty popular and is out of stock often, so I just order online, of luck!
deal with it man. keep doing your push ups, slap yourself in the face a few times here and there when you feel like your confidence is waning.

if you think today is bad, consider how shitty you'll look down the road. fuck those products, take some testosterone or start doing blow, until you're completely happy with the new you. cheers
seems like everyone i know personally says something like that. But guess what, they all arent going bald either. I cant stand when my two brothers are trying to tell me its not that bad, with their full head of hair, fuckers..

but in all honesty, i think thats good advice, especially the slapping and blow
deal with it man. keep doing your push ups, slap yourself in the face a few times here and there when you feel like your confidence is waning.

if you think today is bad, consider how shitty you'll look down the road. fuck those products, take some testosterone or start doing blow, until you're completely happy with the new you. cheers
testosterone makes it worse