i'm dry...


Well-Known Member
so are u dry today ?

Or did ya save that smoke from yesterday for today :D ?
I am indeed dry today. I smoked up the very last of that joint my friend brought over yesterday, about a bowl's worth. 'Twas good. As harvest approaches, supplies are drying up all over the place, damn near impossible to find at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I am indeed dry today. I smoked up the very last of that joint my friend brought over yesterday, about a bowl's worth. 'Twas good. As harvest approaches, supplies are drying up all over the place, damn near impossible to find at the moment.

same here ( well not me but dealers are dry ) ... but on the 11. I am getting my weed from HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAANDDDDDDDDDDDD

:twisted: I'll post a pic of a 100gramm Ball from holland :D


Well-Known Member
Ooohh! Some of my favorite cheese comes from Holland. My grandmother makes a Caribbean treat (recently learned the history of the recipe) where you make a savory chicken fricassee, hollow out a large Gouda cheese like you would a pumpkin, fill it with the fricassee, bake, and enjoy. But, I can't find whole Gouda cheese balls out here, they're all over the place in Puerto Rico.


Well-Known Member
Ooohh! Some of my favorite cheese comes from Holland. My grandmother makes a Caribbean treat (recently learned the history of the recipe) where you make a savory chicken fricassee, hollow out a large Gouda cheese like you would a pumpkin, fill it with the fricassee, bake, and enjoy. But, I can't find whole Gouda cheese balls out here, they're all over the place in Puerto Rico.

omfg that sounds like it would just explode in ya mouth.. first the cheese so soft it just melts through ya teeth.. then the chicken so that it can absord the cheese again and down it goes :D

So i am guessing by the wiki that the secrets in this :

Fricassee (sometimes spelled Fricassée) is typically poultry, but other types of white meat can be substituted. They are first cut into pieces, and then stewed in a white gravy. Contemporarily, it often includes other ingredients (such as mushrooms, vegetables, etc.) sauteed and served in a dry vermouth cream sauce.[cit

So like whats your type of gravy thing :D

I feel like cooking ^^

LOVELY !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, in Puerto Rican cooking we really don't use heavy sauces, it's just too hot for that. So my grandmother's fricassee is more, as she calls it, juicy. Made simply from the juices of the chicken, sofrito, and raisins and green olives. It thickens up a little bit, but not enough to be anything like a cream or white sauce.

I can send you the recipe if you like.


Well-Known Member
Well, in Puerto Rican cooking we really don't use heavy sauces, it's just too hot for that. So my grandmother's fricassee is more, as she calls it, juicy. Made simply from the juices of the chicken, sofrito, and raisins and green olives. It thickens up a little bit, but not enough to be anything like a cream or white sauce.

I can send you the recipe if you like.

sure i'll post a pic of my dinner ;) u can tell me if it hits the spot - eye candy -


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's dinner time for you! I'm at GMT -7hrs, we'll be closing in on high noon soon. Mmm.. just had a banana, didn't do the trick, not when I'm thinking about savory goodness.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's dinner time for you! I'm at GMT -7hrs, we'll be closing in on high noon soon. Mmm.. just had a banana, didn't do the trick, not when I'm thinking about savory goodness.

did u send the recipe ???? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Crap! No attachments via pm. You're getting it here, D.

Dammit! How can one page of recipe exceed the fucking limit? What the fuck? Copy and paste. :rolleyes: In italics are my own notes/additions. :D

Our Very Own Stuffed Cheese
(or, Nuestro Queso Relleno)

1 ball Holland or Edam cheese (appx. 3-3 ½ lbs)
3 ½ lbs. Chicken pieces
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons sofrito
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
2 bay leaves
cilantro, chopped (probably 1/2 bunch)
long-leaf culantro, chopped (this is a Caribbean herb, it's like cilantro on steroids, double your cilantro)
¼ teaspoon oregano
¼ Cup wine (she calls for cooking wine, if I can't drink it I don't cook with it) red
12 stuffed green olives, sliced
1 tablespoon raisins (don't leave this out!)
1 large potato, diced and parboiled
2 teaspoons salt
1 can pimientos
chicken broth or water (broth has more flavor)
2 hardboiled eggs, cubed or diced
banana leaves (I don't use these, too hard to find)

Remove the paraffin wax covering of the cheese. Dip the cheese in hot water, remove immediately and wipe clean. Cut a slice off the top of the ball, a 3”-4” circle (just enough to allow you to hollow out the cheese), save this piece to place back on top. Using a spoon, scoop out the cheese so that you are left with a hollow shell about ½” thickness.

Cut the uncooked chicken into 1” cubes (bite size), discarding the bones and skin. Saute the chicken in the olive oil, adding all the other ingredients except the banana leaf and boiled eggs. Cook until the meat is tender. If not juicy add chicken broth or water (you're making a sort of a loose or juicy stew). Salt to taste, but on the low side because the cheese is also salty, some more so than others.

If the cheese is very salty, soak it in cold water for 1-2 hours. Place the cheese in a deep dish, dutch oven or pan, if you have the banana leaves have them lining the pan (the leaves are soo not crucial, I've never made it with the banana leaves, but they do impart their own special flavor).

Spoon the filling into the cheese ball, alternating with some of the chopped egg, as in layers. Replace the top of the cheese. Bake in a 350* (Fahrenheit) oven for 1 hour. Remove from the oven, remove the leaf. Place on a large plate, cut into wedges and serve immediately.

This is absolutely delectable.


Well-Known Member
Crap! No attachments via pm. You're getting it here, D.

Dammit! How can one page of recipe exceed the fucking limit? What the fuck? Copy and paste. :rolleyes: In italics are my own notes/additions. :D

Copy n Pasted it ......... ;) Thnx very much sea ;)


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:woot woot! just rode my bmx 10 minutes through poring rain, just to get myself some bud, i'm soaked now.

and got a lousy gram for 20 bucks ( thats like double price :cuss:)

am gonna go call a friend and "test" this bud ( its the same i always get :D)
and if i cant reach my friend... i'll "test" it anyway :mrgreen:

this fat doobie goes out to all the people that lit up for me while i was dry :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:woot woot! just rode my bmx 10 minutes through poring rain, just to get myself some bud, i'm soaked now.

and got a lousy gram for 20 bucks ( thats like double price :cuss:)

am gonna go call a friend and "test" this bud ( its the same i always get :D)
and if i cant reach my friend... i'll "test" it anyway :mrgreen:

this fat doobie goes out to all the people that lit up for me while i was dry :bigjoint:

;) Peace homes

have fun with it ;) U can allways come to me... i told you that... anyway peace ;)


Well-Known Member
damn that big fat joint was so good, I'm nice'n high now.

i wanted to watch pineapple express now, but i can't find it online. :cuss:
does anyone have a working link for me?? :D
or a diffrent stonermovie i havent seen?? :mrgreen:


seamaiden i diddnt know you cooked spanish, i love Puerto Rican food i just had sopa de pollio (chicken soup) as a hang over medicine it clears a hangover in no time and makes you feel like a new man. there are lots of puerto Rican restaurants one town over from me so its a regular lunch thing for me. i unfortunately dont speak spanish too well so i never know what i get it all tastes so good anyway that i dont care if it is Ox Tail or tripe the spices make everything melt in your mouth. let me know if you post anymore recipes my wife likes to try to make new stuff for dinner


Well-Known Member
The best part of being dry, especially for us regular smokers, is that it lowers your tolerance. I did not smoke for a couple days until last night. I got blasted off a couple bong hits. :mrgreen:

It can suck but sometimes a break is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
no doubt, what i ussally do when i feel my tolerance is too high i go to this black dude i know and ask him for some shwag smoke a gram of regs and then roll a blunt then you are soaring like a bird!