
There are the unfortunate people (ME) that have the bad luck of being in an area where there are very few available girls. Guess what that means!!!
Theres nothing to be ashamed of, especially if your not ready, theres no reason to rush it. Just make sure your first time is with someone that you love, that way you can always look back on it as a good thing. Sex is fun, and sex is cool but it isn't all that matters. Some people make it out to be a much bigger deal than it is. Its just an expression of the physical and spiritual intimacy that two people share, it isn't like a right of passage or anything. Nothing amazing is gonna happen when you loose it, though the first time I had sex the sky burst open, and a beautiful golden light shun down upon me. Angels came fourth and bestowed onto me the ultimate truth in this world. At that moment my soul finally became complete and I attained a higher consciousness. All this because I lost my virginity of course.....:mrgreen:
nothing good can come out of virgin on virgin sex. it always helps when at least one person really knows what they are doing.
To illustrate this point I'll tell a story of how me and a ex both lost our virginity.

So we were sitting on the couch watching tv when we decide to try having sex for the first time. So I put on the condom and with almost no foreplay we decided to try it, she was just barely wet when I tried to put it in.
As soon as I penetrated she said it was hurting. I asked her if she wanted to stop and she said no. So I started to push it in further but I could see the pain in her eyes, once I was half way inside of her she told me to pull out and I did. After that she was bleeding a little bit and sort of traumatized, I felt horrible for hurting her but she told me it was ok.
Afterwards she was like scared of my penis and didn't really like anything sexual. Eventually we broke up but I think she still has issues with sex. Its something I still feel horrible about, when I saw that look in her eyes I really should have stopped, I could see she was in pain but she just didn't want to disappoint me. :sad: It makes me feel like a bad person.
To illustrate this point I'll tell a story of how me and a ex both lost our virginity.

So we were sitting on the couch watching tv when we decide to try having sex for the first time. So I put on the condom and with almost no foreplay we decided to try it, she was just barely wet when I tried to put it in.
As soon as I penetrated she said it was hurting. I asked her if she wanted to stop and she said no. So I started to push it in further but I could see the pain in her eyes, once I was half way inside of her she told me to pull out and I did. After that she was bleeding a little bit and sort of traumatized, I felt horrible for hurting her but she told me it was ok.
Afterwards she was like scared of my penis and didn't really like anything sexual. Eventually we broke up but I think she still has issues with sex. Its something I still feel horrible about, when I saw that look in her eyes I really should have stopped, I could see she was in pain but she just didn't want to disappoint me. :sad: It makes me feel like a bad person.
aww dont feel bad...she should have said something sooner...not ur fault hun. dont sweat it
soooo i feel like whining cuz im still a member of the are there any other virgins on RIU? lol do guys like virgins? some i've talked to think its great...and some are really not cool with it lol. does anyone know why im still a virgin? haha im just kidding...i know why...sort of...but yea. whats everyones thoughts? how was your first time?


22 years and still a virgin; I believe that that's great. Persoanlly after starting aggressively at the age of 16; at thirty now; I've been abstanace for approxiately 3 years now, masterbation and all.

I think that Love is greater tan sex and encourage you to wait for LOVE (establish your relationship with God, in your heart andddd mind first). I definitelt believe that its worth the wait; one way or the other.

This may be strange but though I am waiting, I am a polygomist. Did I spell that right?

God bless you.
member of the v-club also. waiting for the right one. not a loser, just don't think its that big of a deal "well maybe thats cause im a virgin" but hey she will come, then she will come and i can't wait =/
Mr.X GodBless
ya i dont wanna fuck a virgin for my first few times haha
i want a girl who knows what she is doin and what she wants me to do
so she can like help me
anyone wanna teach me ;-) hhahaha
it hurt like a bitch the first time but if the guy goes slow, then it wont hurt so bad, but you gotta put a condom on (EVERYTIME LOL) but ESPECIALLY the first or it really won't go in cuz its too big and your too tight.
the next couple times hurt but not that bad, i like it.
haha well...i've done it for awhile now (but im no slut damn just with one guy) and its fucking bombb.

22 years and still a virgin; I believe that that's great. Persoanlly after starting aggressively at the age of 16; at thirty now; I've been abstanace for approxiately 3 years now, masterbation and all.

I think that Love is greater tan sex and encourage you to wait for LOVE (establish your relationship with God, in your heart andddd mind first). I definitelt believe that its worth the wait; one way or the other.

This may be strange but though I am waiting, I am a polygomist. Did I spell that right?

God bless you.

its true, so many of my friends just go for it, and put themselves into this huge whole that screw them over in the end, but i'm a christian (yep i LOVE GOD!! WOO!) and i waited for someone i REALLY cared about and waited until i was almost 17 and just KNEW that he was the one. it sounds bad that i say i love someone, but yep were STILL together!
i do have a relationship and i do say that it feels a whole lot better knowing someone is right there.

some girls go from guy to guy thinking they found love, and its sad because the guy has NO intention on staying with the girl and the girl goes to another guy thinking that maybe THEY care.
it hurt like a bitch the first time but if the guy goes slow, then it wont hurt so bad, but you gotta put a condom on (EVERYTIME LOL) but ESPECIALLY the first or it really won't go in cuz its too big and your too tight.
the next couple times hurt but not that bad, i like it.
haha well...i've done it for awhile now (but im no slut damn just with one guy) and its fucking bombb.

damn miss alie. tell me again how fun it is. you've got some big knockers and yes I can see you like a guy to go slow and make it hurt so good.
damn miss alie. tell me again how fun it is. you've got some big knockers and yes I can see you like a guy to go slow and make it hurt so good.

woooah there.

yeah.. its fun lol and yes there not small but hah woww.. umm

just any way is fun i guess? haha..?
haha that was a pretty good impression, thats a good movie makes ya think...and makes me feel very good about being a

yeah kids was a realy good movie!
feel good about being a virgin, it means your not easy and still have some good morals.. not alot of people have those these days!!

actually i like bully and wassup rockers too. lol they are all soo good and so reall ahaha
soooo i feel like whining cuz im still a member of the are there any other virgins on RIU? lol do guys like virgins? some i've talked to think its great...and some are really not cool with it lol. does anyone know why im still a virgin? haha im just kidding...i know why...sort of...but yea. whats everyones thoughts? how was your first time?

dont need to read any further,lol. u know ive commented on ur lips before. even though i havnt seen u, id still do u. obviously i would but u seem to live in a different country and i have a gf :p

but given the chance. damn right. ur lips are brilliant.
dont need to read any further,lol. u know ive commented on ur lips before. even though i havnt seen u, id still do u. obviously i would but u seem to live in a different country and i have a gf :p

but given the chance. damn right. ur lips are brilliant.
awww thanks hun :blsmoke: