First grow...30 days


So the first photo is of what appears to be a rather healthy seedling. It was planted just after the next photo of a not so healthy seedling. Both were in the same 6 inch jiffy pots with organic potting mix and perlite. I invested in the T5 VHO lights and have a closet setup with plenty of circulation. I realized my first mistake was using a dehumidifier from some post I read. The leave edges were browning and curling. I replanted all 4 in 5 gallon buckets and was amazed at the root growth for such tiny plants.

The plant's leaves start at just 3/4 in from the soil and each new growth is very close and tight to the last. They seem much happier now. The old soil was dry all the time even though I watered twice a day. This new mix I added a lot of peat moss and soil is maintaining moisture well. Also got a humidity gauge and got rid of the dehumidifier. Humidity is staying around 53% and day temp is around 80 and night around 70.
So is it OK that they are so short? I know the bushier the better but their main stem seems very short.



R u feeding already?
No I hadn't but the organic mix and perlite had minimal nutes. Mix is .10-.05-.05 and perlite is .07-.07-.07 miracle grow. Didn't seem that strong. Really think they were 2 dry. The sicker looking plant was the healthiest to start but one leaf got pretty brown and curled straight up . It is looking better now except for that one curled up leaf. I did just fertilize with 1/3rd strength fertilizer before transplant. They seem to be doing well except for height.?.!.?


Active Member
No I hadn't but the organic mix and perlite had minimal nutes. Mix is .10-.05-.05 and perlite is .07-.07-.07 miracle grow. Didn't seem that strong. Really think they were 2 dry. The sicker looking plant was the healthiest to start but one leaf got pretty brown and curled straight up . It is looking better now except for that one curled up leaf. I did just fertilize with 1/3rd strength fertilizer before transplant. They seem to be doing well except for height.?.!.?
Haha ur not feeding but the soil is those npk values r to take serious and can really fuck with ur plant unless u r an experienced grower that has there shit correct DON'T use miracle grow as u can see they throw nutes in as u stated plus ur perlite has NPK value Plus Plus fertilizer has an npk value ur probly burning ur plants alive I was always told don't feed till those little seed leaves die then feed 1/4 strength. But the MG (miracle grow) is not the best for cannabis unless u r experienced with it. get something eelse, coco/peat very good shit very forgiving u put in watt the plant needs and it only takes wat it needs any more will run out


Haha ur not feeding but the soil is those npk values r to take serious and can really fuck with ur plant unless u r an experienced grower that has there shit correct DON'T use miracle grow as u can see they throw nutes in as u stated plus ur perlite has NPK value Plus Plus fertilizer has an npk value ur probly burning ur plants alive I was always told don't feed till those little seed leaves die then feed 1/4 strength. But the MG (miracle grow) is not the best for cannabis unless u r experienced with it. get something eelse, coco/peat very good shit very forgiving u put in watt the plant needs and it only takes wat it needs any more will run out
Thanks for the reply. I know I messed up big time plus the dehumidifier vs dome thing. They are doing much better now though. Just still worried they are too short to have so much growth. Any input on that? Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Not sure how old these are but you'll be fine. Shorter, bushier is good. And no worries you're plants will kick in to gear and height will be added, especially come flower time. Keep us posted on the rest of your grow, good luck!


Not sure how old these are but you'll be fine. Shorter, bushier is good. And no worries you're plants will kick in to gear and height will be added, especially come flower time. Keep us posted on the rest of your grow, good luck!
Thanks for the encouragement. I am glad they at least look better. Short with leaf sets right on top of prior but loving the transplant.
Thanks again.


Active Member
Looks good that 3rd pic is healthy looks very nice keep on learning and keep up the good work.. look like little spiders. Lol they will end up growing so big u won't know what to do, ull be addicted in no time lol. knowledge is power in every aspect even the best grower in the world can learn some new trick or tips. So don't be afraid to ask anything even if it dose sound stupid it may get s dumb response but someone will come along and steer u in the right direction keep it up and happy growing and keep up posted!


Looks good that 3rd pic is healthy looks very nice keep on learning and keep up the good work.. look like little spiders. Lol they will end up growing so big u won't know what to do, ull be addicted in no time lol. knowledge is power in every aspect even the best grower in the world can learn some new trick or tips. So don't be afraid to ask anything even if it dose sound stupid it may get s dumb response but someone will come along and steer u in the right direction keep it up and happy growing and keep up posted!

Thanks Rdale. I am already addicted. Had to give up smoking cause of chronic bronchitis a few years ago but still cannot wait for a taste! :)


Active Member
Wow , looks healthy but sheesh 30 days? That's too small.something has to be off. M'y shity grow 35-40 days in is quadruple that. Check mines out. Why is every one saying it's doing great,something must be off.unless u didn't germinate and threw the seed straight in. Then again I don't know nothing else I'm just comparing with my experience.


Wow , looks healthy but sheesh 30 days? That's too small.something has to be off. M'y shity grow 35-40 days in is quadruple that. Check mines out. Why is every one saying it's doing great,something must be off.unless u didn't germinate and threw the seed straight in. Then again I don't know nothing else I'm just comparing with my experience.
I tried to check yours out but couldn't find any photos. New to this site. Where can I find your photos?

I did germinate the first six but only one of those survived after planting. That is the sick looking one. So then I just put the rest directly in soil and they are much better. Think I didn't plant the germed soon enough.
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Healthy top 0616.jpg Sick calcium.jpg Healthy 0616.jpg Sick side 0616.jpg Healthy top 0616.jpg Sick calcium.jpg Healthy 0616.jpg Sick side 0616.jpg

So my girls are looking better and starting to finally take off. The wellest one grew at least half inch to an inch overnight. They still have a long way to go though.

I put them directly from their jiffy pots into the final 5 gallon bucket. I have now read they shouldn't be in white buckets that would let light in to the roots. I plan on covering them with heavy duty construction bags. Hopefully that will resolve that issue. I bought the better food grade buckets thinking they would be more sterile.
Anyway, now my issue seems to be algae from those darn jiffy pots. I began spraying the top of the soil with diluted hydrogen peroxide per other post and also read covering the top with white sand would be good. Need to get it resolved before algae mites infest the girls.
I bought 20 20 20 fert and waiting on arrival. I also treated the sick looking plant with some cal-mag since it was getting yellow spots and they have almost resolved.
Any other input would be greatly appreciated. I also got a pH test kit for the water and already have the soil meter combo.
One question besides ideas for the algae is about when to top and will they need support?

Thanks Everyone! Happy Growing!
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So now I am thinking the spotting is from PH imbalance from a great article post I read. I did mix in quite a bit of peat moss to my organic mix which I read was highly acidic. The problem before was very dry soil and having to water twice daily as the peat pots were holding all the moisture and creating an algae problem àt the same time. So the dumb a$$ that I am thinking the peat moss would help hold moisture to the roots added more to my mix. Now I have also learned that my pH soil tester is worthless. :wall: and that I need a digital reader. :fire: I am so glad I spent all that extra money on VHO T5s and mylar and humidifiers and dehumidifiers (wrong choice) etc etc. just to end up with crap. :leaf: Everything I read seems to be contradicting and it is all getting very confusing and frustrating. I need a big bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I tried to check yours out but couldn't find any photos. New to this site. Where can I find your photos?

I did germinate the first six but only one of those survived after planting. That is the sick looking one. So then I just put the rest directly in soil and they are much better. Think I didn't plant the germed soon enough.

Smoking for fun
If you germinate leave the top of the seed peeking through the soil a little. Action in 2 to 3 days that way. I lost some I germed because the tap root didn't go up. It went down. Always up for success.
