I've never been this scared in my life


Well-Known Member
Alright well I've been talking about growing for a while now, and have been a LITTLE paranoid about getting caught and whatnot. Well I ordered seeds a few days ago. So here's the story(I was kinda high).

About 20 minutes ago I was outside mowing the lawn and I see a sand coloured 2008 Chevy Malibu pull up in front of my house. Didn't think much of it but when the 2 male occupants did not get out, I started to look over periodically too see what was going on (being parked in front of my house and all). They we're wearing suits and whenever I looked over at them they were looking at me. I started to get paranoid about the whole growing thing. Then they pulled out a bunch of papers and it looked like they were writing stuff down. After alot of awkward moments where we we're all looking, they pulled up to my neighbours house but continued to glance and do stuff with papers.

About 5 minutes later a (what looked like) 2007-2008 Cadillac Escalade then exact same colour as the Malibu pulled by. They were wearing suits too. When I looked up, I caught the one in the passenger seat looking at me and he looked away as soon as I looked. At the point I was convinced they were some Government people. The Escalade pulled in front of the Malibu. So I stopped mowing the lawn and went inside. I put EVERYTHING weed related I have (like bong, pipes, WEED, grinder etc.) in my backpack and put that deep in our crawlspace. Not 1 minute later the 2 guys from the car are at my door knocking. I didn't know weather or not to answer the door but I figured they saw me walk inside so I did. Let me tell you, I have never been so scared. I open the door and it turns out they we're those people who go door to door and tell you about religion. WHOLEY FUCK. I was so happy that I actually listened to them.

Just thought I'd share the highlight of the day :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
LOL that's awesome :P
That just put a smile on my face.
Damn people that try to push religion on you!! :P


Well-Known Member
hahaha id start freaking out..yeah i was out mowing my lawn and a fucking police car pulled up and parked right across the street from me.. and this is a couple days after my seeds came..anyway he was there for like 20 min just sitting there doing paper work then he just left??? i dunno but later in the week my neibor told me that the person who just moved in across the street from me worked for a company thats owned by the mafia. But i dunno why a police car would just sit there..and also usually the fbi deal with the mafia?? i dunno it still to this day is making me nervous


Well-Known Member
That's funny man! I would be a little nervous too, but I would have knocked on they're window and asked what they were doing.


Well-Known Member
That's funny man! I would be a little nervous too, but I would have knocked on they're window and asked what they were doing.
I was thinking about it but I though of so many bad outcomes that could have happened. So I just went inside :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You should of offered them a drag. i get paranoid all day too.... every five seconds im looking at my front gate and every damn month the got damn gas lady comes and reads the meter... so i put my shit inside when i think shes coming.
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Well-Known Member
This was a test bro....and you FAILED.

If i thought cops were knocking the first thing i would do is....NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
Then....when i found out they were church people,i would have been glad i didnt open it.


Well-Known Member
This was a test bro....and you FAILED.

If i thought cops were knocking the first thing i would do is....NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
Then....when i found out they were church people,i would have been glad i didnt open it.
So true! Never ever open the fucking door!!!!!


New Member
sorry dude, but that was funny as hell!!! been there done that!!! paranoia will destroy yah!!! hope you get your seeds by the way. you know now when you grow those seeds you'll have to read to them the bible (I'm assuming they were jehovah witness's). thanks for the laugh, i needed it!!!


Well-Known Member
I would still be scaredto death if I were you. I used to work for a government agency and they often pose a jehova's witnesses to gain intel.



Well-Known Member
AHHHHHHHHHHHH You may not want to grow. You will be 1 week from harvest and have a person knock on your door and you will put the plants in the garbage disposale.


Well-Known Member
"Beware of Dog" sign, 50 cents . . . throwing your stash away cuz' God's at the door, priceless.