Weird leaf balling/curling problem


New Member
Hi everybody, my first post, hoping someone can help me.

Im currently growing 6 blue dreams, outdoors. One of the plants, the smallest of the 6, has a weird leaf curling/balling up problem. It only happens on certain branches, the rest of the plant looks very healthy. Ill attach pics of the sick branches, and the healthy ones. All of these pics are from the same plant.

I had the same thing happen with a space queen last year. The plant started to come out of it in flowering, but it definitely ended up stunted and lower quality.

Im running age old grow fertilizer, and occasionally adding a humic/fulvic/amino acid blend. My ph tester is way out of calibration right now, but when i tested it in the past its always come out around 6.7-6.9.

Thanks for any help you can give me.



New Member
Get a 60x to 100x microscope. Broad mites will make the pistols of the early bud disappear and the leaves twist and curl or taco.


New Member
Hi, thanks for your reply. I used a 60x scope yesterday and found what I thought were russet mites. Hard to tell. Didnt see many on the leaves but all over the stems and branches. Small, clearish/white, oval shaped critters. Guy at the hydro store recommended azamax. I sprayed them last night.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Thanks again for your help.


New Member
Azamax won't kill them. These things are horrible. I'm using a product called nukem it's a organic pesticide and fungaside. It is specifically for the russets or broad mites. I have only been spraying it for a week it doesn't hurt the plant at all. If this doesn't work for me I'm going to have to use avid. Avid is nasty bro use a mask and gloves and don't get it on u.


I'm growing outdoors too. My buddies plants were doing the same thing! Only on a couple branches on his smallest/stunted plant there were curled up leaf clusters that looked identical to your pictures. We ended up cutting those branches off a couple weeks ago. But all 6 plants have mites.

We sprayed them with Garden Safe Fungicide 3 three times now, waiting three days between each spray. At first the mites were a tan color and yesterday I saw tan and white ones crawling around and eggs everywhere. He just bought some AzaMax so I hope it does the trick!

Hi, thanks for your reply. I used a 60x scope yesterday and found what I thought were russet mites. Hard to tell. Didnt see many on the leaves but all over the stems and branches. Small, clearish/white, oval shaped critters. Guy at the hydro store recommended azamax. I sprayed them last night.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Thanks again for your help.
Did the AzaMax do you any good?
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The azamax worked great for me after all. I sprayed the tops and undersides of the entire garden, with a generous amount of spray per plant. I only used around 5-7ml per gallon. I applied it three times waiting three days between each use.