Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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New Member
Yeah but im definitely not a dick. Its more fucked up to cheat. I dont respect cheaters. If she would have been honest I wouldn't have ever been a dick. You obviously dont understand the circumstance. But yea it was dickish.. Probably the lowest ill ever go. And she is anonymous so...
You didnt know she had a boyfriend until after you started that thread. Dont act like that was the cause.


Well-Known Member
he must like men.. or the same pussy. Or is just satisfied wackin it. Nothing gettings your heart beating like crazy freaky sex with some bitch you just met. priceless
Woa there buddy..i never said i didnt like one night stands or just past the phase in my life where i like to have sex constantly even if im being used..when you grow up, youll see


Active Member
I'm starting this thread because I want to get an idea of how many females there are posting here on RIU, because at times I feel seriously out numbered.

I know there's already the A/S/L thread, but I scanned through it and it was mostly guys anyways! I want to know where my girls are!

So let me know if you're here. Use some super secret girl code to let me know you're for real.

lol, seriously though, I feel so all alone!
I'm female. So there you are not alone!!! :mrgreen:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I did that once...had sex with this 22 year old and ran him off at like 5 brother's friend was visiting....he's like, "Damn, you didn't even give the poor guy breakfast!" Well...if he would have known what he was doing, he'd have gotten breakfast. Man...what did I do without my vibrator?
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