Do you use Advanced Nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Since this is my first grow what would you recommend? I need a like on these posts or I'm nobody in life. Seriously I'm just looking for some likes that's all. And I wanna grow good weed too please help.


mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
funny,he's grossed out by balls, but supports a company that is owned by a child molester.
He tried to seduce me 5 posts ago.. He asked me if I like balls and then he spelled sauce at the bottom of his post. I'm OK ..
26 & a very stupid follower. You and chuck are probably related the way you talk. Same education too.

I've never said anything wrong to you, you came at me when I pointed out that the cone had balls.. you're at least 50 years old fighting like a little girl. Like I said, I'm 26. What's your excuse?


Well-Known Member
He tried to seduce me 5 posts ago.. He asked me if I like balls and then he spelled sauce at the bottom of his post. I'm OK ..

I've never said anything wrong to you, you came at me when I pointed out that the cone had balls.. you're at least 50 years old fighting like a little girl. Like I said, I'm 26. What's your excuse?
Sorry you just don't make sense
