Organic PK booster?


Well-Known Member
I'm about to switch from nun-organic nutrients (Advanced nutrients Junge Juice, micro, bloom, grow-serie) to organic nutrients.
AN Iguana grow&bloom with pirahna.

What im looking for is a organic nutrient with extra phosphorus and potassium for late bloom.
I've been using PK Hesi 13/14 with my other grows, but does this work with organics, phosphorus isnt natural? If not, do you know any good nutrients who serve the same purpose?
Do AN have any of these products?

I grow in hydroponic (DWC).

Appreciate all help.


Well-Known Member
No such thing. PK booster is just a marketing scheme. You want an even balance all through veg and flower. Kelp meal and aloe will produce better results than any so called PK booster.

If it comes in a bottle it's not organic. They have acetates, heavy metals, chemical preservatives, chemical salts.

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
No such thing. PK booster is just a marketing scheme. You want an even balance all through veg and flower. Kelp meal and aloe will produce better results than any so called PK booster.

If it comes in a bottle it's not organic. They have acetates, heavy metals, chemical preservatives, chemical salts.
Look at Budswell they also make a Super Tea - both good producs
aloe and seaweed; we are on the same wave length ob1
I'd agree with the above 3 growers. Aloe is some amazing stuff. Not quite as amazing as cannabis but it's way up there. Every garden should have aloe incorporated.


Well-Known Member
Break a leg off and you can either throw in blender and liquify then mix into water for feeding or you can filet it cut the inside out and blend that in water, then use leafy part for compost. I foliar and soil drench...about 2 big filet per 5 gal water


Well-Known Member
Break a leg off and you can either throw in blender and liquify then mix into water for feeding or you can filet it cut the inside out and blend that in water, then use leafy part for compost. I foliar and soil drench...about 2 big filet per 5 gal water
thanks mate


Well-Known Member
Have said it a bunch but will say unsulphured blackstrap molasses, fresh coconut water, fresh aloe, local fish hydroslate, and some very alive soil + H2O. Works great
Also the soil mix is compost, red lava rock, promix, ewc and i remembered this morning my compost drum which I just emptied into garden got 2 whole batches of em1 last year. Looks really good

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
Also the soil mix is compost, red lava rock, promix, ewc and i remembered this morning my compost drum which I just emptied into garden got 2 whole batches of em1 last year. Looks really good
EM1 is an absolute must when I make compost. I've never finished as fast without it.

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
And just like yogurt is good for our digestive health, EM1 is very similar for worms. It enhances nutrient breakdown inside of the worms and assist in keeping them healthy and vigorous. Sick or unhappy worms don't eat as much, and definitely don't reproduce.


Well-Known Member
I'd agree with the above 3 growers. Aloe is some amazing stuff. Not quite as amazing as cannabis but it's way up there. Every garden should have aloe incorporated.
aloe and seaweed; we are on the same wave length ob1
This is why I love this site...aloe is an amazing plant , its the only thing I grow besides cannabis and now to learn it aides in cannabis growth....I'm all in...thanks guys for this tidbit .


Well-Known Member
Aloe, kelp, barley and coconut (the cytokines make my buds look neat)

Bat guano is a funny one. Just because it has a good amount of phosphorus doesn't mean your plant is going to swell..

If anything, I get more disastrous results using it


Well-Known Member
Check out Vermicrop PK Booster 1-13-7 it is organic no bottle comes in carton so you can topdress like kelp meal or bat guano which is in it
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