Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

To put the federal budget on a sustainable path for the long term, lawmakers would have to make major changes to tax policies, spending policies, or both—by reducing spending for large benefit programs below the projected amounts, letting revenues rise more than they would under current law, or adopting some combination of those approaches. The size of such changes would depend on the amount of federal debt that lawmakers considered appropriate.


Well-Known Member
Bush won the WAR in Iraq? Really? Are you delirious? We were still there when Obama took office, heck he ran on a platform to end the wars Man are you delusional? My 6 year old granddaughter knows that's a lie.

Who said anything about Presidents setting budgets, I know that congress controls the purse strings but Bush and his henchmen lied to the entire world and got us into an unnecessary war that cost trillions aint that much spin in the world that can right that wrong...BTW the cost of that war is part of the same deficit that the pukes blames Obama for. That fiasco will have to be dealt with by our children children's thank you

Obama's failures are because of Bush's failure, keep it real now.

I never even mentioned Hillary but since you went there I'll go there, the RNC is so petro of her candidacy that they created a BS committee to try and discredit her ( Benghazi).

You said I was the one displaying a lack of muturity yet you berate my wife she's never done anything to you, oh sure that's showing your maturity alright how pathetic is that? A real prince you are, I guess that's why you worship the likes of Trump you guys are cut from the same cloth. Arrghh!

Saddam was dead, his army capitulated, we were in control of the country. So, yeah, that's a win. Obama ran on a platform to end war...hows that working out?
You did when you claimed Clinton left a surplus.
Clinton passed on the costs of his programs to the next president, but you try to ignore that. Even by the largest estimates, the war only cost 2 trillion. Explain the other 7 trillion.


Obama's failures are because of Bush's failure, keep it real now." Proving my point for me.
I didn't berate your wife, I pointed out your self-deception. Pretending I berated your wife is a lie. Pretending I worship Trump is another lie. Trump wasn't even a part of the conversation, you chose to drag him in. Are you getting desperate?


Well-Known Member
I know what you are talking about. He said he wanted to abolish DEPENDENCE. That does not mean abolish the program. It means provide tools so people can wean themselves off of government assistance.
I suggest you start paying attention and learn to read between the lines. He just said he wanted to abolish dependence. Question are you right now depending on medicare ? Is your child depending on medicare ? What about food stamps ? Do people depend on foodstamps to feed themselves and their babies ?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I suggest you start paying attention and learn to read between the lines. He just said he wanted to abolish dependence. Question are you right now depending on medicare ? Is your child depending on medicare ? What about food stamps ? Do people depend on foodstamps to feed themselves and their babies ?
He has said in a direct quote:

“I would never get rid of the programs,” he said. “I would provide people with an alternative and I think they will see the alternative we’re going to outline is so much better than anything else.”


Well-Known Member
I know what you are talking about. He said he wanted to abolish DEPENDENCE. That does not mean abolish the program. It means provide tools so people can wean themselves off of government assistance.
so what tool is ben carson going to give you in order so that you may get yourself off of food stamps and medicaid?


Well-Known Member
He has said in a direct quote:

“I would never get rid of the programs,” he said. “I would provide people with an alternative and I think they will see the alternative we’re going to outline is so much better than anything else.”
the alternative is a voiucher into your new HSA which will not cover anything near what medicaid covers for you.

and you fall for it?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
the alternative is a voiucher into your new HSA which will not cover anything near what medicaid covers for you.

and you fall for it?
HSA 5k per person man woman and child.

Transferable between family members. It covers diagnostic tests, check ups, elective procedures. Then you have a catastrophic insurance with a high deductable 5k- 10k for major expenses. After a year or so, you have enough to in your HSA to cover a deductable for any surgery. If you spend more in the year than your deductable, your catastrophic insurance covers it.

It builds up in your account every year. 5k per person.

If you are young, it is a good option. If you are old or middle aged, you stay on medicare.


Well-Known Member
HSA 5k per person man woman and child.

Transferable between family members. It covers diagnostic tests, check ups, elective procedures. Then you have a catastrophic insurance with a high deductable 5k- 10k for major expenses.

It builds up in your account every year. 5k per person.

If you are young, it is a good option. If you are old or middle aged, you stay on medicare.
good luck affording the care for the first minor but hard to diagnose medical condition you have. that won't even cover the diagnosis, much less any of the treatment.

hope only one person in your family ever gets sick at a time.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
good luck affording the care for the first minor but hard to diagnose medical condition you have. that won't even cover the diagnosis, much less any of the treatment.

hope only one person in your family ever gets sick at a time.
Catastrophic insurance covers the rest above 5k.

Medicare would still be there too if you wanted to switch back.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you start paying attention and learn to read between the lines. He just said he wanted to abolish dependence. Question are you right now depending on medicare ? Is your child depending on medicare ? What about food stamps ? Do people depend on foodstamps to feed themselves and their babies ?
Translation: Read into it whatever you want, regardless of what it actually says.


Well-Known Member
Catastrophic insurance covers the rest above 5k.

Medicare would still be there too if you wanted to switch back.
with a massive deductible!

so you've spent your $15k worth of vouchers, now you need to shill out another $10k for the deductible, putting you at $25k now.

in the meantime, under obamacare, your maximum OOP for the year is $12,000 or so. with the medicaid expansion, which you qualify for as an unskilled, low income family, you do not even have to pay that much. people like me cover it for you with the FICA taxes we pay.

so why are you voting against your own best interests here?
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