Well-Known Member
only if the light source is the same distance!
800 canopy ppf from a far light source (HPS, the sun, etc) will penetrate a lot more than 800 canopy ppf from a close light source (T5, etc)
if youre running your 3070s harder at teh same distance = same same
if youre putting your 3070s closer to make up ppf = big difference
dissipation watts, no, the 4*25 would put out more light than 1@100
if yyoure talking par watts well 100 par watts is 100 par watts
Let me see if I undertood, 4 cobs @ 25 watts or 2 cobs @ 50 watts will have the same penetration of a 100 watts cob?
Thanks In Advance.
No one ever understands penetration(actually @Abiqua does just fine)
I love how everyone thinks that the inverse square law means lights "goes away"
-it doesn't spreads out. IF you interact with the spread(reflect it back such as a tent) is completely moot. inverse square...IT ONLY APPLIES TO A SINGLE POINT SOURCE.
-based on the math I've seen so far from people here...none have even looked up the proper equation for multiple point source...let a long where to even begin with it.
On addition to lack of many have put light sides confirmed reflective tents and measured them???anyone here?
Or compared it to open space???
800µmols has the same penetration as 800µmols...that is how it works.
YOu can manipulate shit all you want(height, spread, distribution, whatever) but 800µmols only has 800µmols worth of photons and this worth of penetration and photosynthesis.
Your guys hps comparison is pretty flawed and easily explained.
250w hps...30% efficient
1000w hps 36-40% efficient
1000w has more light and thus more penetration.
MAke it equal efficiency, wrangle the light...and you have equal penetration.