Volunteer Firefighter

The issue I have with it right now is the neighbor I hate is also a volunteer, but I don't think he'll be doing it much longer, he's getting up there in age.

Edit, maybe not hate but dislike very much. He's the one that complained about my farm all the time.
Well, now that you aren't composting herds of deer,moose and bears any longer, has he backed off? :)
The issue I have with it right now is the neighbor I hate is also a volunteer, but I don't think he'll be doing it much longer, he's getting up there in age.

Edit, maybe not hate but dislike very much. He's the one that complained about my farm all the time.
damn youngins trying to be all self sufficient and shit
Been thinking about becoming one. Anyone else do it? I guess there's like 120 hours of training plus refresher courses every few months. Was told they pay $10 an hour but I'm not doing it for the money.
Anyway, thoughts?

they drug test volunteers in my area of CO. not sure about statewide?
Well, now that you aren't composting herds of deer,moose and bears any longer, has he backed off? :)

Yeah, infact he's asked me to watch his dogs and help him dig up his septic with my tractor since all that shit. I helped with the septic but wasn't about to take care of his dogs, we're not that cool yet.

They hold their meetings the first Monday of the month so it gives me plenty of time to decide.
a contractor i do plumbing for asked me to join up.. but i really dont got the time for it. he also asked me to join his free mason group.. i thought about that because its pretty big in this area, ill get work just from the networking through it, but i feel like itd be like the flinstones with the grand poobah
a contractor i do plumbing for asked me to join up.. but i really dont got the time for it. he also asked me to join his free mason group.. i thought about that because its pretty big in this area, ill get work just from the networking through it, but i feel like itd be like the flinstones with the grand poobah

i always wondered about the masons. like how long you need to be a member before you find out the good and weird shit about them.
i always wondered about the masons. like how long you need to be a member before you find out the good and weird shit about them.
They are good about hiding the secrets, too. My dad was one and worked thru up to shriner. Wanted and cajoled me to join, I never did and he never told me the secrets
from what the dude tells me.. its not like what people really think about them, they do have ranks you move through with time though.. but he says its more of a mens club, i asked him if they have circle jerks. but appearently its just more or less to hang out
from what the dude tells me.. its not like what people really think about them, they do have ranks you move through with time though.. but he says its more of a mens club, i asked him if they have circle jerks. but appearently its just more or less to hang out
Yeah, it's just adult male dressup with rituals and formalized invented language. One time he was in a cajoling mood, so I said "You are adults for chrissakes, you play dressup like little girls". He protested, so I reminded him when I was 11 yr and he threw away my cowboy clothes cuz I was too old for that.

They are active in various charity things tho, so that's good
@420God Imagine all the stories you'd get to tell the grand kids. Things like giant out of control fires and saving people from burning buildings. I bet the real little ones would like the stories of the fire trucks, water hoses, and fireman's pole! It beats any kind of story I'm gonna tell my grand kids.

I'd be like "Gather around, gather around! Its time for your ole grand pappy to tell yous kids a story. It's about the time I robbed a coke dealer, went home, and turned it into crack! Then I started slangin dem crack rocks on da skreets. Had all kinds of crack whores on muh nuts too:cool: Now run along and go tell your parents what I just told yall."
Hmm lots of things to say...

1. Good on you God. Pretty selfless thing to do.
2. 2nd job of the day today, I want that guy to burn.
3. Our accountant is the grand poobah here. He asked me to join 4 years ago.
4. I kind of regret saying I'm too busy.
5. They have a lot of gun raffles.
6. The accountant and my co- workers somehow always win guns at these gun raffles.
7. Should I join?
8. I'll probably atleast get a gun outta the deal.
Hmm lots of things to say...

1. Good on you God. Pretty selfless thing to do.
2. 2nd job of the day today, I want that guy to burn.
3. Our accountant is the grand poobah here. He asked me to join 4 years ago.
4. I kind of regret saying I'm too busy.
5. They have a lot of gun raffles.
6. The accountant and my co- workers somehow always win guns at these gun raffles.
7. Should I join?
8. I'll probably atleast get a gun outta the deal.

If you're patient, send away for some Gun Culture and grow yer own.