Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Sorry guy I can't vote for a man who looks at his daughter with lust and desire. I know that some of you can overlook incest, but I can't and never will support that sick shit.
But you can vote for the Clinton's with a billionaire pedo friend who the Clinton's helped keep out of prison?

I don't know maybe you are fine with skinners but I will take alleged incest wanting over the skinner loving Clinton's.


Well-Known Member
But you can vote for the Clinton's with a billionaire pedo friend who the Clinton's helped keep out of prison?

I don't know maybe you are fine with skinners but I will take alleged incest wanting over the skinner loving Clinton's.
What man says the one thing he and his daughter has in common is sex ? Trump wants to fuck his own child WTF

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You damn right my children are safe. I'm not the one voting for the guy who lust after his on child. That be you. You never answered my question. Do you lust after your child the same way that loser does with Ivanka.
Your kid porn fantasies are starting to control your life. You better seek an intervention soon. TRUMP!

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I dunno why anyone would think one is better than the other. Both incest and pedophilia are despicable if acted upon, and the reason this differs from other sexual preferences such as homosexuality is that these sexual preferences create psychological victims. Both Trump's potentially incestuous inclinations and Clinton's suspected pedophilic excursions are equally terrible.


Well-Known Member
You will notice that Londonfog never addresses the issue of Clinton's pedophilia. He is fine with it because Clinton is a liberal and they get a pass.

Hypocrites cannot be taken seriously.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
More liberal violence news. TRUMP!

Protests turn violent outside Trump New Mexico event
Published May 25, 2016
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Protesters clash with police in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Donald Trump on Wednesday slammed what he described as "thugs" and "criminals" who clashed with police outside an Albuquerque campaign event, just hours after police in riot gear and mounted patrol units faced off against the violent crowd.
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