Just a Thought... Hmmmmmmm

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Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I moved to a Hot Dry Desert city about 4 years ago. Also I have always grown indoors, and a few outdoor plants in the yard also. But in this 118 degree summer heat, with 3-18% humidity, I have learned to not even grow indoors during the summer because of the out of this world elect bill.

Here is my thought though today. It is in the mid 90's here right now. At this time it is about 13 hours of day light. In December it gets down to about the low 60's. If a person was to put out some clones out doors now, could they live and flower by december at about 63 degrees?

I have 16 clones I just stuck straight into flowering under my 400 watt HPS. I think it might be very possible to grow out in the desert. But Camofloge would be a big problem, especially with these big grows everyone wants to do. But I still think a 3-4 plant back yard grow is possible, fully out doors. None of this 4 weeks veg indoors.
What I am really wondering is, will the clones at this time of year have time to produce before they die from cold?


Well-Known Member
60's won't kill a plant, but what does it drop to during the night?
The problem I see is that with those daylight hours, they'll pretty much jump right into flowering.. That would keep them small & stealthy though, you could probably get away with more plants..
If you want best results from a few plants though I'd keep them in pots to start, and use an indoor/outdoor schedule for a few weeks.. The sun will harden them so they don't get shocked by the brightness factor like many plants do when they move outdoors 24/7 instantaneously..
5 extra hours with a few ghetto cfls for a couple of weeks would do be quite worth it..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Born2kill, I understand the benifits of placeing them indoors first. But the Clones I have flowering right now are going to stay indoors. I went straight to clone because I do not want a bunch of side branches with pop corn buds. I only want the colas. Still Think I am going to put like 4 clones outside and see how it goes.

My last clones I let veg for 2 weeks, then I topped them, and 3-4 days later stuck them into flowering. It worked very nicely. But I want to give it a try going straight to flowering from the clone dome. But my indoor plants/cuttings are going to stay indoors.

As for night time Temps during early December, I think it drops to about 50 degrees at night. They should finish flowering at that temp I would think. Not sure though, never tried it before.


Well-Known Member
Temperatures are way fine then.. August nights get colder than that here.. You obviously don't have anything to lose.. Like I said, they'll stay nice & stealthy.. Are they indica or sativa dominant? Sativas will grow more vegitatively during flowering than an indica typically..
I did an indoor crop similarily once with NL#5..they topped out at about 13", and I got well over an ounce/plant.. Lighting was ideal for short plants though, it was mature fatter than norm bottom buds that made the yeild nice..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Temperatures are way fine then.. August nights get colder than that here.. You obviously don't have anything to lose.. Like I said, they'll stay nice & stealthy.. Are they indica or sativa dominant? Sativas will grow more vegitatively during flowering than an indica typically..
I did an indoor crop similarily once with NL#5..they topped out at about 13", and I got well over an ounce/plant.. Lighting was ideal for short plants though, it was mature fatter than norm bottom buds that made the yeild nice..
Were the plants faster and easier to manicure? I hate popcorn buds...


Well-Known Member
temps are fine just make sure they get lots of direct sunlight. the sun is lower in the horizon so it is not as strong as in the summer time.


Well-Known Member
Were the plants faster and easier to manicure? I hate popcorn buds...
DUDE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH EASIER!! Probably my favorite thing about that crop..
Well that, and I learned that fully matured lower buds are probably the best smoke IMHO.. High seemed much more euphoric than the colas off the same plants.. I wonder if anybody else can agree?


Well-Known Member
id solar panel my house, if i lived in desert area.. may be just me tho... and yea, ive seen med patients strip a plant (almost completely) from bottom up when they decided that a certain part was finished. im not sure if it happens every time, but the bottom nuggies seem to mature a little faster in my past and present experiments


Well-Known Member
You could do what reeferman does...

He starts his plants flowering indoors, and after a week of flowering, once budding has started, he moves them outdoors to finish up.

Don't desert nights get below freezing in November?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You could do what reeferman does...

He starts his plants flowering indoors, and after a week of flowering, once budding has started, he moves them outdoors to finish up.

Don't desert nights get below freezing in November?
Depends on which desert and which elevation.

Thanks FDD for the INFO. Is Cannibus alright outside like most plants during late fall. Most plants are ok, just as long as you harvest them before the first frost. Is Cannibus the same way.

As for the rest of your guys ideas, NO!!! that is why I asked spesific questions and said NO INDOOR GROW TIME... but thanks for trying.

My in door grow areas are full at this time.


Well-Known Member
Yea its ok until frost.. Most ppl say that if the plants are healthy to begin with they can even survive a touch of frost in fall, that its the second one that surely does them in..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Cool, because it hardly ever frost here. I am sticking 3 clones outside this weekend. Just for the knowledge of it all. Thanks for the insight everyone.

I have never been able to keep plants out doors oast late October.


Well-Known Member
Keep them in pots in the beginning so you can put them in shade parts of the day to acclimate them to direct sunlight if possible..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Keep them in pots in the beginning so you can put them in shade parts of the day to acclimate them to direct sunlight if possible..
Acclimate my ass... LOL I stuck all my indoor clones from clone dome to 400 watt HPS at about 2.5-3 feet above. But i have very good ventilation blowing on them. This is not My first Rodeo. If it was why would I put this post in the Advanced thread? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
BTW dude, maybe you should follow your own advice about thinking advanced in the advanced forum.. I would think that things like temperature limitation would be known to an advanced grower, yet you asked that in this thread..
So I find it really ironic that you use your 'Elite' status to knock reputation points off me for reitterating the importance of acclimating your plants to direct dessert sunlight.. Not that I really care about the reputation points, feel free to knock off more of those if you have nothing better to do..
I'd just suggest that you build some character.. You can't buy that in subscription format..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Really was not knocking your temp and light advice, but it gets old when someone asks a direct question and gives specific guide lines on the question, and people who must know nothing more then what they read answer exactly what already already mention in the Thread starter.
Like not vegging in doors. DIRECT from clone to out doors. I can care less about the strength of the light now. I am wondering about the ability to push a plant in frost conditions. Some people have never grown where it freezes. So take your Books smarts and thread reading info and keep it to yourself. It was not even close to anthing that helps.

Just move along.:finger:
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