Watch a master in the making!

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Well-Known Member
To be a master in anything, any trade or profession you need to know from teachings/research and experience every aspect of the subject you are performing. size does not come into it.
I know a master builder, he doesn't build whole estates of houses by the 1000 he builds small projects to the highest standard. He leaves building large estates to the more cost effective commercial builders who produce a cheaper house on mass with a much lower build quality. I also know of a few guys who run large commercial grows, they are loaded, its how they make money but the produce they make I wouldn't smoke because its a bag of shite chopped early and speed dried. Obviously that can not be applied to all commercial growers world wide because they have different standards, especially in a country where it can be done legally. Growing plants in large numbers and making yourself rich does not make a master. Knowing every aspect of how they grow and what they need from seed to harvest and producing the finest produce from any strain would make you a master.
Personally I grow better weed than any commercial grower in my country and better than most I have smoked in Amsterdam too, I am at best a novice because I know very little about so many subjects in growing but just enough to grow really nice weed within the system I use. I am also lucky my tap water comes out almost perfect and my local climate is not extreme in either direction.

Lets not all be so serious though, we do online have the tendency to read too much into someone statements. Anybody wishing to master anything should be commended for their efforts.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Not sure if its a responsible thing ? but IMO a master grower should be able to get same/similar results with any nute
Well unless there shit nutes that throw PH way out or clog my spray nozzles :(, that's not an issue though, ditched the nozzles.
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