Watch a master in the making!

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Well-Known Member
The site is getting too argumentative,over stupid things,take the flushing thing,it does not matter if you choose to flush or not,it's your weed.Just don't try putting other people down just because they have different views.

The term master grower is a term that I would use for some one that has mastered veg ,flowering ,cloneing growing from seed understanding what the plant is all about,like a doctor understands the human body,how to get out of problems with ways of bringing a plant back round to health .growing outdoors,but most of all been consistent,and doing the biz every grow.And one of the most interesting parts of growing ,breeding crossing strains any one can do but getting them stable,and to grow how you pictured them before the cross is job done for me,Even something I hate feminizing plants,I hate feminized seeds but it's all part of the stuff you need to learn.

I hate it when it comes to the point that if some of these arguments,the people doing it was face to face it would come to blows,this plant to me is all about peace love unity and the cannabis family world wide wanting to help each other out with adult answered questions,if I don't know the answer I don't answer.

Jha put this plant on the planet for us to share and use for medication,or just getting stoned with friends and having fun.

Peace jha bless
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Well-Known Member
So you're saying that they're smart enough to do that but not smart enough to get a good-paying job.
No, I'm saying people do not comprehend the intelligence and energy required to get to that level. In other words, 99.999% of naive teens/young adults thinking they can get rich easier and faster by becoming a mid/high level drug dealer end up broke/dead/considerable time in jail.

With the energy they would expend on trying to become scar face they could finish further education, get a half to well payed job and then begin down one or many paths of investment. How bad they do legally would only be a reflection of how bad they would do illegally. +side of doing it legally is you don't get jail or shot at if you suck at what you do. Well, unless you lost your boss all his money and he has a revolver in his whisky cabinet.
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