Sen. Elizabeth Warren aka Fauxakhauntas Unfriends Hillary on Twitter - Shit is Getting Real


Well-Known Member
Ayyyyy, this pic of my cock is PRIVATE, man!

Whaddya think of my shaft warmer w/attached nutbag sling, though? I opted for the sailor stripe pattern. (Sorry the pic is sideways!)
They call you Big Lou because you weigh more than two of me. Do fat jokes make you feel better about your insecurities? Is this therapy for all the times you got teased in high school


Well-Known Member
They call you Big Lou because you weigh more than two of me. Do fat jokes make you feel better about your insecurities? Is this therapy for all the times you got teased in high school
big doesn't mean fat, necessarily.

but everything we've seen of you SCREAMS "morbid obesity".


Well-Known Member
you may think it gets old, but it's very true. you cannot spell "choomer" wihout "homo", and a choomer is some kind of masculine groper.

probably all just coincidence, and not based in any way on your obvious latent homosexual desires.
It's old and dumb. If you're trying to be a comedian, then get some new material every once in a while


Well-Known Member
you may think it gets old, but it's very true. you cannot spell "choomer" wihout "homo", and a choomer is some kind of masculine groper.

probably all just coincidence, and not based in any way on your obvious latent homosexual desires.
it is called your posting history.
Science is responsible for MSDS sheets on water toxicity too.
Did you have to wait for that validation as well?


Well-Known Member
is this where you try to change the subject from your latent homosexuality to TEH FLOWRYIDE CONSPIRAC33?
I didn't...I was highlighting the necessity of some to have an outside authority sanctify what is happening right in front of them to be able to say it is what they see.


Well-Known Member
I didn't...I was highlighting the necessity of some to have an outside authority sanctify what is happening right in front of them to be able to say it is what they see.
go for the grand slam: describe a fourth vivid depiction of gay sex or other men masturbating.


Well-Known Member
They call you Big Lou because you weigh more than two of me. Do fat jokes make you feel better about your insecurities? Is this therapy for all the times you got teased in high school
Hey now, flabby, let's be REAL here. I was a solid 175-250 my entire LIFE up until my accident a few years ago. (I'm also about a FOOT taller than you, chump) It's of no consequence to a shiftless doughy slob such as yourself, but yeah, I have put on a few pounds of fat due to the extent of my injuries and altered mobility, but I've also retained most of my muscle mass and have kept my shit together through the odds.....what the fuck is YOUR excuse for being an ignorant, SLOPPY, self-righteous, shameless Drumpf drone?
Raised on x-box, Mt. Dew, Taco Bell, and not a fucking drop of hard work in your entire life thus far.

I'm 10-15 years older than you and I've got spinal and vision damage, yet I'd wipe the floor with your and THREE of you buddies in, let's say, 'athletic competition'. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Send some funds via PayPal for psychoanalysis/wasting my time.


Well-Known Member
On the computer 24/7 lets us know everything there is about him. In his case, big means fat. And his avatar is literally a puppet.
Added fat since needing to use my cane (sometimes chair), sure, but I'd flip you over my head like a pizza and knock out a dozen physical chores afterwards -- wanna bet?


I'm not covered in SLOPPY FAT, either, like you appear to be. I've earned my added girth throughout 25+ years in the restaurant business and as a caregiver, what the fuck have YOU earned, paunchy, besides an indented spot on your mom's couch, a jiggly roll overlapping your needle dick, and dainty BITCH hands? My hands look and feel like they're made of WOOD for fuck's sake....what do yours feel/look like?

download (82).jpeg

You haven't earned the fucking right to address me.

Anyhow, have a great night! xoxox


Well-Known Member
Hey now, flabby, let's be REAL here. I was a solid 175-250 my entire LIFE up until my accident a few years ago. (I'm also about a FOOT taller than you, chump) It's of no consequence to a shiftless doughy slob such as yourself, but yeah, I have put on a few pounds of fat due to the extent of my injuries and altered mobility, but I've also retained most of my muscle mass and have kept my shit together through the odds.....what the fuck is YOUR excuse for being an ignorant, SLOPPY, self-righteous, shameless Drumpf drone?
Raised on x-box, Mt. Dew, Taco Bell, and not a fucking drop of hard work in your entire life thus far.

I'm 10-15 years older than you and I've got spinal and vision damage, yet I'd wipe the floor with your and THREE of you buddies in, let's say, 'athletic competition'. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Send some funds via PayPal for psychoanalysis/wasting my time.
Was that a melt down? I think so Fat Lou. Maybe you should slow down on the slurpees and start checking your blood pressure every once in a while. Fat Lou


Well-Known Member
Added fat since needing to use my cane (sometimes chair), sure, but I'd flip you over my head like a pizza and knock out a dozen physical chores afterwards -- wanna bet?

View attachment 3820543

I'm not covered in SLOPPY FAT, either, like you appear to be. I've earned my added girth throughout 25+ years in the restaurant business and as a caregiver, what the fuck have YOU earned, paunchy, besides an indented spot on your mom's couch, a jiggly roll overlapping your needle dick, and dainty BITCH hands? My hands look and feel like they're made of WOOD for fuck's sake....what do yours feel/look like?

View attachment 3820555

You haven't earned the fucking right to address me.

Anyhow, have a great night! xoxox
Meltdown alert! Take it easy before diabetes kicks your ass all over the sofa bed and grandma makes you buy a new one. There goes the welfare check you just picked up. First of the month, and you're broke already