Well-Known Member
If oldschool monocropping assholes had listened to native americans or at least tried to follow some of the permaculture practices that were here prior to "farms" they may have had an even better "set of tricks" to play with. Where i live the best farmers are 1. natives who abstain from alcohol. 2. Folks who moved from philly,NYC,CONN,MASS, San FRAN (once the yuppies came) so they could have a long private driveway and lots of decent soils to play with for there "hobbies" See up here alot of folks realized back in the late 90's that the system had failed us farmers in this country, so as the saying goes the tough get going or create their own system!sometimes old farmers tricks actually work, and sometimes they don't. because there are smart old farmers who know their shit, and there are dumbass old farmers who learned how to grow one thing and struggled with that their whole lives.
just like everything else in life.
my grandma used to tell me if i found a penny, i was supposed to pick it up and put it in my shoe, for good luck. all that ever got me was a callus
I have SEEN with my own eyes native farmers using contractor trash bags in a white pine tree(usually 25-30 feet up) growing herbs! I was only 12 at the time but i distinctly remember those weird ass tricks. Guys in school were grafting cannabis with blueberry plants lmao!
Ok sorry about my rambling its an issue for me i struggle with daily........
koma's golden dome special here.......but damn is she frosty!