why be happy about having Trump?

Yes you did, have whatever beliefs you want at least have the balls to say it. You're safe behind your computer screen and still need to talk out of the side of your mouth is pathetic even for the bottom feeders in this section.
I said what I needed to say and it was received by those who needed to receive it. Do you want to meet by the big oak tree or something? If I was not behind a computer you would do what caveman ?
The Un-united States of the Hatfields and the McCoys of America for the next 4 years I guess...sheeesh
I'd tell you what a fucking hypocrite you are.

you're a fuckin snitch go away. big lou aka im tellin you're reported rat
stocker too? why would you follow someone around a forum creep

Deport Em! ( Funny Sh*t don't get but hurt)
Sock reported.

Roe vs wade
I've reported the filth.
keep making up your fantasies, snitch. now go, run, tell
Rat piece of shit #realtalk is that more under stanable now shit head

It's an old tat just like your daddies, you've never seen him

You know, if you'd just come out of the closet your life could be so much better. Your racist feelings, rage outbursts, fear of others, deep-seated feelings of inadequacy, etc. might very well dissipate.

Also, what is "realtalk" and "under stanable"? It's been quite a while since high school, so you'll have to fill me in....
you're a fuckin snitch go away. big lou aka im tellin you're reported rat
stocker too? why would you follow someone around a forum creep


Seriously dude? Stocker?

"Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, the stocker on aisle 5 is putting away reported rats."

Jesus fucking christ. Our country is fucked.

Seriously dude? Stocker?

"Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, the stocker on aisle 5 is putting away reported rats."

Jesus fucking christ. Our country is fucked.

**The term Extremely Low is used in place of the terms Mentally Retarded, used in the WAIS-R, and Intellectually Deficient, used in the WISC-III to avoid the implication that a very low IQ score is sufficient evidence by itself for the classification of "mental retardation" or "intellectually deficient."

Seriously dude? Stocker?

"Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, the stocker on aisle 5 is putting away reported rats."

Jesus fucking christ. Our country is fucked.
Yup, you got me, thanks. Here's something else you can fix seems where you're so big on grammar.
So weeding through you vomit of diatribe, I will argue, no I drew my popular vote conclusion from AP and Reuters. As I mentioned before, I don't...
Post by: see4, Yesterday at 12:08 PM in forum

Congratulation on the trifeca, Not only are you a racist, and a bigot, your also and an advocate for rats. Nice work.:clap:
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**The term Extremely Low is used in place of the terms Mentally Retarded, used in the WAIS-R, and Intellectually Deficient, used in the WISC-III to avoid the implication that a very low IQ score is sufficient evidence by itself for the classification of "mental retardation" or "intellectually deficient."
Look at the bright side of Trump being elected. Just think of all the looting you can do now. Everyone knows stealing from civilians who have nothing to do with anything will fix it. Four more years of pissing and moaning, calling names and behaving like a child gonna fix it? You're worse than the fucking idiot you're crying about everyday, How's that working out for you? Have you been you able to change the way votes are tallied yet. How about trying to bully people on the internet for having opinions different than yours, how much progress have you made with that technique?

Did you campaign for Clinton or any other candidate's better suited than Trump, Which would've been anyone of them. I bet you didn't.

Maybe deep inside you really wanted Trump to win. Another four years of being a victim and pointing fingers at everyone else for your short comings. Another four year excuse to be a miserable failure at life. Try getting off your ass and doing something other than being angry troll. Getting a job and taking responsibility for yourself and your situation like a big boy is liberating, but you'd rather spend all your time looking for negative shit. so that's all you find
Another four years of being a victim and pointing fingers at everyone else for your short comings.

kinda sounds like you're talking about all the whiny white racist losers in the midwest who are responsible for trump's narrowest of narrow electoral wins.

i liked your racist allusion to looting better though.

your penis must be tiny.
Huh? No state has the right to tell another state what to do.

Your bubble is filled with hot air.

Then why do you pretend to not understand the EC is a layer of protection from Democracy? Does the Senate not make sense to you as well?

You've been running around for days proclaiming HRC won the popular vote and stating your disdain for the EC. The difference in the popular vote between the candidates nationwide won't even exceed the difference just in California.
Then why do you pretend to not understand the EC is a layer of protection from Democracy? Does the Senate not make sense to you as well?

You've been running around for days proclaiming HRC won the popular vote and stating your disdain for the EC. The difference in the popular vote between the candidates nationwide won't even exceed the difference just in California.

That is quite a leap in logic.

How does the Electoral College serve as a layer of protection 'from' Democracy?

HRC, when it is all accounted for, will have far more than 1,000,000 MORE votes than Drumpf. Who cares if it exceeds the number of votes in California? The point being is, 1,000,000 MORE American citizens prefer HRC over Drumpf to lead our country.
Why be happy about trump? well I am having trouble seeing the silver lining but I think I may have found it... invest in the Russian ruble while you can folks because once vlad's buddy Donny T. is in the white house there is no way those sanctions we have on them stay in place.
Just a thought.
That is quite a leap in logic.

How does the Electoral College serve as a layer of protection 'from' Democracy?

HRC, when it is all accounted for, will have far more than 1,000,000 MORE votes than Drumpf. Who cares if it exceeds the number of votes in California? The point being is, 1,000,000 MORE American citizens prefer HRC over Drumpf to lead our country.

Well, I will start at the beginning for you.

Article II, Section 1, states, "Each State shall appoint, in such a Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed as an Elector."

The Congress is split with House and Senate for this reason as well. The reason? Bingo, you got it, layer of protection from Democracy.

The original EC was designed so that no candidate of the lot got the majority of votes. They simply took the candidate with the most votes as President, the candidate with the 2nd most votes as VP.

It's very lulzy that the current elections results under the original pre-ammendments EC would yield Trump as President and Clinton as Vice.

1,000,000 more Americans ivoted for Hillary in States that went to Hillary already should change the election outcome is your argument. An intelligent conversation might not be possible with logic like that.