

Well-Known Member
How do you prefer to medicate your coffee?
I grind my beans fresh each cup. It is a blend of Dark French Roast and a Medium blend, both Starbucks. I premix the beans 3/2.
For medication I like to add a 1/2 gram of quality black Afghan Mazar Sharif or Red Lebanese, which I dry later and smoke the next day. Basically I get high twice from the same hash.


Well-Known Member
I do the French press. I grind in a conical burr. 58-60g of beans.
Can I pick your brain on that? I've never been able to get the grind size right. Is it like for pour over (like fine sand w/ some bigger grains) or coarser? And are you doing 60 grams of beans for what sized press? I have a bodum press. (Not sure the volume of it, but I think there are only two sizes) It looks like it's a 4 cup



Well-Known Member
I have seen it, but not tried. have you? I use the hario type of cup for pour over. Didn't like chemex. 12:1 is a matter of taste for me. I usually buy all sorts of beans from local roasters round the PNW. Mostly I like the mellower brews. I can see a 16:1 if you're using a more robust bean. When I was first learning pour over technique, the actual rule of thumb was 10:1. Too strong for me. But it was the first time I tried black coffee and it wasn't sour or bitter. I was hooked man! Now it's all I drink. Believe me, I've got more coffee gadgets, grinders, scales, vessels, etc. I worked on pulling shots for a while, then hand grinding, now I got a conical burr grinder for Christmas I'm playing around with. LOL I'm an addict.
Wifey also bought a new bartazza virtuoso conical burr for Xmas as well.

I own the Phoenix. I like the extraction angle better than a chemical or hario. I use the hario cup with the Phoenix on top.

I'll give 12:1 try in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Wifey also bought a new bartazza virtuoso conical burr for Xmas as well.

I own the Phoenix. I like the extraction angle better than a chemical or hario. I use the hario cup with the Phoenix on top.

I'll give 12:1 try in the morning.
What's the advantage of the Phoenix? That it's more vertical than other pour overs? Do you have to use a finer/coarser grind?


Well-Known Member
Can I pick your brain on that? I've never been able to get the grind size right. Is it like for pour over (like fine sand w/ some bigger grains) or coarser? And are you doing 60 grams of beans for what sized press? I have a bodum press. (Not sure the volume of it, but I think there are only two sizes) It looks like it's a 4 cup

Little bit finer than a pour over


Well-Known Member
Can I pick your brain on that? I've never been able to get the grind size right. Is it like for pour over (like fine sand w/ some bigger grains) or coarser? And are you doing 60 grams of beans for what sized press? I have a bodum press. (Not sure the volume of it, but I think there are only two sizes) It looks like it's a 4 cup

I use about 60g in the larger bodum


Well-Known Member
Steeper extraction angle. Same grind. More time with the water exposed to grounds. Better flavor profile.
Don't tempt me LOL my birthday is in 6 weeks.

Little bit finer than a pour over
Like how much? between espresso and pour over? or closer to espresso? I was always told french press should be coarser than pour over. Never could get that right. But you've inspired me to try it out again *dusts off franch press* "hello old friend."


Well-Known Member
You just made my day :) soon to get grinding
A friend of mine recently bought this fairly expensive machine that does cappuccino , latte’s, espresso, whatever you want. I think it’s all pods; but they are absolutely delicious. The other night I had 3 trying to combat the sweet call of sleep from my weed brownies. The weed won; we all fell asleep before midnight. Party hard.


Well-Known Member
I found a Cuisinart coffee grinder/brewer at the thrift store for a whopping $9.99. I bought it just to see if it worked! I put a couple scoops of coffee in the grinder receptacle at the top, fill the water reservoir, hit the button- and VROOM! It sounds like a jet taking off from my kitchen counter runway!

Fresh ground flavor with the convenience of automated coffeemaking... now that's living!

Wow, lots of exclamation points- and I haven't even had any yet this morning!