I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

You've only had 6 months or so to grasp this concept so i understand why YOU still still struggle

bless ya.

Look at it this way

Today Man utd played Chelsea

I hate both sides.

I support neither.

By your rationale, me not wanting one side to win means i want the other to win

Flawed thinking.

I supported neither side, still don't support Clinton or trump.

It's now trump we have to deal with.

Now, i appreciate that you try your best but you are nothing but a foot soldier

I prefer to clash with your generals as when they change their minds, you'll change yours.

Try being a man with individual, free thought
Lol, bullshit, you favored Trump. It's all in writing, dumb fuck.

oh dear

words don't change history.

Facts are what facts are.

Try this on for size

Hillary Clinton is a lying piece of shit

Now...how does that statement make me pro trump?

It proclaims one FACT
You and pie......

So, ridicule is all you have?

No facts

No worthy opinions

Just ridicule?

You won't debate with me because you know you will lose

^^^or prove otherwise

Let's chew the fat on your views and see who's the first to resort to insults

I'm game
So, ridicule is all you have?

No facts

No worthy opinions

Just ridicule?

You won't debate with me because you know you will lose

^^^or prove otherwise

Let's chew the fat on your views and see who's the first to resort to insults

I'm game

I don't debate pussified flip flops. It's much funner to make you look like an idiot, defeating yourself.
All two hundred in the Hillary can't be trusted thread, yep. That's alot of posts for not caring who won ,and in your own words" have to deal with now"

Yes, it was disproportionate

but that's because you lot were arguing and abusing so i supported my view.

A view i stand by

now...about that challenge