A sobering thought

Why are you obsessing on Obama?

Is it because you can't stand to listen to the things your guy is doing? Or is it because you somehow need to justify Trump's corrupt use of government for his own enrichment? Either way, you were shagged.

nah, you keep asking me to repeat the same truths. move along now, you got it I think. you know now that Nobody shut not even one private prison down, they said they wanted to is all.
I wasnt shagged at all. Do you feel shagged? Did you support Trump? Did you vote for him in fact? I'd say you were shagged then.
now move along, unless you require some more fact checks, need some more chemphlegm spanking, or maybe you just llike me living in your head rent free, troll on old timer
that's because the private prisons which obama had ordered to be shut down were given the opposite order by that trump guy you love so much.

you are just dumb maybe? I do not have not will not support trump. get it?

anyways, notice how obama waited until he peaked the private prison profits, and ended his term, just in time to allow the next pres to stop the too little too late efforts? could he have maybe cinched this up for good had he forgone the profits at the beginning of his term , you know, for his conscience and all....

why did he pay out more millions in new private prison contracts after he said he was phasing them out i wonder, do you?
please present all evidence you have that obama made even a single penny from the private prisons which he ordered to shut down.

thanks, ya dumb racist bitch.
you'll have to go back and actually read the proof. I've posted it twice now for your illiterate self. right here in this thread. its all over the place in the news, online, even at the justice dept web site, shows the new contracts after the phase out even.
will that matter to you though??
figure it out, try google maybe, its not a secret, only a retard would think so. good luck discovering truth, its gonna hurt you, I can tell already
so you can once again deny the links? like you did immediately after i posted them for you.
take a nap already, I've used up enough free rent in your head dont you think?

edit= just took a look, to be nice, but I cant, you see, you're so ignorant, I see you even quoted my proof in one of your infantile name calling rants.

lay down, sweat it out, your sugar will level out soon, good luck, heal soon
read the posts man
What I don't get is why chemspittle keeps insisting that Obama made money by owning stock in private prisons.
As UB stated, show the proof, or a link please, or give it a rest.

why would I do anything for you? read the posts, took me half a second to find the first one, another second to re google several of them, you all are really stupid here. its been given a rest, talk to your nanny boy here about the redundancy
read the posts man

why would I do anything for you? read the posts, took me half a second to find the first one, another second to re google several of them, you all are really stupid here. its been given a rest, talk to your nanny boy here about the redundancy

i've read all the posts and there is no proof you dumb racist.

if there were so much proof, like you claim there is, it would be so fucking easy for you to post it. but you can't.

dumb fucking racist idiot.
obama phased out private prisons and was completely lenient to state cannabis laws.


Except California and Montana. Bigot Please.
The dismantling, still, of these two states medical marijuana is okay for you to lie about?
Racist Racist Racist.
Except California and Montana. Bigot Please.
The dismantling, still, of these two states medical marijuana is okay for you to lie about?
Racist Racist Racist.

you have cited no evidence so i don't have to do anything to rebut your nonsense.
because thats what a lying bigot would do, demand proof without providing their own......racist racist racist