Would you take a pill that would make you immortal?

Would you take a pill that would make you immortal?

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Ya .......I'm not liking this pill idea ..especially now that you make me realize going to quick stop is outta the question while having the munchies ........I guess il just stay mortal .

You saved me ....I had the pill and a glass of water........woooooo that was close .

I'm going to quickstop for some rolling papers and abba-zaba, you want anything?
I'm going to quickstop for some rolling papers and abba-zaba, you want anything?

Yes I do ......the cashier owes me money .....the secret code sentence is .....give me all your money bitches ...no funny business .....say it in a threatening type voice with your eyes as big and popped out as you can make them .....trust me it's all a code .....you're good I promise

May wana pull your shirt over your face and wear gloves ....it's cold out

Oh and a Bag of spicy pork skins ...

Be sure to get my pork skins before you give the secret code to the cashier

Snacks are on me ....thanks buddy
Yes I do ......the cashier owes me money .....the secret code sentence is .....give me all your money bitches ...no funny business .....say it in a threatening type voice with your eyes as big and popped out as you can make them .....trust me it's all a code .....you're good I promise

May wana pull your shirt over your face and wear gloves ....it's cold out

Oh and a Bag of spicy pork skins ...

Be sure to get my pork skins before you give the secret code to the cashier

Snacks are on me ....thanks buddy
LOL you got the HOOKUP!
You can't die, so even if the Earth is gone, if the Sun explodes, you'll still be around

What do you think? Would you take it? Why/why not?
being stuck here forever and never moving on to a higher plane or the next life sounds a little like hell.the enlightened already live forever. just not in this form
After say 30 trillion years and the last stars and photons are long dead and you're not, is there a game plan for after that? Hell at 30 plus trillion years old you're still a youngster with your whole life ahead of you.
But then again, have we actually figured out what will happen in 30 trillion years? I suppose there's a number of unknown unknowns. :)
But then again, have we actually figured out what will happen in 30 trillion years? I suppose there's a number of unknown unknowns. :)

Yeah pretty sure that they have. All the stars will be cold those burning the coolest the red dwarfs will even have timed out by then. Simply a cold dark void.
I've only been here 31 years. And already that feels like too long. So no. I won't be taking any longevity boosters.

Not only that. I don't want to live through the inevitable Derpocalypse. You can't teach the unwilling. And we're drowning in fucktards as it is.
Yeah pretty sure that they have. All the stars will be cold those burning the coolest the red dwarfs will even have timed out by then. Simply a cold dark void.

What this guy said:
I feel like if I had 30 billion years, I would figure a way out of it

Humans are gods. I'm sure there's a chance that a couple of billion years from now, we humans know how to create universes.
[/QUOTE]Humans are gods. I'm sure there's a chance that a couple of billion years from now, we humans know how to create universes.[/QUOTE]

Psh. Yeh. When we're done fuckin killing each other over whose God has the tastiest cockmeat sandwhich...
Hey, I like this thread.

Never much of a pill popper but in college, we'd always take acid in a small group.

So, I'd take the immortal pill IF I was taking it in a small group.

If you have to live through it, who wants to spend eternity alone?
I'd definitely take it. The Earth and people I'm general are moving in a crazy direction. I'd like to see what happens
I wonder what billions of years of solitary confinement would do to the human mind..

What's worse? Not being able to speak to anyone or not knowing if you ever will again?

I don't think we were ever meant to be capable of those kinds of legitimate thoughts.. we simply won't ever be able to comprehend them as our brains exist now..

I am not high enough
What's worse? Not being able to speak to anyone or not knowing if you ever will again?
I feel like if I couldn't speak to anyone for an extended amount of time, but knew, for sure, that I would be able to at the end of it, I think that would be better than not knowing at all. That would give me some kind of hope that something I can socialize with still exists..
No. I already am. I am God. I am you. I am space, the stars, the moon, and everything beyond the very edge of this dimension and all others.