"I don't support universal healthcare because we don't have the support in congress.."


Well-Known Member
you're talking about a few outlier cases.
oh, then it should be so fucking easy for you to find at least 5 cases where the opposite happened then.

show me the facts and evidence. i don't buy into hollow talking points like you are throwing out there.

i am fucking sick of it. i get enough of that from trump and his factless retards.


Well-Known Member
no you're not, asshole.

poor people, people of color, and religious minorities were praying for a hillary victory while you were badmouthing her and spreading every nasty, false rumor in the book about her.

i'm done trying to coddle bernout cult members.
Yes I am trying to make the country better for everyone. You are doing a terrible job of showing me how my approach is counterproductive.

Don't forget that I voted for Mrs Clinton in the general. I accepted Mr Sanders' primary loss and moved on. That's how politics works. If that's not good enough for you, too bad.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you educate me as to why the Democratic Party has taken such a drubbing in recent elections?
Drubbing? A 2.86 million vote lead is not a 'drubbing'. It was a freakish fluke.

That's the recent election I remember. A freakish fluke outcome.

We also got more house votes. Not that it matters with gerrymandering.

So that's the modern day 'will of the people'?

We have some work to do. I'd hope since our core values are 97% similar, we can count on you guy's help.


Well-Known Member
"The network has more than 1.5 million subscribers on its YouTube channel and boast more than 68 million views per month on its video content."

"They exist because of massive corporate donations"

$8 million dollars from a republican candidate's private equity fund. DONOR CLASS! ESTABLISHMENT! CORPORATE!

and hillary did in fact win the working class, easily.


Well-Known Member
i've literally already posted it.


you were even in that thread posting heavily and you ignored it. $8 million dollars from a private equity fund from former republican candidate buddy roemer.

jesus christ. maybe facts will matter to the far left one day. i doubt it.
I can respect this.

Is it a difference with or without distinction that TYT is a media company and Justice Democrats, who have so far raised less than $2 million, are separate entities? How do you explain the fact that the funder is a Republican?

Is there any Democratic presidential candidate who isn't also heavily funded by corporate interests?


Well-Known Member
oh, then it should be so fucking easy for you to find at least 5 cases where the opposite happened then.

show me the facts and evidence. i don't buy into hollow talking points like you are throwing out there.

i am fucking sick of it. i get enough of that from trump and his factless retards.
"In the 2010 midterm elections, The New York Times identified 138 candidates for Congress with significant Tea Party support, and reported that all of them were running as Republicans. According to a calculation on an NBC blog, of the candidates that were backed by a Tea Party group, or identified themselves as a Tea Party member, 50% were elected to the Senate and 31% to the House. In addition, research by economists Andreas Madestam of Stockholm University, Daniel Shoag and David Yanagizawa-Drott of Harvard University, and Stan Veuger of the American Enterprise Institute estimated that the Tea Party movement protests generated 2.7–5.5 million additional votes nationwide for the Republican Party in the 2010 House elections."

That'd be a win for the TEA party by any rational account. I expect Justice Democrats to do better. Your discomfort is palpable.


Well-Known Member
oh, then it should be so fucking easy for you to find at least 5 cases where the opposite happened then.

show me the facts and evidence. i don't buy into hollow talking points like you are throwing out there.

i am fucking sick of it. i get enough of that from trump and his factless retards.
It seems that you're just not willing to give credit where it's due in terms of the enormous success of the R team.

The only options you've suggested amount to more of the same and I'm just not seeing that as a winning strategy.


Well-Known Member
"In the 2010 midterm elections, The New York Times identified 138 candidates for Congress with significant Tea Party support, and reported that all of them were running as Republicans. According to a calculation on an NBC blog, of the candidates that were backed by a Tea Party group, or identified themselves as a Tea Party member, 50% were elected to the Senate and 31% to the House. In addition, research by economists Andreas Madestam of Stockholm University, Daniel Shoag and David Yanagizawa-Drott of Harvard University, and Stan Veuger of the American Enterprise Institute estimated that the Tea Party movement protests generated 2.7–5.5 million additional votes nationwide for the Republican Party in the 2010 House elections."

That'd be a win for the TEA party by any rational account. I expect Justice Democrats to do better. Your discomfort is palpable.
not a shred of evidence showing any of them primaried a single person out of their seat.

and yep, left wing candidates winning makes me uncomfortable.

you are fucking retarded.


Well-Known Member
I root against citizen participation in many areas.

Because they're just too damn stupid. Intelligent people don't vote for an against-the-grain-freak like Trump.
Only wishful thinkIng idiots who think he'll get those coal mines running again, or racist dickheads who didn't like Obama because he was dark skinned, or the fucking morons who said a woman can't be president.

And no matter what, there's always, always, ALWAYS a political ebb and flow. And it's low tide right now.
I talked to a son of a West Virginia coal miner just today; did you know those mines are running flat out? Coal has risen from $150 to $400 a ton due to the flooding of Australian coal mines and so there's all the overtime they can handle. So whatever you may have heard, coal mining is doing just fine- at least in the short term.

I think calling people stupid is just as dangerous as calling them deplorable and leads to the same result.

When the tide rises, we on the left need a solid plan and the ability to execute. Name-calling is not the way forward.


Well-Known Member
Drubbing? A 2.86 million vote lead is not a 'drubbing'. It was a freakish fluke.

That's the recent election I remember. A freakish fluke outcome.

We also got more house votes. Not that it matters with gerrymandering.

So that's the modern day 'will of the people'?

We have some work to do. I'd hope since our core values are 97% similar, we can count on you guy's help.
Democrats are out of power everywhere. That's a drubbing.

Yes, gerrymandering is absolutely part of the problem.

I'm a team player. I voted for Bernie in the primary and for the winner of that same Democratic primary in the general.

What more could you ask for?


Well-Known Member
Name-calling is not the way forward.
Historically, yes.

But have you ever listened to a Trump rally for a few minutes?

'crooked Hillary' 'communist Bernie'

Apparently, it works for the 'drubber', as you earlier defined his win.

And, sorry, I think his followers are stupid. You've read their BS here. Any of it intelligent? Just asking.


Well-Known Member
Democrats are out of power everywhere. That's a drubbing.

Yes, gerrymandering is absolutely part of the problem.

I'm a team player. I voted for Bernie in the primary and for the winner of that same Democratic primary in the general.

What more could you ask for?
Better luck


Well-Known Member
not a shred of evidence showing any of them primaried a single person out of their seat.
If establishment Democrats choose to take the pledge not to accept corporate bribes or super PAC money, I'm fine with them keeping their seats. What the TEA party did was convince establishment Republicans to support them or they'll be primaried for people who will. As you can see, they've made enormous gains since 2010.
left wing candidates winning makes me uncomfortable.
You support the DNC choosing the establishment candidate and subverting democracy. It absolutely makes you uncomfortable that progressives are threatening traditionally solid establishment seats.

Warren is gearing up for 2020, what establishment candidate do you think can beat her?


Well-Known Member
If establishment Democrats choose to take the pledge not to accept corporate bribes or super PAC money, I'm fine with them keeping their seats. What the TEA party did was convince establishment Republicans to support them or they'll be primaried for people who will. As you can see, they've made enormous gains since 2010.

You support the DNC choosing the establishment candidate and subverting democracy. It absolutely makes you uncomfortable that progressives are threatening traditionally solid establishment seats.

Warren is gearing up for 2020, what establishment candidate do you think can beat her?
you're trying to argue that primarying your own works, while not providing a shred of evidence for it. how the fuck do you think an evidence based argument works?

hillary won by 4 million votes. you're the one who wants to subvert democracy.

facts used to matter to you and tty.


Well-Known Member
If establishment Democrats choose to take the pledge not to accept corporate bribes or super PAC money, I'm fine with them keeping their seats. What the TEA party did was convince establishment Republicans to support them or they'll be primaried for people who will. As you can see, they've made enormous gains since 2010.

You support the DNC choosing the establishment candidate and subverting democracy. It absolutely makes you uncomfortable that progressives are threatening traditionally solid establishment seats.

Warren is gearing up for 2020, what establishment candidate do you think can beat her?
You need to find some younger candidates.


Well-Known Member
Better luck
That's a dice roll, not a strategy.

Whatever happened to talking about the issues?

If Mr Sanders has shown the party anything, it's that talking about issues gets a lot of people interested and involved.

I think that's a way forward. Let's have a conversation on issues, rather than just another cacophony of, 'they're worse than us!!'