What Democrats have sponsored or cosponsored a bill to enact universal healthcare?

are you bragging about barely winning 4 districts which republicans carried by 20-30 points just 6 months ago?
Sure he is. Elections matter and they won. It's hardly worth noting the change in points of support. We don't really know if closing the gap in heavily republican districts will translate to wins in districts that have been close. I think it will. OTOH there are a lot of voter suppression bills in state legislature committees that just might turn close elections into easy wins for Republicans.

Anybody who is gladdened by the recent election win by Republicans can be held responsible for millions of people who will the new health care bill will literally kill by denying access to health care coverage. I really hope they come back and whine here.
Sure he is. Elections matter and they won. It's hardly worth noting the change in points of support. We don't really know if closing the gap in heavily republican districts will translate to wins in districts that have been close. I think it will. OTOH there are a lot of voter suppression bills in state legislature committees that just might turn close elections into easy wins for Republicans.

Anybody who is gladdened by the recent election win by Republicans can be held responsible for millions of people who will the new health care bill will literally kill by denying access to health care coverage. I really hope they come back and whine here.
LMAO as opposed to the garbage Obamacare bill that is self-imploding on its own? Will Democrats ever hold themselves responsible for giving us such a disastrous piece of garbage that earned Obama the lie of the year award as well as being passed on the premised that "you have to pass it to find out what's in it"? Jesus, you people are so delusional and it's why you keep on losing all these elections. The Dems are in the midst of an identity crisis and have no clue which way to go.
LMAO as opposed to the garbage Obamacare bill that is self-imploding on its own? Will Democrats ever hold themselves responsible for giving us such a disastrous piece of garbage that earned Obama the lie of the year award as well as being passed on the premised that "you have to pass it to find out what's in it"? Jesus, you people are so delusional and it's why you keep on losing all these elections. The Dems are in the midst of an identity crisis and have no clue which way to go.

obamacare polls at 55% (versus trump at 35% and the AHCA at 17%) and would be doing just fine if republicans didn't purposely sabotage it.

and the 'pass it to see what's in it' quote is completely cropped. but speaking of having to pass it to see what's in it, the senate votes on the AHCA next week. can you please show me where i can read the text of this bill that they will be voting on next week?

thanks again, and don't make a complete ass out of yourself or anything.
where are your progressive candidates winning?

why didn;t bernie just head down to georgia and deliver a magical win?

brainwashed fuck.

Christine Pelligrino, a Bernie Sanders delegate, was elected to the New York State Assembly in May, becoming the first Democrat to ever win that seat. She won the district with 58% of the vote...a district that Trump took by 23 points just 6 months earlier.

Is it really that hard for you to wrap your head around the notion that people are sick and tired of establishment politicians that are in bed with corporate America? If you can't see this you're either a) a complete moron, b) satisfied with the status quo, c) a paid shill for the DNC, or d) all of the above. I'll rule out "a" (and therefor d) because despite how much I disagree with you, you don't strike me as being stupid. So which is it buckles? Happy with the status quo, or on the DNC payroll? Based on your body of work here I'm leaning towards "c"....
LMAO as opposed to the garbage Obamacare bill that is self-imploding on its own? Will Democrats ever hold themselves responsible for giving us such a disastrous piece of garbage that earned Obama the lie of the year award as well as being passed on the premised that "you have to pass it to find out what's in it"? Jesus, you people are so delusional and it's why you keep on losing all these elections. The Dems are in the midst of an identity crisis and have no clue which way to go.
The ACA is still law of the land while the Keystone Kongress is running about making us laugh at its pratfalls. They treat the garbage ACA replacement bill like an ugly date to the prom that they hide to prevent laughter and shame.

You are so proud of the replacement bill? Most Republican Senators haven't read it. You are proud of something that you know nothing about. I guess pretty much sizes you up. derp

Tens of millions have health care coverage that wouldn't have it without the ACA. Healthcare costs were contained as promised. The Republican Congress failed to fully fund the bill as originally drafted and didn't do anything to mitigate the damage. Funny thing about it is, you guys actually think the problem was with the bill.
The ACA is still law of the land while the Keystone Kongress is running about making us laugh at its pratfalls. They treat the garbage ACA replacement bill like an ugly date to the prom that they hide to prevent laughter and shame.

You are so proud of the replacement bill? Most Republican Senators haven't read it. You are proud of something that you know nothing about. I guess pretty much sizes you up. derp

Tens of millions have health care coverage that wouldn't have it without the ACA. Healthcare costs were contained as promised. The Republican Congress failed to fully fund the bill as originally drafted and didn't do anything to mitigate the damage. Funny thing about it is, you guys actually think the problem was with the bill.
It's a shit bill and always had been. The tens of million myth is a total lie that liberal hacks keep spewing. Nothing was kept as promised it was all sold on a pile of lies. Republicans could really rub it in by doing nothing at all and letting the whole things fail on its own and use it as a political hit and really bury the Dems.
It's a shit bill and always had been. The tens of million myth is a total lie that liberal hacks keep spewing. Nothing was kept as promised it was all sold on a pile of lies. Republicans could really rub it in by doing nothing at all and letting the whole things fail on its own and use it as a political hit and really bury the Dems.

the republicans control every branch of government.

when they purposely sabotage obamacare, voters are gonna blame them. it was working just fine under obama. tens of millions more insured and booming job creation at the same time.
the republicans control every branch of government.

when they purposely sabotage obamacare, voters are gonna blame them. it was working just fine under obama. tens of millions more insured and booming job creation at the same time.
How do you "purposely sabotage" something by not even having anything to do with it? Sometimes I wonder if you even believe the own crap you type.
It's a shit bill and always had been. The tens of million myth is a total lie that liberal hacks keep spewing. Nothing was kept as promised it was all sold on a pile of lies. Republicans could really rub it in by doing nothing at all and letting the whole things fail on its own and use it as a political hit and really bury the Dems.
So, post any factual information to back up your claim it's a lie that tens of millions have access who would not under the do-nothing policies of GW Bush.

This just in, GOP Kongress decided to do something
How do you "purposely sabotage" something by not even having anything to do with it? Sometimes I wonder if you even believe the own crap you type.

oh, i think i see what's going on here. you're literally mentally retarded.

here is what anthem said last month when they pulled out of ohio:

“Last month, President Donald Trump reportedly told advisers he wanted to end these subsidies. House Republicans had sued former President Barack Obama's administration to block the subsidies paid to insurers.

The decision comes as Republicans in Congress continue efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare."

“Planning and pricing Affordable Care Act-compliant plans has become "increasingly difficult" due to the shrinking individual market and continual changes in federal operations, rules and guidance, according to Anthem.”

“‘An increasing lack of overall predictability simply does not provide a sustainable path forward,’ Anthem spokesman Jeff Blunt said in a statement.”
“Republican lawmakers and President Donald Trump have promised to repeal and replace the law, but have disagreed over the details, creating uncertainty at a time when insurers must submit plans and premium rates for 2018.

“In addition, Republicans are trying to cut off these Obamacare subsidy payments in court proceedings and President Donald Trump has made conflicting statements about continuing paying them.”