north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs


Active Member
Brainwashable is not the same as brainwashed. Brainwashable means that you are easily programmed, the other means the process of brainwashing has already been done.


Active Member
But I'm a sneeky ninja, so it obviously doesn't apply.

Why do you know so much about gay culture when you only came out? (SO brave)
Yes it does sneaky hiv, you must be a right winged conservitave that thinks your point of view is the only worth having and no one else should have one unless it conforms to yours.& what do they call those people...... with my lack of edumacation I would say bigot

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
People. Stop getting caught up in the minutia UB is the owner of a RED laser pen light, who has a ton of these threads all designed to distract.

You are all running around chasing the distraction. Try this for some real knowledge, and pay attention to what he says about OBL and the loss of Seal Team Six ... and at ~ 1:06 pedo

LOL that guy is hilarious!
He tried to look smart by surrounding himself with books, but the cheap suit gave him away before he even started talking.
Saudi Arabia was the real victim of 911???
Wow. :dunce:
I couldn't even watch to all of it...


Well-Known Member
The truth is America has always been a tyrant nation from the start, look at what happened to the native Americans of this country. Broken treads used biological warfare with smallpox inaculated blankets, lined up women and children in the snow and shot the mothers and bashed the skulls of those little baby's in with their boot heels so the army could save money on ammunition. we live in a governing system of control that favors the needs of the rich (to get richer)to the needs of the working class. This government has been systematically dwindling the needs of the working class to less and less. Slavery never ended, instead I was just descised as freedom for a time. Now a day corporate slaves have to pay for their housing, food, dential, medical care, clothing etc... if you were a plantation owner, back in the day you had to provide all the necessity to your workers or they did not get much production out of them. You could even earn your freedom from harvesting about 1 acre of hemp. Healthy happy slaves produce more than depressed sick slaves. That is also the time when cannabis was in 90 % of all our otc medications, so curing ailments was cheap. The government is here to control us, they are in power for our best interest which is proven when they made hemp illegal in 1937. Then later classified as a schedule 1 drug. The argument is there is not enough research on it yet, but aspirin chemical reactions in the body were not fully understood either for well over 100 years but they kept on pumping out those little pills for citizens put in their body without fully understanding the drug. It is simple as this we live in a times of genocide of anyone who are not them(the elite).
This is a bit more extreme and paranoid than I'd put it but on the other hand there isn't anything inaccurate I can find.

American history is ugly...


Active Member
But I'm a sneeky ninja, so it obviously doesn't apply.

Why do you know so much about gay culture when you only came out? (SO brave)
Sounds like you don't spell so good either, there is no word sneeky in the English language. There is sneaky. Guess your auto correct was acting up when you made your screen name.


Well-Known Member
Kim Jong Un wants to eradicate millions of innocent people from existence, so yeah I stand by what I said he is a lunatic and that's my belief! As for Satan, if that's your thing, believe what you want and I will respect your right to do so.
Does he really want to kill millions of people? Surely it's obvious that we are backing them into a corner. You know what a skiddish dog does when you back it into a corner? It will fucking attack you!

I think he would be a nice guy if we removed sanctions and deescalate the Korean border. China is communist but they live a lot like Americans despite having over 3 times the population and probably less land considering Alaska is fucking huge.

We need to stop bullying nation's the Cuban Missile Crisis would have never happened if we showed Fidel Castro some respect the people won the Cuban revolution it's what the people wanted we should have respected the will of the people not starve the island!


Well-Known Member
I think I've mentioned it before;

North Korea is feverishly building a weapons program to defend itself from history's most belligerent imperial power; the United States.

If you were continually threatened and bullied by a nation with the largest military budget and military industrial complex in the history of mankind, wouldn't you be doing the same?

The West is making hay of these tests because we don't want them to have the capability of defending themselves.

North Korea knows better than to actually use them, these weapons are a deterrent against American aggression. And we ARE the biggest aggressor on the planet. The only countries we don't attempt to invade, destabilize or topple are nuclear armed nations. Russia is the exception to that rule and even then we took advantage of internal division and collapse.

What are we going to do about North Korea? How about leaving them the fuck alone? They're isolated and backward. They don't even have much trade with China. Yes, they're a terrible and totalitarian regime. By many measures, America is headed in the same direction- we just aren't as far along yet.

I don't understand why it's a crime if North Korea tests ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, but it's fine if the United States, France, Great Britain, China or Russia do?

Maybe North Korea doesn't want to become yet another Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Vietnam or any of a number of other nations the CIA and/or our military has destabilized and overthrown.

We are the aggressor; where is the evidence of North Korean military adventurism? It's all defense; there's no offense.
It would seem my opinion on the logic of North Korean nuclear ambitions is shared by others;


Active Member
LOL that guy is hilarious!
He tried to look smart by surrounding himself with books, but the cheap suit gave him away before he even started talking.
Saudi Arabia was the real victim of 911???
Wow. :dunce:
I couldn't even watch to all of it...
I got about 2 mins in when I realized
Do you even have to ask that anymore? the answer is obvious now....
also you clearly don't know what bigotry is. sock
If you're not a sock then you don't need more than two sentences to know why.
You're just dumb.
I thought dummies and socks reply with short 2 line comebacks. There psychology class was right again people often reflect their own insecurities by lashing out to others. You don't want to admit it but you are lashing out at me because of your insecure with your self.(being a sock) If I was you I would see a psychologist not a psychiatrist. I think you need drugs for your problems.
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Active Member
Nope, it's correct.

You're so brave.
I know I should not even talk to you on this posting sneaky hiv. I might catch the gaids virus ..... I mean aids talking to you through my screen. I bet you are assuming I am gay bashing, but I am not just bashing you!