Aussie Growers Thread

hallo everyone hope use ar all well my lounge room lizard doesent seem 2 like th heat still a bit of cupping i might have 2 turn the off during the days but 2 be honest i think its about that time neem cake and kelp meal came im thinking im gunna skip adding the kelp to it it shouod allready have every thing i it any way actually i think i ordered alfalfa meal lol not kelp meal derp fuck it i might just put both of em in there any way after i dry the shit out of it im thinking with the plants tho its time for a microbe tea ro somthing i dont have any mollasses can i use raw suger
hallo everyone hope use ar all well my lounge room lizard doesent seem 2 like th heat still a bit of cupping i might have 2 turn the off during the days but 2 be honest i think its about that time neem cake and kelp meal came im thinking im gunna skip adding the kelp to it it shouod allready have every thing i it any way actually i think i ordered alfalfa meal lol not kelp meal derp fuck it i might just put both of em in there any way after i dry the shit out of it im thinking with the plants tho its time for a microbe tea ro somthing i dont have any mollasses can i use raw suger
I use raw sugar it does the trick.brown sugar is better if you have any
also i want to eather buy or make depending whats sheapest i wanna diy some nutes like like diy fish hydrlysate but in the recipe it says u need one of those one way valve things so it can off gas also i that docomentry i watched las night was fucken good what u u guys think about wood chips seemed 2 add alot of benifets iv got some hemp mulch i chink next year im gunna build a raised garden bed
also i want to eather buy or make depending whats sheapest i wanna diy some nutes like like diy fish hydrlysate but in the recipe it says u need one of those one way valve things so it can off gas also i that docomentry i watched las night was fucken good what u u guys think about wood chips seemed 2 add alot of benifets iv got some hemp mulch i chink next year im gunna build a raised garden bed
one way valve u can get at any home brew supply shop. very cheap.
just bought 2 gunna make a fermentation bucket im gunna start learning allmi can about it like think i wanna have a nutrient and mycrobe diversity
I like your thinking. definitely going to run some super-hots in buckets this season. was going to get a supersoil organised for them but hempy is just too easy. Aiming for two monsters in outdoor hydro - somewhere around 12 gal as well so they dont dry out too fast. need about 100-ish scorpions to make enough of my "Fuck Off Hot Sauce" to last the year and to give a few bottles away to mates. put about 20 seeds in water and the 2 best will get to burn my arsehole for the next 12 months. Tomatoes are already up and growing in soil but might start a few heirloom bushes in buckets too.
Oh so you like scorps....ur talking to the chilli king here lol
also i want to eather buy or make depending whats sheapest i wanna diy some nutes like like diy fish hydrlysate but in the recipe it says u need one of those one way valve things so it can off gas also i that docomentry i watched las night was fucken good what u u guys think about wood chips seemed 2 add alot of benifets iv got some hemp mulch i chink next year im gunna build a raised garden bed
This is the best fish hydrolysate I’ve used,th difference between this and a fish emulsion is when they make fish emulsion they boil all the fats and oils that contain most of the enzymes and amino acids(the good stuff)out of the fish and skim all that of and sell it as fish oil capsules3EA6B0CD-424A-4E8E-9085-2640BA598755.jpeg
if i dident have 2 worry about cats id love 2 just bury fish in the back yard my plan is so far cuse i dont now how expensive fish is was thinking of just getting some sardins or some shit or anchovies or what ever idk any one recomend any fish
if i dident have 2 worry about cats id love 2 just bury fish in the back yard my plan is so far cuse i dont now how expensive fish is was thinking of just getting some sardins or some shit or anchovies or what ever idk any one recomend any fish
Tuna or any other deep sea fish is the best,red fleshed preferably but you don’t want to use canned fish.
I like your thinking. definitely going to run some super-hots in buckets this season. was going to get a supersoil organised for them but hempy is just too easy. Aiming for two monsters in outdoor hydro - somewhere around 12 gal as well so they dont dry out too fast. need about 100-ish scorpions to make enough of my "Fuck Off Hot Sauce" to last the year and to give a few bottles away to mates. put about 20 seeds in water and the 2 best will get to burn my arsehole for the next 12 months. Tomatoes are already up and growing in soil but might start a few heirloom bushes in buckets too.
These are in my freezer now...most of these will get smoked up to ma me powders and chilli salts.
The ghost x scorps are awesome for sauce
Bout 20 chillies makes a killer 2-3 litres to bottle up for sauce.
I find reapers the best for salts but I find either Trinidad scorps or orange hand the best for tomato or mango based sauces
These are in my freezer now...most of these will get smoked up to ma me powders and chilli salts.
The ghost x scorps are awesome for sauce
Bout 20 chillies makes a killer 2-3 litres to bottle up for sauce.
I find reapers the best for salts but I find either Trinidad scorps or orange hand the best for tomato or mango based sauces
I’ve never come across scorpion chillies are they hotter than ghosts ?
I’ve never come across scorpion chillies are they hotter than ghosts ?
Some variety are
As a whole if your talking bout Trinidad scorpion or butch T5s compared to ghost variety etc id say for me heat wise both comparable but scorps or anything Trinidad are more better for flavour hands down.
Ghost butt jolokia strains are insane for heat
Those bags of ghost scorpions are jays red variety
This is the best fish hydrolysate I’ve used,th difference between this and a fish emulsion is when they make fish emulsion they boil all the fats and oils that contain most of the enzymes and amino acids(the good stuff)out of the fish and skim all that of and sell it as fish oil capsulesView attachment 4025063
cool i love that compeny i knew the dif between them lol im thinking i wanna try and make my own nutrient based on what want to acheave if i know iv got the npk there im wanting to put in the micros and macros and minirols ands shit but ye i love nts im thinking of dropping the 150 and getting there microbe tea brewer kit thing for the out door soil im thinking but idk i despretly need 2 start saving money n shit idk i just to make a custom nute like everything the plant can use mycrobes included i also dont want 2 have 2 buy crobes i want 2 try and ad myceobes that are local if i can