Judge blocks Trump's transgender military ban


Well-Known Member

But this isn't the first time I've shown you the truth. You just don't care about facts, do you, fraud boy?

So which is it? Elitist shill or would-be social climbing liar? The World Wonders.


Nice source as usual. If you don't trust your own government, why trust the Iranian government? Because that's who runs presstv.

If whites ran Press TV, one would have no difficulty in saying it was a neo-Nazi network. It welcomes British Holocaust-deniers such as Nicholas Kollerstrom, fascist ideologues such as Peter Rushton, the leader of the White Nationalist party – an organisation that disproves the notion that the only thing further to the right of the BNP is the wall – along with, until recently, Ken Livingstone, Labour's candidate for mayor of London, who showed no embarrassment about the company his Iranian paymasters kept.

Press TV is not just a home for those with exterminationist fantasies about wiping Israel off the map, but a platform for the full fascist conspiracy theory of supernatural Jewish power.

Who will rid us of hate channels such as Press TV?

Iran’s Press TV Claims American Jews Are “Incubating Another Hitler”

Lack of fact doesn't stop journalist claiming Alberta government sells Native children

Iranian website promotes Holocaust denial



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
still nothing. oh well.

run that warpath at me like the skinheads do, st0w! i am so mean and intolerant!


Well-Known Member


Nice source as usual. If you don't trust your own government, why trust the Iranian government? Because that's who runs presstv.

If whites ran Press TV, one would have no difficulty in saying it was a neo-Nazi network. It welcomes British Holocaust-deniers such as Nicholas Kollerstrom, fascist ideologues such as Peter Rushton, the leader of the White Nationalist party – an organisation that disproves the notion that the only thing further to the right of the BNP is the wall – along with, until recently, Ken Livingstone, Labour's candidate for mayor of London, who showed no embarrassment about the company his Iranian paymasters kept.

Press TV is not just a home for those with exterminationist fantasies about wiping Israel off the map, but a platform for the full fascist conspiracy theory of supernatural Jewish power.

Who will rid us of hate channels such as Press TV?

Iran’s Press TV Claims American Jews Are “Incubating Another Hitler”

Lack of fact doesn't stop journalist claiming Alberta government sells Native children

Iranian website promotes Holocaust denial

Be nice to presstv. They are under attack from algo-rythms.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Seriously, @ttystikk , what the fuck has gotten into you? In the last few weeks I have seen your credibility go from poor to rock-fucking-bottom, hitting a new low with this presstv crap. And all the while you keep telling us that you are offering "proof" and "the truth" when none of it is either of those. Can you no longer tell a fuzzy, fact-free opinion piece from actual news? Can you no longer distinguish a reputable news organization from a completely skewed bunch of holocaust denying assholes like presstv?

No tty, change isn't scary - but whatever the hell has affected you certainly is. You have become a left spectrum version of flaming pie. No shit.


Well-Known Member
Believing bullshit is delusional.
You talkin' to yourself? Centrism is death. Hillary and her neocon centrist pals thought it was the way to beat Hitler. Care to try for two out of three? Don't piss and moan about the popular vote, that's a non-starter until the EC is eliminated. It's OK, humans will be extinct in 40 years. That includes you. Only Keith Richards and Telecasters will remain. Communism is the answer.


Well-Known Member
You talkin' to yourself? Centrism is death. Hillary and her neocon centrist pals thought it was the way to beat Hitler. Care to try for two out of three? Don't piss and moan about the popular vote, that's a non-starter until the EC is eliminated. It's OK, humans will be extinct in 40 years. That includes you. Only Keith Richards and Telecasters will remain. Communism is the answer.
You seem familiar. Fender?

Either way... welcome new member.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, nope. Fender still has an account. Communism sure seems like a great idea. I can't count how many successful Communist countries there are. Great thinking.

I can't figure you out @KillerIndica. You seem either very young, terribly unrealistic or a troll working the other side of the rainbow. Tell us about yourself.


Well-Known Member
If I'm following anyone, it's by mistake. I follow no one, least of all centrists. Centrism delivered us here. Anyone to the right of me should be shipped to Mars and shoved out into the airless vacuum.