N deficient or nutrient burn

I can honestly say that I'v been working in dwc since medical was legal in MI and have never attempted doing it in a red solo cup, Kudos! If that were my issue I would cut the nutrients in half until your proper equipment arrives and raise the ph to stay in the range of 6.3 to 6.1
I can honestly say that I'v been working in dwc since medical was legal in MI and have never attempted doing it in a red solo cup, Kudos! If that were my issue I would cut the nutrients in half until your proper equipment arrives and raise the ph to stay in the range of 6.3 to 6.1
i'll try this now, i have to ph anyways.
How about a pic of the roots?
sure, give me a few minutes.
unnamed (2).jpg
i know i have rootrot, i've been trying my hardest to get rid of it.
edit - change nutes to 1.25tsp bigbloom / 2tsp grow big. & ph'd to 6.12
i'm hoping my plants dont starve. i'll keep you updated
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i've been dipping them in 2.5tsp 4% hydrogen peroxide/gal every morning, as well as giving the roots a good rinse.

inside the netcup is clay pebbles, or as you call them hydroton, yes.
the net pot is getting caught by the rim of the cup as it's 3in, and it has a small airspace, then water at the bottom of the cup that the roots drink up. click here for a better explanation
i don't know what you mean by hand feeding, and if i put drainholes in my cup the water would leak out and the roots would dry out then die. so no drain holes lol.
how can it be overwatered in hydro and are you sure there isnt a cal problem?? i'm 99.99% sure that's what it is, foxfarm's lineup contains little to no cal, and i don't really have a liable cal source atm, so it just makes sense to me.
if i fed at 1/4th stregnth my plants would perish from starvation, the salts build up at the bottom of the water, which is why i think i have to feed so much.
i'll start using bottled water instead of tap.

I dont know what the kratky method is but it sounds like lets drown our plant cuz thats what your doing. Causing root rot then you use the h2o2 which can burn off fine root hairs which are what actually absorb nutrients causing deficiencies = every day.

You need to get a product called hydrguard and start using it and you need it now and stop using h2o2. And since the plant is stressed you need to lower you ppm;s as it doesnt need alot/cant handle a heavy feeding.

You need to get a product called hydrguard and start using it and you need it now and stop using h2o2
You need to get a product called hydrguard and start using it and you need it now and stop using h2o2

hydrguard lower ppms raise light slow the grow till it heals then resume.
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I dont know what the kratky method is but it sounds like lets drown our plant cuz thats what your doing. Causing root rot then you use the h2o2 which can burn off fine root hairs which are what actually absorb nutrients causing deficiencies = every day.

You need to get a product called hydrguard and start using it and you need it now and stop using h2o2. And since the plant is stressed you need to lower you ppm;s as it doesnt need alot/cant handle a heavy feeding.

You need to get a product called hydrguard and start using it and you need it now and stop using h2o2
You need to get a product called hydrguard and start using it and you need it now and stop using h2o2

hydrguard lower ppms raise light slow the grow till it heals then resume.
take a xanax, the hydroguard is already on it's way lol.
thank you for the insight on the h2o2, i didn't know that. i'll definetly stop with that and just stick to rinsing the roots off until the hydroguard comes.
hydroguard will be coming with my airpump, better res containers, airstones, nutrients, and everything that i should've had from the start of the grow.
thanks for the help & thanks for being patient with me, it's greatly appreciated.
i know you're questioning me using the mason jars in your head, i plan to put something black over the glass to prevent the light from getting in, its the cheapest route and it'll have to do for now.
also; if you're wondering where jacks321 nutes are, i had to get it from a different website since amazon was outof stock.
I thought the jars were just to store all the weed in. Why not just use plastic buckets, which are cheaper. Since they are cheap enough I suggest that you get another set of air stones so when you have to clean them you can just swap out a dirty one with a clean one.
I thought the jars were just to store all the weed in. Why not just use plastic buckets, which are cheaper. Since they are cheap enough I suggest that you get another set of air stones so when you have to clean them you can just swap out a dirty one with a clean one.
i'm on a tight budget here, i'm only getting the neccessities (for now), that's something i'll definetly have to do. i'm assuming theres videos on how to clean your airstones, so i won't bother asking. plastic buckets were actually more expensive, surprisingly it was 36 for all 4 of the mason jars, most plastic buckets cost around $15-20 ea. I'll definetly be upgrading in the future, as i said this is just for now. thank you for all your suggestions, keep em coming if you have more, they're very insightful.
15-20 damn here there like 4 for just the basic five gal bucket. Glass breaks. And when the hydroguard gets there I would use it at full strength till you see new roots coming out white looking , might take a couple of weeks then go to a maintenance dose of half of that or 2ml per gallon each water change , that stuff is expensive so no need to use it full strength all of the time. Or you might not need it at all when all that air gets in there. Water temp is key also.
15-20 damn here there like 4 for just the basic five gal bucket. Glass breaks. And when the hydroguard gets there I would use it at full strength till you see new roots coming out white looking , might take a couple of weeks then go to a maintenance dose of half of that or 2ml per gallon each water change , that stuff is expensive so no need to use it full strength all of the time. Or you might not need it at all when all that air gets in there. Water temp is key also.
yeah glass does break, but i don't plan on moving them around too much, i'm not clumsy either.
I was told about water temp by another user on this forum, he said you want it at 68 degrees, 70 at most with hydroguard.
how often should i switch out my new reservoir? i'm assuming once every 5-7 days or so.
i plan to keep my air pump out of my grow room, i'm hoping that may help with my water temp.
I can honestly say that I'v been working in dwc since medical was legal in MI and have never attempted doing it in a red solo cup, Kudos! If that were my issue I would cut the nutrients in half until your proper equipment arrives and raise the ph to stay in the range of 6.3 to 6.1
drooping has only worsened since i cut my nutes in half, as well as my deficiencies, should i go back to the stregnth nutes i was using? i'm unsure what to do at this point
edit - this very well may be genetic, but there's some purple showing up on the bottom of my leaves
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yeah glass does break, but i don't plan on moving them around too much, i'm not clumsy either.
I was told about water temp by another user on this forum, he said you want it at 68 degrees, 70 at most with hydroguard.
how often should i switch out my new reservoir? i'm assuming once every 5-7 days or so.
i plan to keep my air pump out of my grow room, i'm hoping that may help with my water temp.

Its not the pump heating up the water its the air getting heated by compression then pumped into the water that will do it. I dont agree with the hydroguard statement 65 to 75 for the water temp for the grow dont see why it would effect the hydroguard.

And I wouldnt up the ppm till I had new root growth. Raise the light slow the grow get the hydroguard let it work up the nutes lower the light.
Its not the pump heating up the water its the air getting heated by compression then pumped into the water that will do it. I dont agree with the hydroguard statement 65 to 75 for the water temp for the grow dont see why it would effect the hydroguard.

And I wouldnt up the ppm till I had new root growth. Raise the light slow the grow get the hydroguard let it work up the nutes lower the light.
i just said i got the hydroguard man, i showed you a picture of it being shipped. i wish i could make it come faster. i'll lower my lights now, i'll also turn off my more powerful 600w LED, and only keep my 300w vipar on
i just said i got the hydroguard man, i showed you a picture of it being shipped. i wish i could make it come faster. i'll lower my lights now, i'll also turn off my more powerful 600w LED, and only keep my 300w vipar on

right on I know just didnt want you pushing ppms with shit roots, just going to fugg it up more. Just want you to slow the grow cuz its going to want to grow and if it isnt getting nutes like it should from the roots itll take it from the leaf then youll have all sort of issues. imo
I dont think he lives by a homedepot. that would be a no-brainer getting the gear from there.
Just saying for future generations. I know HD sales out of those constantly so some may think it's only a hydro shop over priced item when they never see them in stock.

Lowe's has dark blue buckets. ;-)
Black 5g buckets are 3.50$, 2.5g black buckets are 2$ and change at home depot. (When in stock)

I dont think he lives by a homedepot. that would be a no-brainer getting the gear from there.

yeaah... someone didn't even think of home depot.. only lowes, and they didnt have any there... i don't wanna talk about it.
i'll cancel my mason jars from coming and get them tomorrow
i'm assuming i won't need more airstones to do this, or will i?
yeaah... someone didn't even think of home depot.. only lowes, and they didnt have any there... i don't wanna talk about it.
i'll cancel my mason jars from coming and get them tomorrow
i'm assuming i won't need more airstones to do this, or will i?

I dont want to talk about it either. so your by a lowes I would get them there as they are blue and hd is orange. blue will block light better. even if i had to wait I would go with the blue. Plus I dont like hd so .......
I dont want to talk about it either. so your by a lowes I would get them there as they are blue and hd is orange. blue will block light better. even if i had to wait I would go with the blue. Plus I dont like hd so .......
they have black ones at HD