On Third-Wave Antiracist Virtue Signaling

which interestingly enough might have some issue with accepting russian money then donating it to trump campaign...seems that's a no-no, which is currently why there's no president of NRA..russian stink is a clinger..since they're a .org, they just might lose their non-profit status and be ordered to dissolve like the trump foundation.
That would be welcome news, indeed.
I found this article in The Atlantic to be an interesting read:

It certainly envelopes things we see each and every day in this forum and opens the door to new discussions. Where do we go from here? How do we discuss racial issues in a way that promotes stronger bonds between us?

Please read and share your opinions.
A full page of attacks and bullshit without ever reading or responding to the content of your article.

That pretty much sums up the quality of the discussion here, nevermind the quality of its moderation.
I guess you missed the point of what I was saying. I’ll make it easier. I’m no fan of the NRA FYI. While I do own a large number of guns, they don’t speak for me or my ideologies. I meant they have kept the Russian/money thing quite contained given the implications.
Gee I wonder why?
Most Canadians have a different attitude towards firearms. We citizens aren’t really allowed to use them as weapons or carry them around for self preservation. As a result the majority of us own them for hunting, maybe collecting? Some people shoot each other but hey shit happens.
Most Canadians have a different attitude towards firearms. We citizens aren’t really allowed to use them as weapons or carry them around for self preservation. As a result the majority of us own them for hunting, maybe collecting? Some people shoot each other but hey shit happens.
I would love to be able to carry a side arm when I I’m bow hunting for bear or in bear/cougar country but the right to carry is not a priority for me. Yes the states are quite different in that respect. Pretty sure you’ll se sidearms completely outlawed here unless needed for job re police, etc.
Saddest self thread bump since anytime schuylaar did it

why thank you..there's no shame here..besides i posted Pelosi's thread a few days early so you could sniff around, get used to it..usually takes you a week on a controversial thread..but it's NANCY..you love her, remember?..taking back the country STARTS in 72 hours!!!
I find your opinions to be instructive.
those aren't opinions but rather facts

you expressed support for trump after he called nazis very fine people and after he said jews were hate criming themselves to make him look bad. that makes you a nazi.
those aren't opinions but rather facts

you expressed support for trump after he called nazis very fine people and after he said jews were hate criming themselves to make him look bad. that makes you a nazi.
Ok, peace be with me.
get real, you admitted to slinging grams at the nursing home

Actually i said my non existant gram business earns more than you do. You just say whatever you want regardless of truth.

And i said fixed income to see how easy it is to get you to exagerate and you said nursing home.

And what does that have to do with you sounding just like the guy crying in the video?