Trump wins if Cult of Sanders has its way. I'll grant you that.
His health care bill for example. It's a free ticket for Trump to go back for four more.
Youve missed your calling of fortune telling..since you know all why not make a living at it?
Trump wins if Cult of Sanders has its way. I'll grant you that.
His health care bill for example. It's a free ticket for Trump to go back for four more.
How is weather in Russia today, comrade
Should finally be nice here in Denver tooActually, it's perfect. 79 degrees, 5 mph winds, hardly a cloud in the sky. (Was chatting with the in-laws about an hour ago.)
Should finally be nice here in Denver too
I’m gonna build a fence. Maybe even the gates too
Yeah as I get older I’m realizing how nice it is to be healthy and how much youngsters take it for grantedI wish I had your back/spine. I'd love to be able to do shit like that. God knows I have a ton of it to do.
Mexico is going to pay for it.I’m gonna build a fence. Maybe even the gates too
Spoken like a true Sanders fan, knowing that he is LOSING to Biden in every POLL out there.polls aren't shows..they mean nada, nothing, nyet..
Rent a posthole diggerYeah as I get older I’m realizing how nice it is to be healthy and how much youngsters take it for granted
dont be lazy, buy a shovel - or jst ask one the illegal immigrants working at one of Trump's golf resorts to do it for u.Rent a posthole digger
Impeachment then prison.In a new poll taking by Reuters on Monday, for the 1st time more Americans favor impeaching the President, 45%, while 43% feel he should be left alone.
I say impeach that lump of shite, as at least a warning to future Presidents, so they won't even think about trying to pull the same shit that Trump is trying to pull on the American people now.
The Dems in Congress and Pelosi are being too nice to that detriment to civilized society, I say it's time to get the knife out, and trim Trump's oversized balls.
What do you think?
lola neighbors pit bull latched onto a Yorker. Horrible shrieking
I had some water left in my bucket from doing concrete. Threw it in the pits face and he finally released. But that yorkie was dead
160 million people are on private healthcare. 70% of whom say they like the plan they are in.Youve missed your calling of fortune telling..since you know all why not make a living at it?
They cite polls they like though.Spoken like a true Sanders fan, knowing that he is LOSING to Biden in every POLL out there.
If Sanders was leading in polls (lol), would you feel the same way?
Medicare buy in160 million people are on private healthcare. 70% of whom say they like the plan they are in.
It doesn't take a fortune teller to be able to say that 112 million people aren't going to be happy with being forced into Medicare. Sanders plan is a nonstarter. Won't happen. If Democrats try to foist that healthcare plan onto those 112 million people, Trump will win. Simple as that.
Medicare buy-in option is the better policy.
You Progressive left are showing your authoritarian core. It does help explain your kind's support for brutal dictators. Those people they killed had it coming, right? Counterrevolutionaries must die. right? The cause is more important than the individual. Right?
eff that.
omfg god babey. this is terrifying. i apologize for my shiitty reaction. it was vry rude and ignorant as fck.not really
i was out building a little fence when i saw their pit run off on them at least 3 or 4 times. they have to do magic to corral the dog back every time. they need to just put the fucking dog inside. it should never be out front. he does this at least once a week
a few minutes later, i hear shrieking. at first i assume it's just kids yelling, but the shrieks grow more and more hysterical. so i go out to examine.
fucking pit has a yorkie by the neck, full clench. i know it won't do anything but i smashed the pit with my drill. the whole time i'm thinking i should have doubled back for the bucket of water, so i did.
so i drench the fucking pit and he releases, the owners have him tackled, and this poor lady who was just walking her yorkie down the street is in absolute shock. dog was limp and bleeding. pit probably snapped its neck. blood loss wasn't too major so i'm yelling at this lady to put pressure on the wound just in case the dog still has a chance.
a neighbor happened to be driving up and offered to bring the lady and her dog to the emergency vet which is luckily only a half mile up the road.
my wife was out there sobbing because she imagined what could have happened if the dog grabbed our daughter the same way. told the neighbors she was gonna call the cops if they didn't. an old lady threw a leash in the direction of my wife, i nearly punched that old lady out. they kept swearing their dog was a nice and gentle dog. my other neighbor just shut them the fuck up and said their gentle dog just murdered another dog.
animal control got there 10 minutes later. the poor yorkie was dead. the pit is gonna have to be put down. the neighbors are gonna probably face some pretty nasty criminal charges as well as getting the fuck sued out of them.
i'll be happy to go to court for either a criminal case or a civil one and throw those pit owners right the fuck under the bus. it may be a nice dog and probably is but the owners were negligent and now that poor lady has a dead dog and will be traumatized for life. fuck them
omfg god babey. this is terrifying. i apologize for my shiitty reaction. it was vry rude and ignorant as fck.
Sadlynot really
i was out building a little fence when i saw their pit run off on them at least 3 or 4 times. they have to do magic to corral the dog back every time. they need to just put the fucking dog inside. it should never be out front. he does this at least once a week
a few minutes later, i hear shrieking. at first i assume it's just kids yelling, but the shrieks grow more and more hysterical. so i go out to examine.
fucking pit has a yorkie by the neck, full clench. i know it won't do anything but i smashed the pit with my drill. the whole time i'm thinking i should have doubled back for the bucket of water, so i did.
so i drench the fucking pit and he releases, the owners have him tackled, and this poor lady who was just walking her yorkie down the street is in absolute shock. dog was limp and bleeding. pit probably snapped its neck. blood loss wasn't too major so i'm yelling at this lady to put pressure on the wound just in case the dog still has a chance.
a neighbor happened to be driving up and offered to bring the lady and her dog to the emergency vet which is luckily only a half mile up the road.
my wife was out there sobbing because she imagined what could have happened if the dog grabbed our daughter the same way. told the neighbors she was gonna call the cops if they didn't. an old lady threw a leash in the direction of my wife, i nearly punched that old lady out. they kept swearing their dog was a nice and gentle dog. my other neighbor just shut them the fuck up and said their gentle dog just murdered another dog.
animal control got there 10 minutes later. the poor yorkie was dead. the pit is gonna have to be put down. the neighbors are gonna probably face some pretty nasty criminal charges as well as getting the fuck sued out of them.
i'll be happy to go to court for either a criminal case or a civil one and throw those pit owners right the fuck under the bus. it may be a nice dog and probably is but the owners were negligent and now that poor lady has a dead dog and will be traumatized for life. fuck them
thank you for acknowledging that i am a heroSadly
I love all animals but accept certain tendencies that are genetic
My dogs will always instinctively want to kill things
But pits just snap ...I admire your effort and my heart goes out to the woman