U.S. Constitution


Well-Known Member
perfection is unattainable because.. "what is perfection?"

perfection in one persons eyes won't necessarily mean perfection in someone elses eyes. So why are we trying to force this "Ideal" on everyone? Can't everyone have their own ideal?
Isnt that what living in a free society means?
Perfection is unattainble because ...

If you can't even define it in a simple way then why are you bothering talking about it.

Clearly, the point that our founders were trying to make was that since perfection is unattainable (due to its non-existence) then the most we can ever hope to do is try to be more perfect.

Chuck, you are a fine one to talk about not trying to force your ideal "society" on everyone else.


New Member
Perfection is unattainble because ...

If you can't even define it in a simple way then why are you bothering talking about it.
Because its not a simple matter. You are just making it one,, and that's the problem WE have.

Clearly, the point that our founders were trying to make was that since perfection is unattainable (due to its non-existence) then the most we can ever hope to do is try to be more perfect.
Read what you write carefully. "more perfect". You use that word like you have an idea of what it means.
All we can do is improve. But we can't improve without CHANGE.

Chuck, you are a fine one to talk about not trying to force your ideal "society" on everyone else.
You dont see me creeping ALL your threads do you??


New Member
thats what i thought The Brutal Truth.

You know, your avvy speaks for you well.... you may see a lion in the mirror,,,, but don't forget,,, your still just a kitten.


Well-Known Member
i am dating myself. it goes back to the iranian hostage thing and it was ass wipe with komani's picture of each sheet and the caption was "counter the iatola's movement with a movement of your own" it was pretty funny at the time


New Member
I do remember during the hostage crisis back in the late 70's a kid I went to school with came to school (6th grade I think) wearing a shirt with mickey mouse flipping the finger and it said "hey Iran". Back then the bird flipping shirt was allowed in school. The teachers loved it. The kid wore it once a week. Now he'd be expelled for that shit.


New Member
Sorry jfgordon, but how can you support DuPont when they were a major player in marijuana being made illegal? That's like blasphemy here on the weed site. :bigjoint:

Our government is outdated. It may have worked well at the beginning of the US being formed but now it's all about corruption and filling their own bank accounts. Politicians don't give a flying fuck about Joe Citizen, just about their own cash flow.


Well-Known Member
Sorry jfgordon, but how can you support DuPont when they were a major player in marijuana being made illegal? That's like blasphemy here on the weed site. :bigjoint:

Our government is outdated. It may have worked well at the beginning of the US being formed but now it's all about corruption and filling their own bank accounts. Politicians don't give a flying fuck about Joe Citizen, just about their own cash flow.
And what would you replace it with, miss?

A Tyranny?
A mobocracy?
An Oligarchy?
A Theocracy?
A Monarchy?

Perhaps the problem isn't the form of government, but the people we are electing.

People like Obama, McCain, and the 533 other idiots in Congress that are screwing over the country.


New Member
We need to monitor them more closely. If they accept any money from anyone that is bribery and embezzlement and they are off to jail and we replace them. It might be messy at first but once we get our groove on with it, it'll straighten out. I don't know why it's so hard for elected officials to not accept bribes and gifts. Why can't they do their job they way it is supposed to be done and stop screwing over the citizens.

In any other business (that's what big government is, a business) if someone did what our elected officials do they would be arrested, tried and jailed, yet congress still takes the corruption and runs with it like it's a football.


Well-Known Member
We need to monitor them more closely. If they accept any money from anyone that is bribery and embezzlement and they are off to jail and we replace them. It might be messy at first but once we get our groove on with it, it'll straighten out. I don't know why it's so hard for elected officials to not accept bribes and gifts. Why can't they do their job they way it is supposed to be done and stop screwing over the citizens.

In any other business (that's what big government is, a business) if someone did what our elected officials do they would be arrested, tried and jailed, yet congress still takes the corruption and runs with it like it's a football.
Just jailing them?

I like the Chinese model of dealing with corrupt government officials, execution.

Actually with out government regulation in most businesses bribery would be written off as the cost of doing business in whatever nation it took place in.

By dictating our standards we are ignoring cultural standards of other nations, and our corporations do business in a lot of countries.


New Member
I'm the one that wants to bring back the guillotine and roll that baby on over to washington. I'm fully for executing corrupt officials but when I say kill them all people freak out and say I'm a cold hearted bitch. Yes let's kill them all, cops and lawyers too.


New Member
Our government is outdated. It may have worked well at the beginning of the US being formed but now it's all about corruption and filling their own bank accounts. Politicians don't give a flying fuck about Joe Citizen, just about their own cash flow.

thats all that is being said with this thread.

Still, the calvary or cavlary (or whatever the fuck a pack of horses with patriots waiving flags on top is called) came a runnin.

da da dundun dun dun da da dun dun dun
da da dundun dun dun da da dun dun dun
da da dundun dun dun da da dun dun dun

daa da daaaaaaaaaaaa dadumpdumpdum


New Member
And what would you replace it with, miss?

A Tyranny?
A mobocracy?
An Oligarchy?
A Theocracy?
A Monarchy?
DUDE, why do you always do that?

Why do you need a label? You blatently label yourself with a group that has SET ideas, and you insist that everyone else do the same.

Heres an idea

A Tyranny
A mobocracy
An Oligarchy
A Theocracy
A Monarchy

They all suck! Lets try something NEW

Those are all OLD ways of governing. we need something new for the NEW WORLD we live in

Getting it yet TBT?


Well-Known Member
DUDE, why do you always do that?

Why do you need a label? You blatently label yourself with a group that has SET ideas, and you insist that everyone else do the same.

Heres an idea

A Tyranny
A mobocracy
An Oligarchy
A Theocracy
A Monarchy

They all suck! Lets try something NEW

Those are all OLD ways of governing. we need something new for the NEW WORLD we live in

Getting it yet TBT?
Are you advocating a form of government that has yet to be thought of yet? I don't see a way that any country will thrive outside of a mixed-economy, republican form of government for any length of time. Any suggestions?


New Member
Are you advocating a form of government that has yet to be thought of yet? I don't see a way that any country will thrive outside of a mixed-economy, republican form of government for any length of time. Any suggestions?
this is a step by step process. You can't just suddenly know how to change everything for the better just like that.
You have to start somewhere. see where it takes you. follow it if it works, start over new if it doesnt.

And I think the first step in the process would be to change the TYPE of people we are electing.
Businessmen, lawyers, executives... We keep electing all these "monocle bearing" tycoons who run our country like a game of monopoly. Dishonest and greedy people take these jobs because they know that the more they can manipulate people the more money they can make. they used dirty under-handed tactics to turn a dirty buck. These people steal hard earned dollars from hard working people and hoard it until they die where the government takes it or next of kin which is normally a gold digging wife that has never worked a day in her life. Why do either of these people deserve all that money that they can use to buy a better quality of life? What is this saying about our society?


Well-Known Member
this is a step by step process. You can't just suddenly know how to change everything for the better just like that.
You have to start somewhere. see where it takes you. follow it if it works, start over new if it doesnt.

And I think the first step in the process would be to change the TYPE of people we are electing.
Businessmen, lawyers, executives... We keep electing all these "monocle bearing" tycoons who run our country like a game of monopoly. Dishonest and greedy people take these jobs because they know that the more they can manipulate people the more money they can make. they used dirty under-handed tactics to turn a dirty buck. These people steal hard earned dollars from hard working people and hoard it until they die where the government takes it or next of kin which is normally a gold digging wife that has never worked a day in her life. Why do either of these people deserve all that money that they can use to buy a better quality of life? What is this saying about our society?
So what line of work do you prefer our representatives to come from?


New Member
So what line of work do you prefer our representatives to come from?
i dont prefer an occupation. that doesnt even make sense.

the only thing i prefer is someone with a good sense of morals and a good sense of how things work.

i am feeling some hostility? I'm just getting sick of the greed for money and power. two things that are useless when you die, yet somehow it overcomes so many.